Smash Lord
If I knew how to edit specific parts of data to reach a conclusion, I would, but I don't understand what the numbers are supposed to signify, so I'm doing all that I know how to do and changing the entire data file to see what general behaviors the CPU's exhibit. I took a look at dantarion's document, but from the looks of it, the data sheet seems to be a compilation of how the moves themselves work, but not how the CPU determines when to use said moves.did i mention that dantarion has the atkd files documented already
we need to get the data categories documented before we move on to something else. we also need to stop randomly filling large ranges of data with random numbers. it doesnt accomplish anything
One thing from the past session I was really interested in is the test where Jab3 was substituted with taunt and when the CPU was tested, it would often do jab1-jab2 but never use jab3. If the CPU really uses a roulette wheel to choose what action to take, we can find a way to assign very low values to moves that we don't want the CPU's to be using so that the CPU will have a higher chance of using good moves and a lower chance of using bad moves. It appears that we won't be able to do that, though, until we document the data as you said.
If I haven't already said this before, I'll acknowledge now that I know next to nothing about manipulating the data we have. I've been trying to teach myself about this, but without the knowledge to constructively tinker with the data, I can't accomplish much. I do want to move this project forward, though, so helping out would be much appreciated.
Looks like documenting the data seems to be our top priority now. Everyone is welcome to help out with this, but if anyone is kind enough to lead me in the right direction to contribute to this myself, I would be incredibly grateful.