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Advanced Techniques in Brawl


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2007
New England
The main problem I have with wavedashing is that, with the way things are now in Melee, I feel that it hurts the balance of the game. I mean, how could it not? The game designers didn't consider it when they designed the characters, and it doesn't even affect all characters evenly.

For example, let's look at Bowser vs. Fox. (Obviously, there's a heck of a lot more than a bad wavedash keeping Bowser out of the major leagues, but just bear with me for a minute here.) By taking advantage of wavedashing, Fox can open up whole new avenues for mindgames, controlling his spacing, etc. Bowser is denied this privelage. As a result of this, even if Bowser and Fox had been balanced against one another to begin with, Fox now simply has greater base potential than Bowser due to the unforseen factor of the wavedash.

Obviously, the designers are going to try to improve the balance of the cast for Brawl. But how are they going to do it with wavedashing in mind? They can't very well ignore it again, now that they know what it means. So what are their options?

Well, they could fully embrace wavedashing as a part of the game, and give each fighter custom wavedash mechanics. Bowser could be given a much longer wavedash, and now he can be sliding around with the best of 'em. His moveset would be rebalanced a little with this new ability in mind (as would Fox's, for that matter), and everyone would live happily ever after, right?

But it's nowhere near that simple. I think Jumanji said it the best:
WD is an anomaly in Smash. Smash is a game that is NOT about memorizing button combonation. It is a game that tries to force it's players to think beyond how to do special moves and more on how to put incredibly simply moves together in a way to be effective. WD is the only exception to this; A move that can be achieved only by performing an unatural combonation of buttons with the correct timing. It just doesn't fit into the game.
Wavedashing simply does not fit the design philosophy of Super Smash Bros, and they would be contradicting themselves by focusing on it like this. They can't very well just keep it hidden now that they've made it a fundamental game mechanic, but are they supposed to now put wavedashing in all the instruction manuals? What'll happen when the casual crowd sees it and can't understand why they've suddenly tried to make the game so complicated? And what if a lot of characters were to be designed such that they need to wavedash a lot to play properly at any level? They would risk alienating their primary audience. It's just not going to happen.

Alternately, they could leave wavedashing mechanics the way they are now and just balance around it. To compensate for his inability to preform wavedash-related feats, Bowser could be buffed in other ways, getting more speed and power, and Fox could stay more or less the same. But this is barely better than the first option. Now, in a battle between casual players who know nothing about the wavedash (whether you like it or not, this is the primary audience these games have in mind), Bowser is the overpowered one. And why should Fox have to work twice as hard as Bowser to fight at the same level? Even if Bowser becomes a tournament-viable character, I can imagine the social stigmas developing: elitist long-time smashers saying how Bowser is a noob character and people only play him because they don't want to work at improving themselves with advanced techniques with the "real" characters.

The easiest thing from a pure balance perspective is to take out wavedashing entirely, but I think the downsides to this have been covered quite extensively in this thread already.

So it's not just as simple as "should we leave wavedashing in or take it out". The developers need to grapple between pleasing both the casual players and the dedicated competitive smashers, all while sticking to a unified design philosophy. It's a difficult thing to manage.

And as for me? Well, a month or two ago, I probably would have told you that they should just take out wavedashing and be done with it. But I've come to understand the issue a little better now, so here's what I think: My prediction is that they'll leave wavedashing in the game, but they'll try to reduce its emphasis as much as possible. The new faster dodges are a good example of this. They don't singularly replace the wavedash, but they're still much better for spacing than the old rolls, and characters with poor wavedashes especially will get a lot of benefit out of them. And remember those animations everyone was analyzing back on page 28? I submit to you that Mario and Wario aren't wavedashing, but are simply hitting the ground and running. What if they just took out the stun associated with the landing frames and let you keep moving as soon as you hit the ground? That would make real wavelanding not seem so out of place, wouldn't it?

True wavedashing might still be a factor in tournament play even with changes like these, but it would greatly diminish the rift between casual and competitive play. Competitive players will be better at things everyone is familiar with, rather than prying completely new and secret techniques out of the game against the designers' intentions. It seems like it would be a good compromise between the two sides.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Wow, that's a really long post, Wyvern...

Anyway, I don't know if I stated this in this thread earlier, but it seems that whatever the move is, there is a really awesome "ground dodge" or something for quick movement and evasion. Just watch the second trailer after the newcomers show up...Meta Knight and Pit, Pit and Wario, and a few others...they slide on the ground really quick to get to the other side...

It's not really a roll either, as they do not roll, they merely step around the person and it's SO much faster than a roll...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
if people were meant to slide instead of walk/run... we wouldnt have legs

take out wd

game over &*^$#es


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
if people were meant to slide instead of walk/run... we wouldnt have legs

take out wd

game over &*^$#es

Amazing point you make, why didn't anyone else think of that...

How about you put up a good debate and say something like the longer posts.

Just another point to make, are you any good at the game?

Back to the topic, wavedash helped balence out a lot of characters to. I mean, without wavedashing luigi would lose a LOT of his perks.. Wavedash is also the reason that IC's can even approach. And it does not make characters that much better, fox had no wavedash in SSB, but he sure as hell could take on bowser.. Fact is, I could beat pretty much anyone w/o wavedash, if I could beat them with it. SHHFL is SOO much more important, wavedash just adds to the movement..

of course, I dont count the ICes when I say SHHFL is better!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2007
Avon, CT, U.S.A.
What if they just took out the stun associated with the landing frames and let you keep moving as soon as you hit the ground? That would make real wavelanding not seem so out of place, wouldn't it?
Personally, I don't like that idea. First off, landing lag is kinda, uh, realistic. But, second, wavelanding does, in some way, make a little more sense than wavedashing. Wavelanding seems more correct in a physics sense than wavedashing because you're swooping down at an angle. It's still unrealistic, but I hope wavelanding stays.
The new faster dodges are a good example of this. They don't singularly replace the wavedash, but they're still much better for spacing than the old rolls, and characters with poor wavedashes especially will get a lot of benefit out of them.
Now, those could add a little more balancing. If you continue your comparison of Bowser versus Fox, faster dodging would help out Bowser a lot more. Thing is, they shouldn't make Bowser any faster; part of the joy (or horror) of Smash is overcoming your faults and amplifying your strengths to win. Gimpyfish's Bowser is awesome 'cuz he knows how to employ his strengths to their full potential while minimizing the effects of his weaknesses.
Everything's about balancing out the game. I'm sure we will enjoy the fruits of Sakurai's labor come December (well, at least for those in the US)


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Um...wow. Back and forth the debate goes. After reading this thread for a bit, I have to put my two cents in. Not that I really expect anyone to pay much attention to it....

First off, I'll admit to the world, in comparison to the rest of you, I'm a total n00b. I main Link (not a top tier character), I can't WD and I'm just barely starting to get the hang of Shffling. I play honorably (not only because I'm not a master but because my friends and I agree that it's a lot more fun than just some top tier master owning everyone and bragging) and I don't obsess over the game. (the only one I do is LoZ, but that's a different topic.)

However, despite these facts, I implore you to listen to my arguments and try not to sit there and start spewing your regular (for some of you) "YOU ARE A N00B! STFU!"

I honestly don't think WD should be in the game at all. Not for the reason that I don't use it, but because of the reason that all of the other mechanics are in the game for a reason. Rolling has lag at the end and a defined distance for a reason. It's to balance things out. It's to put limitations on characters and make things a bit more fun. Another thing is that Super Smash Brothers strikes me as a game where any player can pick it up and learn to play it fairly decently at least in no time at all. It's a fairly simple game to master and its the neck-and-neck fights that really make this game worth playing INHO.

And as for Demon machinE, I really feel for you that you can't play honorably. Sure, playing like you do will win you tournements, and basically let you stand undefeated, but when it comes down to what Super Smash is all about, it drains the fun out of the game when you will use any tactic to win.

Okay, I'm done.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2007
I really think the best argument against WD is that it goes against the overall philosophy of Smash Bros: having a very simple control scheme antithetical to the standard button-combo-twitch-fests like MK, Killer Instinct, etc. Wavedashing just doesn't fit into the game's overall mechanical philosophy, and it's something that they certainly wouldn't put in the instruction book for the reason Wyvern pointed out. I think it should be gone, and players should be balanced with that in mind. Lag can be reduced and other measures taken to make sure that the game is still balanced and competitive.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
True dat dude.

I mean, nothing against the tourney players, hell, against them I'd get creamed, but you guys should learn to adapt at least.

God knows I'll probably need to in Brawl...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
Amazing point you make, why didn't anyone else think of that...

How about you put up a good debate and say something like the longer posts.

Just another point to make, are you any good at the game?

Back to the topic, wavedash helped balence out a lot of characters to. I mean, without wavedashing luigi would lose a LOT of his perks.. Wavedash is also the reason that IC's can even approach. And it does not make characters that much better, fox had no wavedash in SSB, but he sure as hell could take on bowser.. Fact is, I could beat pretty much anyone w/o wavedash, if I could beat them with it. SHHFL is SOO much more important, wavedash just adds to the movement..

of course, I dont count the ICes when I say SHHFL is better!
u talk good **** for being on the internet


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Hey, hey, stop the flaming. He's entitled to his opinion, just as I am mine and you are yours. Keep things nice, K?

WTF am I doing? I'm not the moderator...


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I'm glad people are playing honorably and putting their all in each game. It gets annoying when people play dishonorably--sandbagging, ignoring openings, etc.

A question to those who say WDing is "unnatural" or alienates beginners: do you think Melee should've had L-canceling? What do you think of it now?


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2005
Hey guys, in the E3 showing, when DK was landing, he moved slightly to the left.

OMG! WAVEDASHING IS IN BRAWL!!!!1111!!!11oneoneoneShiftkeyone!!!!eleventyone


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Er....I didn't quite catch that...

And as for L-cancelling, I both agree and disagree with it. I mean, it's fairly good because it's easy to learn, but again, lag is in the game for a reason. It's not meant to be some stepping stone to get around.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2006
Amherst, MA
First of all, you need to calm the **** down, Testament. Along with an embarrassing amount of others, you seem to have forgotten it's a video game we're talking about here, along with your manners.

Second of all, I'm not really sure how "essential" wavedashing is to the game. Ask yourself this: Before you could wavedash, did you hate the game? Were you incapable of playing the game? Did it take wavedashing to get you your first KO? How about your fifth? Eighty-fifth?

Seriously folks, chill.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
As I said before, I like AND dislike L-cancelling.

And frankisvital makes a good point. Super Smash Bros. was an awesome game long before WDing hit the scene. It's not essential.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Of course WD doesn't make the game. No one's saying that no wavedashing will kill Brawl. In fact, it seems like the anti-WD crowd is using that argument, not the pro-WD side.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
I think they better keep everything, and add more...
because thats what they did from Original smash to Melee
Except melee's hit sound effects arent as good xD
but Air attack cancelling has been there...
then they added in stuff like dodging and new techniques

So brawl should do the same right?


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I meant that no one in the pro-WD side is saying that Brawl absolutely depends on wavedashing, and instead, it seems like the anti-WD side is the one arguing that wavedashing would kill Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 27, 2006
First of all, you need to calm the **** down, Testament. Along with an embarrassing amount of others, you seem to have forgotten it's a video game we're talking about here, along with your manners.

Second of all, I'm not really sure how "essential" wavedashing is to the game. Ask yourself this: Before you could wavedash, did you hate the game? Were you incapable of playing the game? Did it take wavedashing to get you your first KO? How about your fifth? Eighty-fifth?

Seriously folks, chill.
who the hell are u?


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
He/she's a poster.

And thanks for clearing that up greenblob. I'm not saying it will kill Brawl, but I would be happier if it wasn't in. If it is, my only hope is that 1) It's slightly easier to use and 2) Link can WD farther. (Seeing as how he's like...the second shortest WD)


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
Um...wow. Back and forth the debate goes. After reading this thread for a bit, I have to put my two cents in. Not that I really expect anyone to pay much attention to it....

First off, I'll admit to the world, in comparison to the rest of you, I'm a total n00b. I main Link (not a top tier character), I can't WD and I'm just barely starting to get the hang of Shffling. I play honorably (not only because I'm not a master but because my friends and I agree that it's a lot more fun than just some top tier master owning everyone and bragging) and I don't obsess over the game. (the only one I do is LoZ, but that's a different topic.)

However, despite these facts, I implore you to listen to my arguments and try not to sit there and start spewing your regular (for some of you) "YOU ARE A N00B! STFU!"

I honestly don't think WD should be in the game at all. Not for the reason that I don't use it, but because of the reason that all of the other mechanics are in the game for a reason. Rolling has lag at the end and a defined distance for a reason. It's to balance things out. It's to put limitations on characters and make things a bit more fun. Another thing is that Super Smash Brothers strikes me as a game where any player can pick it up and learn to play it fairly decently at least in no time at all. It's a fairly simple game to master and its the neck-and-neck fights that really make this game worth playing INHO.

And as for Demon machinE, I really feel for you that you can't play honorably. Sure, playing like you do will win you tournements, and basically let you stand undefeated, but when it comes down to what Super Smash is all about, it drains the fun out of the game when you will use any tactic to win.

Okay, I'm done.

I'm a GREAT link, and just because u dont use it doesnt mean it shouldnt be there at all should it? i mean, everyone can wavedash... so it doesnt really hurt the game at all. Link, i admit, should not wavedash... atleast on a regular basis. but link has other advantages like his projectiles.. and his sword,quick kicks, and hook. You just HAVE to know when to use them! Link requires Balance. And i'm also SICK of the stupid "U ARE A N00B" Thing too.
Even if they were, don't put them down... competition is gettin low these days..



Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Actually, if you read the thread again, I never said WD shouldn't be in the game because I can't use it. That would be selfish reasoning and I don't like to think that way. I'm saying it shouldn't be in the game because there's rolling, and that's in the game for a reason. Lag has a purpose surprisingly enough.

The Hypnotist

Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Pinole, California (The Bay Area)
Um...wow. Back and forth the debate goes. After reading this thread for a bit, I have to put my two cents in. Not that I really expect anyone to pay much attention to it....

First off, I'll admit to the world, in comparison to the rest of you, I'm a total n00b. I main Link (not a top tier character), I can't WD and I'm just barely starting to get the hang of Shffling. I play honorably (not only because I'm not a master but because my friends and I agree that it's a lot more fun than just some top tier master owning everyone and bragging) and I don't obsess over the game. (the only one I do is LoZ, but that's a different topic.)

However, despite these facts, I implore you to listen to my arguments and try not to sit there and start spewing your regular (for some of you) "YOU ARE A N00B! STFU!"

I honestly don't think WD should be in the game at all. Not for the reason that I don't use it, but because of the reason that all of the other mechanics are in the game for a reason. Rolling has lag at the end and a defined distance for a reason. It's to balance things out. It's to put limitations on characters and make things a bit more fun. Another thing is that Super Smash Brothers strikes me as a game where any player can pick it up and learn to play it fairly decently at least in no time at all. It's a fairly simple game to master and its the neck-and-neck fights that really make this game worth playing INHO.

And as for Demon machinE, I really feel for you that you can't play honorably. Sure, playing like you do will win you tournements, and basically let you stand undefeated, but when it comes down to what Super Smash is all about, it drains the fun out of the game when you will use any tactic to win.

Okay, I'm done.
He makes a great point, the roll was there for a reason, they didn't expect luigi t slide a million miles. However, you don't like people just playing high tiers.

If wavedashing was gone Luigi would be terrible, possilby worse than Kirby, the Ice Climbers wouldn't be able to approach, Samus would suck because of her terrible roll, it would make tiers stand out more and less good characters.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
Allright, ya got me there. Maybe instead of bringing back WD, they could improve some of the other character's flaws? It's just a suggestion. Working within the rules of the game.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Actually, if you read the thread again, I never said WD shouldn't be in the game because I can't use it. That would be selfish reasoning and I don't like to think that way. I'm saying it shouldn't be in the game because there's rolling, and that's in the game for a reason. Lag has a purpose surprisingly enough.
Again, wavedashing doesn't replace rolling. If wavedashing didn't exist, the situations in which people would wavedash wouldn't turn into situations in which people would roll--you'd walk or dash instead.


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
So Luigi and other characters are SUPPOSED to slide like fifteen feet?

Sorry, but I seriously don't think so.

And okay, fine, instead of rolling, they'd walk/dash instead. It still doesn't support WD. There are other ways to work within the bounderies of the game without using a technique that doesn't really seem to fit anyways.

Sephiroth M

Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2007
Marsing, ID
since wavedashing is basically short hop air dodge sideways, they would have to take the very things that make up wavedashing


Smash Lord
Jul 9, 2007
Central New York
No. A short hop air dodge sideways is still an air dodge. WD seems to be something completely different. While in execution the two are similar, the end result is different.


Smash Ace
Sep 6, 2006
Well it would be easy to take out WDing while leaving it's components intact, just make it so that you actually airdodge across the ground similar to how you can airdodge against a wall.

Also this playing with honor stuff just isn't fun for me. It just seems to result into a slow boring rolling game, and even though I didn't even use honor or whatever (I edgeguarded and umm played to win) before advanced techs, it really wasn't any fun. This was about 3 years after I got the game. Now that I do know advanced techs, the game has become fresh again.


Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Performing aerial bombing raids on the Marth forum
In all honesty I think wavedashing was a feature that was added into the game to quickly land, but the developers didn't focus too much on it to realize how broken the gameplay was.

In almost every fighting game, the developers attempt to create some type of system to prevent players from infinitely attacking another player. Thats why in smash bros a player can't constantly attack a player on the ground or wall in certain situations. Even though this glitch was overlooked, it took many players 5 or 6 years to notice it.

The staff making smash bros are major fans of the game. If anyone can see what is wrong with the game, it is them. I'm sure they already explained to Sakurai how broken the game is, causing a character like Fox to reflect someone into the wall as many times as they want.
I don't think Sakurai was too excited to find out characters like Kirby and Bowser are no match to Falco or Sheik. So if he has decided to balance all of the characters, I'm sure he is going to develope a way to balance all of the players. One simple way to do that is to remove wavedashing.

Whenever I see someone constantly wavedash, I am in disbelief of how broken the character looks. The player spazes out of control and slides about. Forget about using wavedashing for a moment because we have all used it before. Watch a match with two wavedashers and just go into the creator's mind for a moment. Watch how the characters constantly jerk around and spend many seconds in match actually not attacking each other. What do you think Sakurai is thinking now? I doubt he's impressed, if anything he's disappointed about how his fans exploited a glitch and overused it.

Sakurai has mentioned how he wants to balance the game, he even chuckled at fans who believe the game will not be changed. He seems like a nice guy, but I'm positive he wants to get back at everyone that broke his game. He wants to make this game fun, and I can personally tell you that wavedashing is not fun, it is a choir. Sure everyone can respond and act like it isn't a problem for them. But I believe everyone has had the most fun with the game when they actually played it for fun, rather than to win. To win, you must use wavedashing, to have fun is to actually develope the skill to outwit your opponent without inserting several extra buttons to slide over one step.

Seriously, running and jumping is so much more fun than jamming on the joystick and triggers to slide. Sakurai is watching us, he knows what we have done to his game and he is ready to change things back to the way they used to be.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
_the_sandman_ said:
Forget about using wavedashing for a moment because we have all used it before. Watch a match with two wavedashers and just go into the creator's mind for a moment...What do you think Sakurai is thinking now? I doubt he's impressed, if anything he's disappointed about how his fans exploited a glitch and overused it.
Replace "wavedashing" with "Z-canceling" and "wavedashers" with "Z-cancelers."


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
Jeez, i feel stupid about what i sed before xD

You live in virginia. Theres no reason why you shouldn't have competition. You're surrounded by a lot of pros
yah, too bad they don't host any tournaments in sova.
so me n my cousin are.


and im agreeing with the whole luigi thing
WDing wasnt an intentional technique... but it does help
if luigi couldnt use his traction toward his advantage, it'd make Fox vs Luigi 0-10
due to.... ahem.. "Teh SHINE"

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Whenever I see someone constantly wavedash, I am in disbelief of how broken the character looks. The player spazes out of control and slides about. Forget about using wavedashing for a moment because we have all used it before. Watch a match with two wavedashers and just go into the creator's mind for a moment. Watch how the characters constantly jerk around and spend many seconds in match actually not attacking each other. What do you think Sakurai is thinking now? I doubt he's impressed, if anything he's disappointed about how his fans exploited a glitch and overused it.
Wavedashing didn't break the game. How many Peach players do you see wavedash? How much does Ken wavedash? If everyone can wavedash than why are some characters better than others? The game was not imbalanced because of wavedashing.

Also, I like wavedashing with Mario and Luigi. It is more fun wavedashing with them then jumping around (especially Luigi and his floatiness, it is not even fun to run with him. :(). In the future, please do not tell me and other people what would be more fun for us in such an authoritative tone. Thanks :)
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