I don't see any problem with Espy picking up Wolf for Lucario. He's going from a mid tier character to a mid tier character. I don't see what the issue is.
The issue is (I think) Lucario doesn't beat Sonic, and in that regard it's just like any other matchup you have to work with if you want to (and can) win.
Though don't get me wrong, I'm not attacking Espy as a player or as a person, and I could understand if he was counterpicking one character to have an easier time...
But at the same time, if it doesn't
need to be done, why do it?
Or why not @#$% da BS and go MK?
Espy, I'm not going to let you get away with this. After saturday and my days are free due to SAT exam studying
sort of, I'm going to gather a helluva lot of frame-data... and yes, I'll get some of the variables no thanks to Aura. It'll take me a while, but I won't stand to let our best players go out like this! This goes for everybody else too, but it's even worse because if you can't do it, how will people like me take it? ;~;
If I can gather hard-evidence that there's a window of time to attack, and there's no excuse for losing other than admitting you're not a better player, will you do it...? Please? How about if I
paid you to win against Trela's Lucario? All I'd need is your mailing address, and video evidence that it's a tourney match, or with something along the line, and we could negotiate something.
I can feel it, I just haven't gathered concrete data to prove this matchup is doable.
Let me ask everybody this. Haven't you noticed that whenever a Lucario Dairs your shield that you have just enough time to Fair/Uair OoS?
That's the most obvious example I think, and I know there are more, but nobody
Or perhaps not a handful of people have figured out where the lag is.
It may not even just be aerials OoS, wouldn't it be great if Sonic could UTilt Dair OoS? That move racks up a decent amount of damage, and at later percents kills, making Lucario Dairing Sonic's shield a risk... It may even actually be a frame-disadvantage for him (I just haven't found out if it is/ how much of one). I don't think I need to mention it either, but if UTilt can
kill, that would already help alleviate one major problem in this matchup.
... I already know for sure that Lucario's DTilt is not safe on block (for him). I had a thread that recorded it, now's a good time and excuse to update it...
... But enough babbling to myself.
Biggest priorities for me should be UTilt (since I said I'd do it), Fair, Nair, Bair, FTilt, FSmash, Aura Sphere (this will be a joy...), Jabs 1, 2, and 3... and just for the hell of it, Force Palm Flame.
... 11 moves, varying amounts of power due to aura... I have to look for 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200%, with 5 different accounts of stocks... If my math is pinpoint that's 11 x 5 x 5 which is...
Espy~! I'll hold this on to you! No good, no good at all~!!