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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You can fair, uair, AND utilt Lucario out of his dair.
I've done all of those to Trela at one point or another.
Yes sir, you may have done it, but have they been consistent? If the answer is yes, then perfect, there may afterall be enough time for it to be done... but if the answer is no, then we're back to square 1.

Either way, I'll get the numbers, to make sure that it's Lucario that has a frame-(dis)advantage, and not Trela. I don't want anybody else to suffer for my miscalculations/laziness.

You know, because... humans make mistakes every now and then...

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I've uair and faired him consistently out of dair.
I've only tried utilt once, because missing it or Trela DI'ing properly means I get hit with a fair, dair, uair, bair, utilt, or grab.

We've actually done a chain to such an extreme, where I hit him, he smash DI's and dairs, which I smash DI and fair, which he smash DIs and dairs again.

It's ridiculous.

Here's a problem though. Does this get the kill when it's NEEDED?
No. All it does it put you both back at a neutral position, and gives Lucario just a little more juice to kill you with.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Stuff about S/DI

More stuff reminding me [Kinzer] about when these things will kill/etc.
So I suppose at that point it becomes a matter of whether or not your opponent is going to SDI your UTilt?

Sounds fine by me. It is humanly possible, and I never did deny that this matchup was horrible because Sonic just gets outclassed everything but defense (which both characters have, no thanks to Brawl's stupid engine, but I'm not going to get on that).

I was just considering any and all options, since it's fairly obvious you'll need @#$%ing anything you can take.

Though, will it really be needed? I wonder...

Espy, you clearly have the most experience out of any of us. Tell me, what move/s get you the most kills? Bair? Nair? Fair? Uair? UTilt? FTilt? FSmash? DSmash? USmash? UThrow? Dair? ASC?

Before you answer that though, let me tell you why I ask. I'm almost certain that the first one will take majority. Not only does it have the power (or at least, at an (un?)reasonably high %), but it's probably Sonic's safest and quickest too.

All the others IMO can either be S/DI'd (Fair, USmash, U-Throw, UTilt, ASC), are highly situational (Dair, Uair, USmash(?)), are only used as punishment; otherwise they leave Sonic too open (FSmash, DSmash, USmash, UTilt), or simply don't have the power to match anything else that's good about the move (FTilt, Fair, Uair, Uthrow, ASC), and et cetera. The aerials are in a class all on their own for only having pseudo follow-ups from Spin Dash Jump, but even then it becomes a guessing game of predicting which way the opponent DI'd... Up, in front of, behind, or into Sonic? At the very least, they have something going for them other than one good trait. follow-ups~!

I haven't even gotten to why certain moves specifically, are bad. Everybody knows why Dair is situational, everybody realizes ASC will never kill because that's one of the only ways Sonic can rack up any sort of damage (safely?), and the list goes on; this is just one of the reasons Sonic has trouble, he doesn't have anything but a semi-weak B-air that is reliable.

... If anybody (seriously) suggests Homing Attack, I will kill you. That only works once in a Blue Moon, and after that, it will never land again. Especially not with Lucario who has hitboxes everywhere, SNufgisbhguilshbuw.

I believe the key to winning this match is to force Lucario to attack, then attack when he's still recovering. Yes, it's mostly down to the player scaring him into attack, or getting those lucky hits in, but that's it. If Sonic where just slightly slower in both movement and attack speed, he'd be no better than going Ganon... thankfully though, that's the winning ticket. Again IMO, but I think once I get the data everybody else will be able to see it too.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
only way to really beat lucario is to hit him offstage and then hold onto the stage and rack as much damage as possible as you punish his up b landing. and punish his attempts to wall cling.

also. espy. why would you pick wolf of all characters to beat lucario... i mean, if you wanted to play fox against him... then I could see where youre coming from.

but wolf? you buggin kid. plus all of your non sonic character are super garbs anyway.

better idea. you play lucario dont you? why dont you just lucario ditto? every lucario main HATES lucario dittoes.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Lucario's aura isn't an issue if you just.....
Camp for 7 minutes
dash grab
up throw
camp for 57 seconds
double jump
air dodge

The general idea is that you don't actually have to kill him. I would just get a comfortable lead and then he has to approach me.


Smash Hero
Sep 18, 2006
SA-Town, Texas
I think a major issue Espy is having is that he's forced to use fsmash/bair as punish moves. ALOT of the time fsmash/bair is used at like 90%-110% and Trela will live, and now his kill move is stale. I know that if his bair is already stale, he'll use it as his way of edge guarding and hitting Trela back off stage. Although he's building up damage, he's not able to kill til around 170%-200% EVERY STOCK.

Aura beating iSDR makes yoshi's/picto worthless counterpicks :(

This may just be player based and not really pertain to the MU itself, but Trela is VERY good at powershielding. When Espy charges spindash, Trela will do something (charge aura, dash, etc). When he seems to be a bad spot, Espy does spindash. Powershield -> Roll. Then Espy is stuck in a terrible spot on the other side of the stage, and Trela goes mad aggressive and builds up damage fast.

I've watched them play every set they've done (except this past weekend) and, even though I don't use Sonic or know how to control him, the matchup simply looks unwinnable to me. Espy is very smart. He had issues with tornado in 08, found ways around it. He had MU issues with G&W and Marth. He's comfortable in them now. He's tried EVERYTHING he can think of against Luacrio (including just about every CP available).

Lucario just seems unbeatable :(


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
From WAYYYY back in the day, I just wanna say I called it when I said Lucario was Sonic's hardest MU.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Back in the day, I called Lucario, Falco, Meta Knight, Diddy Kong, Peach, and Luigi Sonic's hardest MUs.
Times have changed. Yup.

Again Trent, it's silly to think otherwise about Lucario when the general mechanics of both characters compliment the abilities of one of them.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
It's all because of that **** Aura.

1) Sonic and Lucario go fine when Lucario's at low %
2) Lucario gets higher %
3) Sonic starts getting owned by Aura
4) That's okay, you got a kill move off
5) Lucario didn't die, well now you're even more ****ed.

The fact that Lucario's Aura grows the higher % he gets + the fact that Sonic can't kill = Major flaw in match up.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Even better is when and if you DO manage the first KO, now you have to repeat that entire process all over again.

Except this time, he starts off STRONGER than he did on his previous stock.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
If you can avoid that aura/range for the next 5-6 minutes, then sure, knock yourself out.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
most descriptions I see about this matchup seem to include sonic using a kill move on lucario before 150. have you tried not doing that?

sure, lucario at 150 is bad for us, but is it as bad as having him max out on the aura and still not killing him for 30-50%?

also, im about to put tesh on ignore, the amount of consistent stupid in his post is really starting to irk me.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I remember slamming Trela with a fsmash at well over 130% once. Little ****er somehow managed to survive it.

Even fresh, our moves won't KO much earlier than they would if we use them around the 100% mark.

I've tried conserving my KO moves, but sometimes, those moves are the best punishers I've got. Our tilts and specials all all trumped by his range.

Dash attack is pretty good so long as he doesn't fire off an aura sphere.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
try harder.

when I was in my metaknight phase, I would never use down smash. and because I always saved it, it killed stupid early.

it may be the best move for the situation but you might have to just run away for the moment and not f smash for the punish if you know its gonna screw you over later.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I'm 99% sure his Aura stops increasing after 168%.
I don't know the exact value, and that's why I (am going to) use 200% as the last placeholder percent. Whether it's 168 or 172 or 178 or whatever, I know he caps somewhere between 160-180, which is <200.

but wolf? you buggin kid. plus all of your non sonic character are super garbs anyway.

better idea. you play lucario dont you? why dont you just lucario ditto? every lucario main HATES lucario dittoes.
If only because I have a strong desire to see Espy play 100% Sonic, I couldn't agree anymore. I also do not want to have to put up with watching a Lucario ditto, I don't even want to get into why dittos are dumb, and why that ditto MU is dumb in particular.

I think a major issue Espy is having is that he's forced to use fsmash/bair as punish moves. ALOT of the time fsmash/bair is used at like 90%-110% and Trela will live, and now his kill move is stale. I know that if his bair is already stale, he'll use it as his way of edge guarding and hitting Trela back off stage. Although he's building up damage, he's not able to kill til around 170%-200% EVERY STOCK.

This may just be player based and not really pertain to the MU itself, but Trela is VERY good at powershielding. When Espy charges spindash, Trela will do something (charge aura, dash, etc). When he seems to be a bad spot, Espy does spindash. Powershield -> Roll. Then Espy is stuck in a terrible spot on the other side of the stage, and Trela goes mad aggressive and builds up damage fast.

I've watched them play every set they've done (except this past weekend) and, even though I don't use Sonic or know how to control him, the matchup simply looks unwinnable to me. Espy is very smart. He had issues with tornado in 08, found ways around it. He had MU issues with G&W and Marth. He's comfortable in them now. He's tried EVERYTHING he can think of against Luacrio (including just about every CP available).

Lucario just seems unbeatable :(
Ah, but this is usually how the MU is done.

One thing that helps this matchup is Sonic's ability to stay uncommitted and force reactions at the same time.

Yes, it sucks that with every hit we do to him that doesn't kill him, he gets stronger. No, it doesn't help that Sonic already has problems killing. No, it doesn't help that Lucario happens to have a ton of range on his attacks, coupled with some decent shield pushback and shieldstun (assuming you block this guy...).

No matter what one will say though, I am not convinced that it plays any different at the core than any other one of Sonic's disadvantaged-to-neutral matchups in this game.

You pretty much outplay the player.

Sonic's base stats are average at best. Everything he has good going for him is the players willing to work with his attributes. If people only looked at things like that and compared, even Ganon can outclass Sonic with his killpower.

The answer's in the frames, I know it.

Uhm anyway, I should start making hard replies.

Yeah, Bair is usually staled because only that move (aside from Uair) has the range to keep Sonic safe, and the speed to get the job done; plus the damage-racking capabilities. Fair requires you get up right in the opponent's face, and Uair is fairly linear in where it hits, and Lucario won't always be above you; Nevermind that the timing to outspace his Dair directly is strict (but doable!).

FSmash is too slow to use safely, and I've been noticing that a lot from Espy when he plays Trela that he'll try to read his rolls with FSmash, misses, and it just goes downhill from there. I won't even bother nitpicking times it (looks like it) is thrown out simply out of desperation or a messed up input. I'd like to critique Espy and help him out, but at the same time I don't wanna insult him; since I know he's an intelligent person and can figure most of this stuff out by himself. I'll get him the frame data after SATs are done, and if he asks, I/Sonic boards can take a hard look at his videos and point out his flaws. I think he can agree with me that even the best of us can't play perfect 100% of the time.

Regardless, about FSmash...

FSmash is a huge risk for mediocre reward. It still is an idea, but only after you've figured out your opponents' habits and punish, because that's all FSmash is good for in this matchup.

Having that said, we all know Lucario won't be consistently dying anytime before 150%. 130% if you happen to get a nice FSmash read, but unless otherwise...

Which I'll address in the next quote.

Even better is when and if you DO manage the first KO, now you have to repeat that entire process all over again.

Except this time, he starts off STRONGER than he did on his previous stock.
Ah, very good then. At least I'm not alone in thinking that whoever loses the first stock will have a ball of a time. Lucario only happens to have it easier in that department too (nothing new).

I know that you know that if you happen to get the first kill, the only thing you can do at that point is hold on to that stock as long as you possibly can, right? There isn't any way anybody can say that Sonic can get a second kill before he himself ends up dying, and even if he does... *shiver* Double stock down aura boost...

Anyway, now depending on what your damage is at assuming he lost the first stock, you may or may not get killed by any one of his attacks at low percent, because aura does reset itself by that point. It's not much, but it is just a little bit of leeway.

Of course, if you want to make every second count, the goal is to get as much damage in as you can before you die, then repeat the cycle again on the second stock. Otherwise it's just as you said, if you kill him and you don't hit him once, all you've done is given him even more power. It sucks, but that's the way this matchup plays out.

Think of it this way though. You managed to get the first kill, and if you can keep that consistency going then you should not have much trouble doing it one or two more times. Then 5 more times in total assuming a 2/3 set.

[collapse="theorycraft time/assimilation"]Now what I want to know is...

When both of you are down one stock, what's a better idea? Are you to die first, and then kill Lucario so that he gets a 1-stock up Aura deboost, or do you risk riding it out like before and kill him first followed by tacking on as much damage?

Both will have a different process, but the former has different risks. It will only work if you can get the kill on him soon after, otherwise it becomes a dangerous (and failed) guessing game if the next time you kill him; he gets 60-90% damage on you. That's not hard considering that on Lucario's 2nd stock, he'll likely be near the aura cap, which is bad enough.

However, the latter suggests that you are willing to play the guessing game later, because Lucario will have more power at the end, and when it gets to the wire pressure can get to a player and that's less leeway towards the end.

I think however it would just be better to give him that 1-stock down Aura boost, and play as normal. Think about it, you've gotten him down to 1 stock. That itself is an accomplishment, so why not play like you've been doing to get to this point, and carry that gameplay to the bittersweet end? Yes, I'm assuming that a player can stay this consistent throughout a match, and maybe a set.

I can see the logic for intentionally dying first, but then it's ultimately up to the player to decide if he's willing to take the risk of perfect play and keep himself at 0% until Lucario himself goes to his last stock. It's just in this case, there really is no room for error.[/collapse]

[collapse="talking about the mental and physical pressure"]Another thing I want addressed is just how possible this is.

I can advocate for this being done once. Consistency is easier said to perform than it is to acquire though.

So you happen to win the first match... how about the second? Or the third? If you lose the second match, all you've done is wore yourself out, and we all know Lucario doesn't have to put in anywhere near the same amount of work Sonic has to in order to win.

And for just a 2/3 match? How about in Winner's/Loser's/Grand finals? It becomes a matter of doing it X amount of times. best 3 out of 5, and having to win another set? Worst case scenario is that you will have to play fifteen matches and win nine of them.

Is anybody else seeing where I'm going with this?

I should make it clear anyway since that can be interpreted differently.

I'm not specifically encouraging people to not use Sonic for this matchup. I'll be d***ed if I do. I don't care if I'm the only person here willing to do it, but I am not afraid to put in whatever work I have to to get to where I want to be.

No one will stop me from becoming the best (Sonic) player! Anybody who has the same dream can get in line, but if I myself am not willing to play one matchup through and through, I'm giving up on my dream.

... But oh boy, I'm not going to come off arrogant/ignorant here. Some of us here have that same dream. Others have variations of it. I know Goggles just wants to represent himself for example, and...

Well, I can only hope Speed is on the other side and is thinking like I am for the most part. I just really hate speaking on behalf of other people because I don't know that one person like that one person knows themselves. I can only speak for myself 100%, but regardless-

We're all working to get better though, at least that much we can all say "yay" to. We are however, united by this one character; and channeling all our attention to Sonic allows us one way to find ways as players to improve. Others will find different/better ways in other tactics, or characters, but very little relevance here.

I stay here, talking about ideas/strategies to make this matchup a possibility, not only for myself, but for everybody else too. I know Espy is not the only one that struggles, and I'm not saying I have it (much) better than he does. We're only two people dammit, I wish I had a bigger headcount of how many people want to see this done.

... There must be some reason you are here, reading my WoT now.

Is it because you like me?

For the most, I doubt it. That's just a bonus of being a part of this community I bet, and the more likely reason you are willing to put up with me is because you can agree with me that you would be delighted to see Sonic beat the living @#$% out of Lucario (for this case), yes?

If not, why are you reading my WoT again? O_o


So I got a bit off track. I was talking about how a lot can go through one's mind in a certain scenario earlier. Is it really nothing more than a pipe dream that a Sonic will win a set; or grand finals match, against a Lucario?

Supposedly no.

Let me use ratios to prove my idea.

Whether one person says this matchup is 6:4, or 7:3 in favor of Lucario, this means that six or seven times out of ten, Lucario will win. The other three or four times, somehow, Sonic is the victor.

What is it though? Why? How? Everybody assumes it's not an auto-loss, otherwise known as a 100:0 matchup. Nobody has said that, but if Sonic can still win, how does he do it? Why does he do it? Is it truly nothing more than something being overlooked about Lucario's strengths, or Sonic's inherit weaknesses?

If I'm trying to stay optimistic, I'll say it's somewhere between 6:4 and 7:3, and that there is a way to pull the ratio into Sonic's favor, and if the player can stay consistent, make it turn out to be 100:0 in favor of Sonic.

Ridiculous? Call me crazy, but matchup ratios are drawn simply because there is room for error on both accounts, and we are to assume high/top level play. If we were assuming perfect play, then it becomes a stupid debate on how both characters play when neither makes mistakes, and that there can only be 100:0 matchups in favor of the other character with the better stats/frame-data; which in this case is Lucario.

I refuse to let it come to that though, @#$% everybody else that gets in my/Sonic's way. *fist clutch.*

Dreams don't form just to have them die...[/collapse]

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
try harder.

when I was in my metaknight phase, I would never use down smash. and because I always saved it, it killed stupid early.

it may be the best move for the situation but you might have to just run away for the moment and not f smash for the punish if you know its gonna screw you over later.
I'll probably make the attempt to stick to my tilts more often (even though I've kinda tried that already before).

However, keep in mind that Sonic's tilts are just as punishable, if not more so, than his bair, dsmash, or fsmash. Against someone like Lucario, where every single iota of percentage is important, this becomes incredibly difficult to continue up into the higher percents, where tilts get punished with severe consequences.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Sonic vs Lucario >_<

Zucco just wrecks me...Trela wrecked me. Only one i've been able to take to game 3 was June. But still, everything has been explained. You have to do a crapload of work while lucario just sits back and is like "loldamage". I would say its a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry tough match and i agree with kinzer, you have to outplay the player but june/trela/zucco are freaking amazing. Espy...you know i got nothing but respect for you. Yes, tilts are very punishable, but we cant afford to risk our kill moves so early, but if what listening to nike, you should be doing very well...agh. Just keep at it, and if you feel that you gotta switch then...as much as i really dont want you to...then go for it. But i believe you can take him out with Sonic. :bee:

Kinzer, i have nothing but hope to do well and you know that.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
The data will be helpful.
Once I know exactly WHAT I can punish and where with 100% certainty, I feel like I'll be more comfortable with my mobility in the matches.

I know there are times where I can hit him, but I just try to create space instead because I don't want to risk getting punished.

Whatever, I'll give it another go with Sonic.

The games vs. Trela this weekend are getting uploaded, and really, I only lost game 1 because I baired too early, so my foot ended up touching the aura on his dair instead of his body.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Kill Lucario?
How about....
get the lead
shield fsmash
punish with a dash in the other direction
rinse and repeat


Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I think Lucario is easier if you just keep the stocks and percents close. It sounds counter-productive to let him keep up but it essentially means the last stock is the start of the match again.

That's just me. I mean I have like 3 characters I could use to beat Lucario. :metaknight: :luigi2: :fox:


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Lucario >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sonic

Use Sonic's jus have 2 OUTPLAY Lucario's


Wait... vids of Sonic vs Lucario plz?????

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
my vids of my lucario vs kinzer and my sonic vids vs rayku are still floating around YT... you dont have to watch the absolute best people to learn somethings about the matchup.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
hmmmm... wedge posting right after me posting something regarding some of my vids...

I wonder what he could POSSIBLY be saying...

hurp da derp.

go home bad kid.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008

Whats the point of responding to someone you have on ignore? Thats the opposite of ignoring them.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
No sir.

It's bad to assume. :<

Which I assume was/is directed at AWAL.

Even though I'll go ahead and play devil's advocate here and say I'm not that great of a Sonic player so it may not be wise to use me for outliers of any sorts. I put up videos for analysis/critique, really.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Funny, because Wedge didn't mention your name once in his post. Nor were you even hinted at.
Course, you'd know that if you didn't have him on ignore. Doesn't help that you replied to his ignored post assuming you knew what he was talking about. Just made you look dumb.

You silly joker.


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
hmmmm... wedge posting right after me posting something regarding some of my vids...

I wonder what he could POSSIBLY be saying...

hurp da derp.

go home bad kid.
KID. I'm over trolling you. My post was directed at AWAL's horrible grammar equivalent to that of a preschooler. I really don't think you get that I have not said anything negative about you in at least a month, nor have any more than 25% of the comments I have made about you been intended to be taken seriously. I am joking a good 65% of the time I post on the sonic boards. I have nothing personally against you besides something that happened awhile ago that I'm assuming neither of us can recall all that clearly, which doesn't matter much anyhow. If it really angered you that much, I'll even give you an apology.
I'm sorry.
You could continue to be (no offense, just stating my opinion) childish and keep me on ignore and refuse to talk to me, or you could accept the fact that I actually am sorry, take me off of ignore, and stop the hate.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Bleh, I'm only quoting this on request.

Seriously, I hate watching people argue.

KID. I'm over trolling you. My post was directed at AWAL's horrible grammar equivalent to that of a preschooler. I really don't think you get that I have not said anything negative about you in at least a month, nor have any more than 25% of the comments I have made about you been intended to be taken seriously. I am joking a good 65% of the time I post on the sonic boards. I have nothing personally against you besides something that happened awhile ago that I'm assuming neither of us can recall all that clearly, which doesn't matter much anyhow. If it really angered you that much, I'll even give you an apology.
I'm sorry.
You could continue to be (no offense, just stating my opinion) childish and keep me on ignore and refuse to talk to me, or you could accept the fact that I actually am sorry, take me off of ignore, and stop the hate.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Internet fights are funny, Kinzer.

Wedge why does it matter if KID reads your posts?


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Internet fights are funny, Kinzer.

Wedge why does it matter if KID reads your posts?
I hope you don't mean haha funny now, because I'm missing the joke if that's the case. :/

But of course, I think I may be one of few, if not the only person, that thinks that having good relations with everybody is nothing short of essential.

... I've been through enough to know that once you close a door, it's very hard to open it after it's been shut.

... Urgh, nevermind, I'll spare the WoT this time around. As long as this gets resolved, I don't need to worry... I guess...

Even though I'll still be a bit concerned, because I'm an idiot like that. Oh well?


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
Internet fights are funny, Kinzer.

Wedge why does it matter if KID reads your posts?
It doesn't even matter if he reads my posts. And talking to him on aim wouldn't be a bad thing either, but it's not like I'll die or some **** if he doesn't talk to me. The problem is every time if I even make a post, he makes a million assumptions and gets defensive to the point where he feels he has to insult me when I never even mentioned him in the post in the first place.

Oh well, I'll just sit here and wait to see if he replies or not. If not, I'll just stop trying to make ammends with him.
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