At first there was only one Brawl TV there so there wouldn't have been time for pools or anything, so for that we agreed to no money. Then we got more TVs but it had already been decided that there'd be no money.
The TO was stressed and not thinking straight either, and on top of that, the free entry was incentive for Melee players to join, otherwise they wouldn't have. I joined in on Melee as well and scored 9th there.
If anything, this was a pride tournament like Japan tends to have. I was content either way. Some were disappointed because of the sudden chnage like SuPeRbOoM because of the false advertising as he travels a ways to get there. He forfeit because of it, Alphicans had to leave early and forfeit, and KillL0ck decided to forfeit to play Melee and test how the rest of the scene would do fighting for the top if the main top 3 weren't in. Very interesting results that go to show that everyone is close to evenly matched. I outplayed two higher PR ranked players and then rematched T-block in Loser Finals. Close Diddy vs. Sonic matches when he finally decided to ditch Pokémon Trainer.
The only person I missed was KillL0ck so I'm happy.