Dude Other ppl understand me...
& If u don't understand what I'm saying u could always just you know... IGNORE ME/caps
Jeez ppl these days
When I get on smashboards I'm like to type in the most simplest way possible. SO what if I'm using terrible grammar and misspelling words. If I want to type like a preschooler I will and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it. The point is that I'm here for the conversation and to enjoy the company of fellow Sonic mains. If you have a problem with the way I type you could simply ignore me, move on we can figuratively "shake hands"(Which is my preferred option) and be cool or be completely illogical about the situation and try to fight me if we are ever in the same place. I personally don't give a F@CK... In fact I give less than a F@CK.... Hell I'm pretty certain I care about the azzhairs of a chihuahua owned by someone named Alfredo in Australia more than you, your opinion of me and anything else outside of the discussion of Sonic the Hedgehog in and out of Brawl that has to do with you. Go find a hobby, jack yo meat, kill yoself man IDGAF just get over me cause I'm done addressing you. I have no intention of dealing with you any further than this post unless you want to discuss SONIC THE HEDGEHOG.
Now I apologize to everyone in this thread for derailing the topic of discussion. I'm not rude or anything I just adhore people like wedge. He might be a cool person but he's seemingly flppin out over nothing lol.
Sonic Says: If you have a problem with someone, talk with them over it or leave them alone
Back to the thread
@Espy(Or anyone for that matter) I got a question
Y you were so eager to footstool polts yoshi? Was it because it was safe or just the best way to kill yoshi & you'd b able to recover?
@daKID you are correct... the only thing a person can do is enjoy life & try to deal with as many ppl as possible
Whoever posted that X gone give it 2 ya vid.... = WIN!!! ROFLMMFAO