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Act 3 Clear!!: Sonic Tournament Results & Discussion Thread


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
haha, well at least I'll lose having fun! i would rather lose then play gay. Sorry that's just how i am! :colorful:
dude play to win, yo. There's nothing gay about playing "gay", srsly, like it's just a tactic, it's fine just like everything else. If you can't handle running away from the opponent when the timer's down to a minute, then that's like saying you can't handle punishing him once you break his shield.... a scrub could call that "cheap" or "gay" but wth it's their own fault.. don't be a scrub like that. Just win the matches, yo, do what you need to win the matches. If it's in-game then it's legit, you're here to play Brawl right??

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Atomsk- easily most known.
Will probably play ICs on you. his ICs are very good, dont get grabbed, if he thinks you are too much of a hassle to grab/arent worth the effort he might go DDD or MK. either way hes gonna beat you.

Deez- isnt he from md/va? dont you know him already. im pretty sure he plays Gwatch.

Tactical- I believe hes a quality snake player, that match will probably be determined by matchup knowledge for both of you.

Smash GOD. dont know where hes from or who he plays, but hes in the SBR so I would assume he is skilled, i think he plays snake or mk tho i have nothing to back this statement.

Dont no soma cruz or Banhammer.

oh and espy, thanks for omitting me from the steak force... suck a ****, guy...

Tactical is my doubles partner sometimes. He knows the Sonic match all because of me. Good luck getting past his Lucario.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
You guys can hold hands while waiting in the loser brackets together.
Going to take advantage of this for once, haha:

<table cellpadding="3" border="1"><tr><th colspan="6">
Texas Brawl Power Rankings
Last updated: Dec 1st, 2009
</td><td>No change</td><td>San Angelo</td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td>UltimateRazer</td><td>
</td><td>No change</td><td>Houston</td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td>Gnes</td><td>
</td><td>No change</td><td>Houston</td></tr><tr><td>4</td><td>PhantomX</td><td>
</td><td>Up 2 spots</td><td>Austin</td></tr><tr><td>5</td><td>Dphat</td><td>
</td><td>Up 5 spots</td><td>Dallas</td></tr><tr><td>6</td><td>Fogo</td><td>
</td><td>Up 5 spots</td><td>Dallas</td></tr><tr><td>8</td><td>UTD Zac</td><td>
</td><td>Down 4 spots</td><td>Dallas</td></tr><tr><td>9</td><td>Hylian</td><td>
</td><td>Up 2 spots</td><td>Austin</td></tr><tr><td>10</td><td>BadNewsBear</td><td>
</td><td>Up 3 spots</td><td>San Angelo</td></tr><tr><td>11</td><td>Zori</td><td>
</td><td>Up 3 spots</td><td>Houston</td></tr><tr><td>13</td><td>Esca</td><td>
PhantomX - 4
DPhat - 5



Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Last updated December 1st, 2009.

Where's the 2010 metagame at? Gotta get future.

...Just trying to start some friendly rivalries, don't mind me...


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
i dont know how well ill do at pound but one thing is certain.
I'm gonna show a glimpse of the future.
My edge and recovery game is 2012 right now.
be prepared...for future steak.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
Well guys, im going to winter game fest! hopefully i'll do good! im also gonna go to another tournament before that, so woo hoo!! I'm gonna try my hardest to Place this time! though its gonna be hard. Anyways wish me luck alright?????


*starts humming the metal harbor song*

YEAHHHHH :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful: :colorful:


Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
Happy Easter Lala Land
You guys can hold hands while waiting in the loser brackets together.
I like this guy.

"Pool 27

Smash GOD
Soma Cruz

If anyone has important info on my opponents please let me know. I'd love your help. I'll be on youtube studing matches in the meantime. PM me if you feel its particularly important. thanks a bunch."

I played Atomsk Deez and Smash GOD before.

Atomsk. Man he is either going to go Wolf, Icees, or MK if you back him into a corner. Thats going to be a tough match. And your only chance at beating him is timing him out. Trust me. Time him the **** out.

Deez - Played him before. His Diddy isnt insanely good. Better in doubles than in singles. But i heard he picked up D3 easy. Just stay in control of the bananas. Dont rely on spindash too much. And show off your offstage abilities that you've been hyping. I'll be there to watch this match and **** talk Deez since we're always going at it every tourney lol. Havent played him in awhile but he didnt know the match up last time. He may have a good knowledge of it now.

Smash GOD - played him aswell. He'll go MK. And he'll cp brinstar so ban it. I beat him at the championship. It was extremely hard but dont underestimate him. If you do you will lose. Be patient.

Also the Lucario player Excel plays im pretty sure isnt better than Zucco. And since Zucco is seen as one of the best Lucarios I'll say do what i did. Be patient. When u get a lead and he is trying to camp you out. Dont fight ur way through the projectiles. Let him come to you. You cant go crazy vs this character. Because he's a comeback god out of no where. Hit, Punish, Run.

In other news I'll be at pound MM. Not joining. Time to prove this Scourge will be better than all the Sonics walking through that door. I'm going right for the best people there. **** this pools bull****. I already proved i can swim.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
< will be the first person to MM chibo. XD

Its gonna be a whole lot of Top tiers everywhere...and its gonna be super ghey. Its about time to know when to use those gimmicks and when to put that player skill to the test. Btw Shado, we still have to have our rematch, as you wanted. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2009
Henderson &amp; Downtown Express, Las Vegas, NV
Finally the tournament results are up from Sunday.

Vegassmash Gameworld weekly #28
January 10th, 2010
Out of 18
7th - Kinzer (Sonic)
9th - Tails (Sonic)

Vegassmash Gameworld Weekly #28 Amateur Bracket
Janurary 10th, 2010
Out of 13
4th - Kinzer (Sonic)
7th - Tails (Sonic)

For doubles, there were only 4 entries this time. Me and Kinzer didn't do too well this time especially me killing myself and taking Kinzer with me when he tried to save me out of a ASC with no second jump in the first match between SK92 and Omega. Hopefully we'll do better next time

For both Singles and Amateur, I did pretty well compare to last week's tournament. Actually, this is the best I've done so far, not including AnimeVegas.

My first set I had to play against Miniboss with Meta Knight. First match I got 3 stocked since I had a bit of lag on my Wii, but I think it's my controller. I don't know. Second match I got 2 stocked by him. I had the feeling I had to play Miniboss when Vic, the TO asked me if I ever played Miniboss in tournament.

My second set I had play a new person I've never seen before. His name was Zach. First match he went with Meta Knight. I was thinking..."here we go again." I won that match with 1 stock left. In the second match he picked Wolf and he almost won, but I was able to beat him.

My third set I had to play against Silin. First match he went King Dedede. I was able to beat him on the first match. Second match he won that one. On the third match, he went Meta Knight on me on Frigate. He didn't kill me until he was on his last stock. I was having the most trouble trying to get rid of his last stock which it almost turned into a reverse 3 stock. I was able to kill him on my last stock.

My final set was once again against Hino and his Falco. I really got to work on that match up. I don't know why I went to Pictochat on the second match...I guess my music hack on my Wii with "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" kinda tempted me to go to that stage. Now I know never go there against Falco. I know I'm going to get flamed for doing that.

My first set was against Kita. When I saw the bracket for amateur and saw that I had to play against him, I went..."oh boy, I have to play against Lucario." When we started our first match and went King Dedede on me I went "huh?" Anyway, in the first match he was doing really bad with him. He attempted 2 Dededecides when he was off the stage, which both of them failed and he killed himself both time. I was going "WTF Kita!?" Second match he finally got the hang of it and started to CG me a bit. Also I felt kinda bad for him so I did sandbag a bit on my first stock. He did Dededecide me once in that match and he did win that match. In the final match, I won against him with only 1 stock let on Frigate.

My second set was against TheHebrewHammer and his Meta Knight. I will not go into detail with that set because I'm currently uploading the last match onto Youtube at the moment. I will post the matches in the Video topic for criticism because I really need help with Meta Knight. I'm hoping I won't have any more problems with YouTube since I've been having an issue with uploading the 2nd match. Straight up, I did lose to him. I did noticed that he didn't spam his tornado with me too much compare to Kinzer.

My third set I had to play against DangerPower again. All our matches he went Fox on me. First match he won. Second match won that one. Third match it was so close. I was able to win by actually instant ledgehogging the stage when he was recovering.

My last set I had to play his brother again, MetalFalcon. First match he went DK on me. I have some experience playing against DK thanks to TMech, but my 2nd stock I did ASC with no second jump, landed on the stage then released it. Well, I went right off the stage killing myself. He killed me on my last stock when I was recovering with the clap of his hands. On my last match, he went with his main ROB and went to Frigate. I lost to him on that match.

Kinzer pointed out a few things I did wrong like he always does. I got to stop spamming my forward smash and look at my distance when I do forward smash. Also, with my match with TheHebrewHammer, I had a lot of issues with me Spring>Dair. I used it way too much which cost me big time and doing a spinshot back to the stage really cost me. Also, I really got to keep my cool during my matches. I was pretty much in a panic state by the end of my match with Silin.

I'm really happy with my performance. It really made up for my performance from last week. Kinzer will post what happened in his part of the tournament. In addition, I'll posting some of his matches hopefully sometime this weekend if YouTube isn't going to be a jerk with me.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
I like this guy.

"Pool 27

Smash GOD
Soma Cruz

Also the Lucario player Excel plays im pretty sure isnt better than Zucco. And since Zucco is seen as one of the best Lucarios I'll say do what i did. Be patient. When u get a lead and he is trying to camp you out. Dont fight ur way through the projectiles. Let him come to you. You cant go crazy vs this character. Because he's a comeback god out of no where. Hit, Punish, Run.

In other news I'll be at pound MM. Not joining. Time to prove this Scourge will be better than all the Sonics walking through that door. I'm going right for the best people there. **** this pools bull****. I already proved i can swim.

He's no Zucco, but he's a smart player. But yeah you have the right idea. I HATE fighting Lucario. The waiting game only works for me against MK and a few others.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Hey guys, I hear that X beat MikeHaze in tournament and brought Tyrant to the fifth game.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
let us know when he actually WINS.

what you said was basically the smash equivalent of Toy Story 1

Hes not flying, hes just falling/losing with style.


May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Well, he said X beat MikeHaze, so there ya go.



Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
hey guys, whos this guy named X?? he came to wintergamefest and ***** everyone!! he got over top ten, out of like 100 hahah! he's too good!!!!! :)


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY

Sherman's Monthlies
January 16th
Out of 23
7th - Trent (Sonic)

This tourney discouraged me from Brawl the day it happend. I ended up playing Melee all day to have fun again. Over it though and back to playing Brawl and try better with Sawnik.

(Got knocked into Losers by MK and out of tourney by MK.. I suck at match ups)


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain

Sherman's Monthlies
January 16th
Out of 23
7th - Trent (Sonic)

This tourney discouraged me from Brawl the day it happend. I ended up playing Melee all day to have fun again. Over it though and back to playing Brawl and try better with Sawnik.

(Got knocked into Losers by MK and out of tourney by MK.. I suck at match ups)
Who'd you lose to? Also who'd you beat?

Deleted member

X is definately the best sonic in the US...
4th/120 ish

He is sooooo good its ridiculous, i mean nobody knows the matchup very well, but hes still ridiculously amazing.


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
Who'd you lose to? Also who'd you beat?
I 3 stocked some random guy both matches first.
Lost to Blank's MK round 1 then we did a Sonic ditto for lawls on Green Hill Zone and I got B-Throwed by him twice to death. :laugh:
Beat Rob's Wolf in loser's bracket. (Probably my highlight since I finally beat him).
Lost to Ptato's MK round 1, beat him round 2, with round 3 on Frigate and me SDing at 40%.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
X is definately the best sonic in the US...
4th/120 ish

He is sooooo good its ridiculous, i mean nobody knows the matchup very well, but hes still ridiculously amazing.
Woah, woah. Be careful, you're just giving us free shots at mocking the entire west coast with that little bold part fragment. I had an incredibly difficult time not starting it over again myself just right now.
Anyways, will there be an AiB results on it or something?


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain
I 3 stocked some random guy both matches first.
Lost to Blank's MK round 1 then we did a Sonic ditto for lawls on Green Hill Zone and I got B-Throwed by him twice to death. :laugh:
Beat Rob's Wolf in loser's bracket. (Probably my highlight since I finally beat him).
Lost to Ptato's MK round 1, beat him round 2, with round 3 on Frigate and me SDing at 40%.
Yeah Rob's Wolf is annoying. It's so simple but it still gives people a confusing amount trouble . Good stuff taking him down though. Not much to say about Connor except make sure he's drunk when you play him and try to not fight Ames people on Frigate, I swear its an autowin on their part or something :/. I kinda wanted to see how well youd do against Jarell's Yoshi.

But yeah man, Melee's great and all and I know you're down about the MKs, but never give up on Sonic. I cant keep him alive in NE/IA on my own.

Deleted member

Woah, woah. Be careful, you're just giving us free shots at mocking the entire west coast with that little bold part fragment. I had an incredibly difficult time not starting it over again myself just right now.
Anyways, will there be an AiB results on it or something?
I said very well, as in, most people dont know the matchup as well as he does.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
Back from P4 ####

if you live in the tri-state area, expect to drop Sonic (i didnt yet, but its freakin annoying doing all of this stuff just to lose <_<). You arent gonna be placing high at all. Pound should prove it to everyone. Getting pool ***** is freakin awesome, i mean really. What Sonic else gets Hav0k, Ks1zzle, June(bug), H1lt, and Ky0n in there 2nd pools ( The Sonic that got 3rd seed)? loll, Sonic's not getting out of that. But yeah, it should be obvious, but I drowned second round pools.

btw, i beat dekar in a MM 2-1 (i chickened out an CP'd YI, but then i heard something from him that made me reeeeally question the way of this gimmick character.) Dekar is freeeeaakin legit man.

Espy, your sig...What are you turning into? First that dancing thing, then that Amy thing? -dead- @_@

First pools was uuuugh, A11y MK with no nado. I messed up first game, i just needed that fsmash, but jumped. errgh. 2nd game he beat me, last stocks. eh...Sago was pretty cool, playin shugo and all. I got brinstar *****. Had the lead but lost it. Everyone else was 2-0'd by me somehow (and get this, they put Kojin in my pool. He sd'd both games unfortunately :( )

Second round pools was mentioned above. Ks1zz1e freakin 2-0'd me, 2 stock both matches, same with hav0k. Hav0k said X beat him that one game by fsmashing and dairing. You know darn well i was losing my mind. MK can punish fsmash so bad, its not even funny. after that, i was demoralized, like badly shut down. June ***** me, and Ky0n the peach player went to last game last hit. eh, i was feeling bad man. Losing suggs but its Sonic. *shrug*


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
Back from P4 ####

if you live in the tri-state area, expect to drop Sonic (i didnt yet, but its freakin annoying doing all of this stuff just to lose <_<). You arent gonna be placing high at all. Pound should prove it to everyone. Getting pool ***** is freakin awesome, i mean really. What Sonic else gets Hav0k, Ks1zzle, June(bug), H1lt, and Ky0n in there 2nd pools ( The Sonic that got 3rd seed)? loll, Sonic's not getting out of that. But yeah, it should be obvious, but I drowned second round pools.

btw, i beat dekar in a MM 2-1 (i chickened out an CP'd YI, but then i heard something from him that made me reeeeally question the way of this gimmick character.) Dekar is freeeeaakin legit man.

Espy, your sig...What are you turning into? First that dancing thing, then that Amy thing? -dead- @_@

First pools was uuuugh, A11y MK with no nado. I messed up first game, i just needed that fsmash, but jumped. errgh. 2nd game he beat me, last stocks. eh...Sago was pretty cool, playin shugo and all. I got brinstar *****. Had the lead but lost it. Everyone else was 2-0'd by me somehow (and get this, they put Kojin in my pool. He sd'd both games unfortunately :( )

Second round pools was mentioned above. Ks1zz1e freakin 2-0'd me, 2 stock both matches, same with hav0k. Hav0k said X beat him that one game by fsmashing and dairing. You know darn well i was losing my mind. MK can punish fsmash so bad, its not even funny. after that, i was demoralized, like badly shut down. June ***** me, and Ky0n the peach player went to last game last hit. eh, i was feeling bad man. Losing suggs but its Sonic. *shrug*
Sonic always gets bad pools in national tournaments. Let's see... Cot4? MalcolM was the only Sonic to advance with me and Camalange both 1 seed away from brackets.

APEX? Malcolm was again the only sonic to advance. I would have easily advanced but had YES!, SSR, Meep, Will, RoguePit, Scissors Sir and someone else in my pool. (More players than any other pool in the tournament) When I beat Scissors Sir he forfeited the rest of his matches and they replaced him, effectively making my win worth nothing. (Walking around the venue I saw pools filled with players who were a joke) Still got 1 seed away from advancing. Cam was in a similar boat and the other Sonic mains were close, but no cigar.

SNES? Shugo and either Shado or Wes made it to brackets. My pool? Sago, Anther, Inui, A good falco, A good Samus and a couple others. Not sure why my pool had 3 midwest players that play each other fairly often in it but... whatever. Still 1 seed away from making it out... At this point I expect to be pool ****ed at every tournament that has over 100 people in it. It stopped bothering me a while ago. I already have obstacles to overcome with my main so what's a few more?

X is definately the best sonic in the US...
4th/120 ish

He is sooooo good its ridiculous, i mean nobody knows the matchup very well, but hes still ridiculously amazing.
For a second there I thought you said X got 4th at P4. I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like MalcolM did pretty good at Pound 4. I'm going to OHAYOCON and I'm taking 2nd because Blue Rogue is gonna beat me in Grand Finals... hate Wario. There'll probly be like 60 people @ OHAYOCON entering brawl but it's a con so it doesn't matter.


Smash Champion
Sep 30, 2008
Rolling around at the speed of Sound, Maryland.
I dont know man. Its just at this point, its not even about me being emo(im very not atm), that isnt even valid. Its just that EC doesnt lose to Sonic at all. The skill and talent is so great, they dont even need to do much.

Kojin...gah. He said that this was the last time he went Sonic in tourney. I was really feeling down about that man. He should have won that pool match, but he said that MK went dsmash central. I was expecting Pound to be fun, but eh, things happen. Even if that means totally getting destroyed. Im ok, but its just that I want to get sooo much better. <_<



May 12, 2008
Switch FC
Back from P4 ####

if you live in the tri-state area, expect to drop Sonic (i didnt yet, but its freakin annoying doing all of this stuff just to lose <_<). You arent gonna be placing high at all.
I dont know man. Its just at this point, its not even about me being emo(im very not atm), that isnt even valid. Its just that EC doesnt lose to Sonic at all. The skill and talent is so great, they dont even need to do much.
Thank god, people are finally understanding.

EC >>> WC anyday when it comes to Sonic knowledge.

****'s mad annoying.



Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
I dont know man. Its just at this point, its not even about me being emo(im very not atm), that isnt even valid. Its just that EC doesnt lose to Sonic at all. The skill and talent is so great, they dont even need to do much.

Kojin...gah. He said that this was the last time he went Sonic in tourney. I was really feeling down about that man. He should have won that pool match, but he said that MK went dsmash central. I was expecting Pound to be fun, but eh, things happen. Even if that means totally getting destroyed. Im ok, but its just that I want to get sooo much better. <_<

EC players still lose to Sonic. Everyone loses to Sonic. It's just that you have to work your *** off as Sonic and the person you are fighting has to let their guard down for a couple seconds. I'd say that if some Sonic main out there spent as much time as M2K spends playing the game, that Sonic player could probably take top 7 or top 5 at a National level tournament. I mean c'mon guys look at Reflex.

Kojin got really depressed @ APEX as well. Some players get more emotional about losing than others, that's all. If you wanna get better it takes time. and lots of it. Personally I'm busy with school, work, etc. that even when I do get the chance to play I'm usually stoned off my *** so progress is pretty slow.
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