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9 Stage Starter System: a way to prevent stagnancy in brawl


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
If both players in the matchup hate it, then that works too. As long as neither (or both) likes it. The trick is not having a stage that one player favors above the other.
But it doesn't work that way, when players at mlg often didn't bother striking and just started on battlefield. The stages do indeed interact with recoveries for better or worse. It's still not desired terrain for game 1 by anyone, so they'll be simply ignored and agree on another neutral unless it is metaknight.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
But it doesn't work that way, when players at mlg often didn't bother striking and just started on battlefield. The stages do indeed interact with recoveries for better or worse. It's still not desired terrain for game 1 by anyone, so they'll be simply ignored and agree on another neutral unless it is metaknight.
How many players did this? Do you have information to support this claim? If striking was there and players of versatile characters didn't take advantage of it, however skilled they may be, that was pretty ******** of them.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
How many players did this? Do you have information to support this claim? If striking was there and players of versatile characters didn't take advantage of it, however skilled they may be, that was pretty ******** of them.
This whole stagelist is ******** from the start. I'm not at home, but I know atomsk's mk started out on battlefield by agreements every set.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
There was no trap in mind lol... he was saying things like "most aerial stages are CP stages" or something to that effect, without providing a definition of CP. I'm genuinely curious as to how he defines it.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
There was no trap in mind lol... he was saying things like "most aerial stages are CP stages" or something to that effect, without providing a definition of CP. I'm genuinely curious as to how he defines it.
Well apparantly to you guys it's a starter.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
It was the subset of legal stages that, under the process of stage striking, would result in the "fairest" first match of a set.

We then provided our definition of fair, which you know all about and I don't feel like repeating.


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
In Another Dimension...
I actually think Frigate is a completely legitimate choice.

If you've read any of my research on it, you'd know that it spends the majority of its time on second transition, which is much more balanced than the first.

And of course I know that you can't have it completely even, which is why we add stages that are mostly aerial, and then it usually ends up on a mixed stage like Lylat, or Halberd. That's the point. You get a stage neither character really wants, but neither really hates.
Balanced in what way??? Many chrs. just by camping in the middle become unapproachable because of the slants. But i guess u meant "balanced" in another way.

How many players did this? Do you have information to support this claim? If striking was there and players of versatile characters didn't take advantage of it, however skilled they may be, that was pretty ******** of them.
Wyatts wrong...Plenty of people took advantage of it. Mainly mk mains. Most other chr. mains matches just ended up on smashville/battlefield/fd. for the first match.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
This whole stagelist is ******** from the start. I'm not at home, but I know atomsk's mk started out on battlefield by agreements every set.
That's dodging the question, but if Atomsk was starting out on BF by agreement, that tells me two things.

1) His opponents were silly enough to let MK go to BF.
2) He's not using the system to its potential.

greatness_007 said:
Balanced in what way??? Many chrs. just by camping in the middle become unapproachable because of the slants. But i guess u meant "balanced" in another way.

Wyatts wrong...Plenty of people took advantage of it. Mainly mk mains. Most other chr. mains matches just ended up on smashville/battlefield/fd. for the first match.
Balanced in that it's a legitimate starter stage, since people's biggest gripe is always the lack of the ledge on phase 1, which it spends very little time on.

Furthermore, everyone who CAN should be taking advantage of the system, that's the whole point of it. For Wyatt to say, "Nobody used it, so it's bad." is hilariously wrong. It's not the fault of the system if the characters that are meant to use it DON'T take the advantage of doing so.

On that note, it boggles my mind that people don't take the time to learn counterpicks to use against their opponents. I used Pokemon Stadium 2 in ever set I played this weekend, and I won every time, because NOBODY has any idea how to play on this stage. So when I hear that the MK mains aren't using Green Greens or Norfair, I shake my head and wonder why they're playing MK, if they aren't playing to win.

Don't give me this "honor" crap.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
this is just so whack lol

Whatever. T-Block it doesn't matter if you think game 1 is on the "fairest" terrain possible, which is a neutral, but okay--then why is Rainbow Cruise, the fairest of them all, able to be used as a potential starter in your fantasy world?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
this is just so whack lol

Whatever. T-Block it doesn't matter if you think game 1 is on the "fairest" terrain possible, which is a neutral, but okay--then why is Rainbow Cruise, the fairest of them all, able to be used as a potential starter in your fantasy world?
We've been over this 9000 times. It's so it forces a strike. It's basically just to counter-act the effect of FD, which is THE ground stage.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
We've been over this 9000 times. It's so it forces a strike. It's basically just to counter-act the effect of FD, which is THE ground stage.
No stages should be forcing a strike because it belongs in the counterpick list.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Are you even paying attention to the arguments? Like, at all?
Why are you even on these forums, when you want to make the game anticompetitive? Just go to the IGN boards or something. That's the only reason you are fighting for this, lol. You will fight for anything that promotes some form of randomness or burden to skill. You, personally, I feel are here merely not because of character versatility or all that jazz, but because items will never be legal so you must tamprr with stagelists, which are the next best thing. You will never have any effect on the metagame, I don't know why you bother typing.

It doesn't matter if it forces a strike, it's a **** counterpick and should not be in the starter section for any tournament.. ever. Neither should norfair.


Smash Hero
Writing Team
Apr 26, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Why are you even on these forums, when you want to make the game anticompetitive? Just go to the IGN boards or something. That's the only reason you are fighting for this, lol. You will fight for anything that promotes some form of randomness or burden to skill. You, personally, I feel are here merely not because of character versatility or all that jazz, but because items will never be legal so you must tamprr with stagelists, which are the next best thing. You will never have any effect on the metagame, I don't know why you bother typing.

It doesn't matter if it forces a strike, it's a **** counterpick and should not be in the starter section for any tournament.. ever. Neither should norfair.
The reason why I chose those stages in my opening post over all other ones is quite simple. These stages have been played in tournament as neutrals and counterpicks and there haven't been issues. I am not claiming that ever stage from Flat Zone to Sky World is fine. We aren't arguing for every stage to be a neutral or every stage to be a counterpick. This would be complete and utter BS.

Yes, the purpose of these posts is since the brawl stage choice is stagnant. The best characters in the game excel on these stages. You will never see a diversity in the upper placings of brawl without a stage change unless you live in a state where the best player by far is a lower tier or if no one has practice vs that character (See X for example).

We aren't trying to make this game anti-competitive. It is not like we are advising that items are a good solution. This is simply a stage change and a rather basic one at that that has if I am not mistaken been tested in Texas, one of the larger brawl areas.

Am I claiming that the counterpick system is stupid/broken? No, I am claiming from the neutral side that the stages listed keep the game from advancing.

If by this form of stage strike, you can strike the stages that you find to be an issue. What is your personal definition of what a starter is defined to be. In other words, what is your stage list? You dislike the MLG stage list? I don't advocate it, don't go yourself if you actually care this much.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
How come Melee starter list was not FD, BF, Poke Floats, Rainbow Cruise, and Dream Land? Because frankly that sounds ********.

Definition of a CP stage: A stage not fit for being a starter, but not so severely impacting gameplay that it ought to be banned. Frigate is not fit for being a starter. RC and Norfair and Brinstar are clearly not fit for being a starter. Delfino, Halberd, and CS are arguably not fit for being starters, they are just the first stages people start to add once you get past the usual agreed starters.

FD SV BF RC Brinstar Norfair Lylat. A terrible starter list, despite being pretty fair concerning ground and air characters. Why? Despite the fact that you just took 3 CP stages and pretended they were starter material, what happens? Most games will go to Lylat. Sure, a stage some of you would argue is one that many would not hate or love. How did you get to that point? Through ridiculous means.

If you want every game to start on stages that most characters don't like or hate, why not make every Game 1 start on 1-2 specific stages all the time? Why have the stage list "tit for tat" and then an inbetween ugly sister that will be the usual stage that people play on? If your idea is that it doesn't matter what stages you add in as long as the games go to one of those "meh" stages, why not skip all of that and make those stages the only legal choices for Game 1? I'd much rather do that then pretend a stage list like I just posted is acceptable at all.


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
can someone tell me what your arguing about and why adhd continues to oppose what your saying


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Stages the closest possible to P V P instead of P V P V S.

"Quiet" stages that don't do much. Whether they be flat, platformed/multi platformed, etc. FD, BF, SV, YI, Lylat. Some people throw in PS1/PS2 somewhere around there, I don't think it's as quiet as those 5.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
If you want every game to start on stages that most characters don't like or hate, why not make every Game 1 start on 1-2 specific stages all the time? Why have the stage list "tit for tat" and then an inbetween ugly sister that will be the usual stage that people play on? If your idea is that it doesn't matter what stages you add in as long as the games go to one of those "meh" stages, why not skip all of that and make those stages the only legal choices for Game 1? I'd much rather do that then pretend a stage list like I just posted is acceptable at all.
Because there aren't 1 or 2 stages that cover everything (in theory at least).
So basically, for every match-up has some kind of air-ground ratio and depending on that, there is a "fairest" stage. When two air characters are used they go to an air stage, when two ground characters are used to a ground stage, air vs ground on an in between stage. Depending on that ratio, the "fairest" possible stage can be somewhere in between the three I just named.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Of course you can't cover EVERYTHING by doing that. It's impossible to get it perfect. Still, that's better than saying stages like RC, Brinstar, and Norfair are acceptable to start on simply because they bring the air:ground ratio closer to even.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Doesn't FD forces a strike too when you're up against ICs?
Because the matchup is unfavorable on that stage, not because of ridiculous hazards, and the extreme nature of the stage. FD is not a counterpick, nor is fighting Ice Climbers on FD as harsh as Metaldyke or Game & Watch on RC.

FD is a bad example, because some characters prefer to fight them on FD out of anywhere else.


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2009
Frame data threads o.0
Of course you can't cover EVERYTHING by doing that. It's impossible to get it perfect. Still, that's better than saying stages like RC, Brinstar, and Norfair are acceptable to start on simply because they bring the air:ground ratio closer to even.
The whole point of stage striking is to find a median or close to "neutral" stage for a matchup. It only makes sense to have an equal number of "heavy" grounded stages vs. "heavy" aerial stages, an equal number of "soft" grounded stages vs. "soft" aerial stages, and a few stages roughly in between. If you start in the "middle" of the ground/air stage spectrum and build a starter (not neutral) list from there, you WILL end up with one RC for every FD.

It's a philosophical issue. If you want a "neutral" list of stages that "don't interfere with matchups," stick with a 5-starter list. If you want to create a "starter" list with the goal of picking the most "neutral," or really the median or midway stage Game 1 (regardless of how a stage that has a neutral effect on the matchup "interferes" in practice), you need a larger list with air/ground balance. The air stages aren't even random, just dynamic.

FD is not a counterpick

nor is fighting Ice Climbers on FD as harsh as Metaldyke or Game & Watch on RC.
ICs on FD may not be as good as MK on RC, but they gain just as much of a boost from the stage.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
The whole point of stage striking is to find a median or close to "neutral" stage for a matchup. It only makes sense to have an equal number of "heavy" grounded stages vs. "heavy" aerial stages, an equal number of "soft" grounded stages vs. "soft" aerial stages, and a few stages roughly in between. If you start in the "middle" of the ground/air stage spectrum and build a starter (not neutral) list from there, you WILL end up with one RC for every FD.

It's a philosophical issue. If you want a "neutral" list of stages that "don't interfere with matchups," stick with a 5-starter list. If you want to create a "starter" list with the goal of picking the most "neutral" or midway stage Game 1 (regardless of how a stage that has a neutral effect on the matchup interferes in practice), you need a larger list with air/ground balance. The air stages aren't even random, just dynamic.
..and I'm saying that's wrong. You want to start on a stage where each character has an even advantage against eachother, not some stage where both hate and the aerial character wins just because he is aerial!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 28, 2010
Of course you can't cover EVERYTHING by doing that. It's impossible to get it perfect. Still, that's better than saying stages like RC, Brinstar, and Norfair are acceptable to start on simply because they bring the air:ground ratio closer to even.
Basically what Luxor said. When you make a list and include a stage where air and ground characters excel to the same amount, that stage should be used as set point, let's describe it with '0'. The whenever you include a stage from either side, so in other words you go X stages into the direction of the ground stages, you also have to go X steps into the direction of air stages (from 0 of course). If you do that, then it doesn't matter how many starter stages you have, the more you have, the more exact the result is though.

Because the matchup is unfavorable on that stage, not because of ridiculous hazards, and the extreme nature of the stage. FD is not a counterpick, nor is fighting Ice Climbers on FD as harsh as Metaldyke or Game & Watch on RC.

FD is a bad example, because some characters prefer to fight them on FD out of anywhere else.
Well, RC isn't really a difficult stage to play on, it moves a bit, but otherwise there are no hazards at all. Also, I suppose you could ban any single stage (or take it off the starter list or whatever) with the argument MK excels on it. That would leave G&W on RC and ICs on FD, it doesn't seem to be much of a difference to me, both force you to strike it when you're up against that character.

As for preference, would you say it's character or player preference? Certainly every character has a stage they'd rather play on vs ICs.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2008
TBH i don't think MK can really be considered when referring to what stages should be legal and starters and what not. There is only 1 stage in the game that MK is not the best character in the game on and oh crap he gets a ban so who cares. In the end 9 or 7 or 11 or 13 stages doesnt matter cause in the end its always going to be struck down to the most even stage for the MU if both players know what they are doing. Really the more stages the better IMO if it wouldn't just take forever in most cases. I think 9 is a plenty large number to where u can have people like GW not having to fight IC's on BF every game 1. The good thing about more stages is it rewards a person who has a greater knowledge of the MU because if they strike one of the stages that u were planning on striking when u go second that can swing the game 1stage in ur favor.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
TBH i don't think MK can really be considered when referring to what stages should be legal and starters and what not. There is only 1 stage in the game that MK is not the best character in the game on and oh crap he gets a ban so who cares. In the end 9 or 7 or 11 or 13 stages doesnt matter cause in the end its always going to be struck down to the most even stage for the MU if both players know what they are doing. Really the more stages the better IMO if it wouldn't just take forever in most cases. I think 9 is a plenty large number to where u can have people like GW not having to fight IC's on BF every game 1. The good thing about more stages is it rewards a person who has a greater knowledge of the MU because if they strike one of the stages that u were planning on striking when u go second that can swing the game 1stage in ur favor.
So why should game 1 be in one's favor because of striking order? That's not even the main point that they set the 9-starter system to accomplish in the first place. Also GnW is fine by successfully camping vs ice climbers on battlefield.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
I read through most of this thread and did not see anyone give a single good reason for why we should have less interactive stages vs more interactive stages without referencing balancing the game.

On one hand, I believe that part of a character's skill set is how versatile they are on stages, but on the other hand there's no reason to arbitrarily reward a character for stage versatility. I also agree that we shouldn't try to force this game to be a traditional fighter and accept that stages play a role. The idea that playing on a "neutral" makes the game skill vs skill is stupid; you're just taking out a test of skill (knowledge of stages), which is generally bad. I would also say that everything else aside that more stages>fewer stages, because it means that there are more stages to master and more variety.

That said, we should still have 5 starters. If we really want variety (like the OP suggested) then having 5 starters is an excellent way to get the most important type of variety (character variety). No stage will make mk ditto, after mk ditto fun. We have to acknowledge that no matter what our ruleset is arbitrary and helps certain character while hurting others so we shouldn't worry about doing it intentionally.

tl:dr- I disagree with everyone against 9 starters, but I still think we should have 5 starters anyway to balance MK.


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
balance MK?................ muhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
..and I'm saying that's wrong. You want to start on a stage where each character has an even advantage against eachother, not some stage where both hate and the aerial character wins just because he is aerial!
Aerial characters are better because they are more versatile. This advantage should not be negated for Game 1, merely lessened, by providing an equal mix of ground and air stages.

It's not like I'm saying air characters should get to start on Brinstar or RC. I'm saying there should be an even balance of ground and air stages. It's not like Air characters get to start on a counterpick with 9 starters anyway. We usually go to Yoshi's, Lylat, Halberd, or sometimes even Frigate in my list. Gives a SLIGHT advantage to air characters in some cases, which is what it should be, because they are better.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Sakurai made brawl

Sakurai made Brawl as it is to be played casually. Items, tripping, 4-way FFA, and Mushroomy Kingdom.

Nothing he says has any relevance to our sculpted version of "competitive brawl", despite the fact that "HE IS ENTERTAINER."


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Aerial characters are better because they are more versatile. This advantage should not be negated for Game 1, merely lessened, by providing an equal mix of ground and air stages.

It's not like I'm saying air characters should get to start on Brinstar or RC. I'm saying there should be an even balance of ground and air stages. It's not like Air characters get to start on a counterpick with 9 starters anyway. We usually go to Yoshi's, Lylat, Halberd, or sometimes even Frigate in my list. Gives a SLIGHT advantage to air characters in some cases, which is what it should be, because they are better.
I'm going to suggest you start referring to aerial characters as metaknight, because the only versatile characters that actually have potential to place (lol) are wario and pikachu (GnW is kind of bad in 1v1). Both are *** vs metaknights that know the matchup, as well as numerous other matchups that are marginally against them. What is my point? Metaknight is obviously going to grow in dependency through clusters, and stomp out all other versatile characters, as well as the only ones that were viable against him through neutrals. Falco, ICs, Diddy, Snake? Can't start out on a favorable area, lose game 1, win game 2 perhaps, and then are counterpicked to some extreme environment despite stage banning because YOU ALLOWED HIM TO.

You can surprise me, bc I am really looking for any loopholes for this argument you find. Also, please don't mention any banning of him, when he's clearly stronger in liberal stagelists. The reason for his lack of domination at the MLG events imo is due to the TVs. Look at the maxed out char randomization of the results. One could claim it was the stages (no support for that), or the frame delay--but both aren't exactly viable, so I don't know.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
You can surprise me, bc I am really looking for any loopholes for this argument you find. Also, please don't mention any banning of him, when he's clearly stronger in liberal stagelists. The reason for his lack of domination at the MLG events imo is due to the TVs. Look at the maxed out char randomization of the results. One could claim it was the stages (no support for that), or the frame delay--but both aren't exactly viable, so I don't know.
Well, then I say to you, If MLG was insufficient testing to prove your argument that MK is too dominant, why are you so opposed to a tourney like Apex running the MLG stagelist to see how valid your claim is?
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