It took me a while but I finally got motivated (i.e. hospitalised) to play Platinum.
Yer I'm behind the times.
I sat up for like 6 hours playing it and spent like 2 hours alone trying to catch Giratina.
Swear like 200 ultra balls through 8 saves (I didn't have the Internet and suck at Pokemon games, I didn't know a dusk ball would work a lot better). And I never use Master Balls 'cause I'm OCD.
I loved the battle theme it had, (Girantia) though. Best in the series imo.
I'm gonna put it on my phone. <3
Stopped after 8th gym.
I hate the grass Pokemon (Torterra at lv 36 or something) I picked at the start. It's so ugh.
It's either bad or I'm bad or I'm underleveled. It makes me scream and I suck at using it. I should have gone fiiiiiiiiiiiire. Someone tell me I picked the worst starter so I feel betteeeeeeerrrrr.
I'm motivated enough to buy <3Gold and w/e the next one/generation (White/Black?) is now.