Hey everyone BONESAW here. I would just like to say for my first Gigs tournament, I had a pretty great time except for losing about 10 pounds from sweating. Anyways, I want to thank the hosts and everyone else involved for running a pretty good tournament. Well here are my shout outs:
Force- You got a good link dude, we had some good matches, hope to play you again soon.
Galeon- What can I say man, unlike Seibrik I had to fight an FIU guy second round, kinda sucked but you played well man. Keep it going with Lucas, and that Wario was pretty sick.
Nero - I believe you were one of the many MK's i fought, good matches man hope to see you next gigs.
Ted Boosley- Watched your match man, it was so epic especially with your Leonidas War Cry. (Sorry Equi)
Afro- Good stuff man you know I love you son, POR MEXICO. (Don't forget Jungle Japes)
Chops- your snake is crazy man, hope i can play you nest time.
Bane- I was so caught odd guard by your GW because i haven't really fought any, so i guess your wlcome for the MK strats. Good matches man.
GMoney- Your crew is crazy man, but i had a fun time playing our matches, good MK man, hope to play you again.
Rx- didn't get to play bro in the tournament, but we had some good friendlies, hope to play you next time.
Colbol- I didn't play but i saw you play against my man Chaz, and your Toon Link is pretty sick man.
Linguini- Your DK got really bro, keep it up and hope to play next time
Phanna- Your marth was really good man, all of our matches could have gone either way.
Nick Riddle- Sorry man for that crazy screaming, but that match was the funniest match of the night
Equi- your MK got a lot better from last i saw it, keep it up dude (Fun stuff with all of us cramped in the car and Denny's) .
Of course to my FIU Peeps- Good stuff Chaz, Danny, Tommy G,Galeon, and SIEBRIK. you all did good, we just gotta counter those snakes
Well thats all I can remember, for those of you i forgot good matches, and hope to see at next Gigs.