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5/17 GIGABITS - May I have another Brawl?

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Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I think we thinking of different Hiro's. My boy Hiro shouldn't be well known at all..he doesnt go to tourneys or post on the boards (although hes probably a lurker). I wish he did though...I think he'd do well, but he wont skip out on Jacon saturday to come to this on 5/17 like me.
Darn, so does that mean no playing sprinkles? (I didn't remember how the name went but that's the gist of it)

ps: hungrybox was your bro at gigs and would yell alot during the match? cause a yoshi player yelling absenetees did grab my attention.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
I'm skipping out on it D: But if I get eliminated from doubles early I'll probably try to go by there, I have a lot of friends I wanna see that are probably going.
well, im still going. I got a hotel room for that weekend @ Jacon, and im gonna go friday, sunday, and all of saturday that im not at gigs


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
well, im still going. I got a hotel room for that weekend @ Jacon, and im gonna go friday, sunday, and all of saturday that im not at gigs
I know the location has been moved from the last one, do you know if it's closer to Gigs at all? Because as it was, Gigs and Jacon were on like, the total opposite ends of Orlando lol


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2004
I might be there. It's my last day working at target...but who cares if I skip it? I got a new job making almost 2$ more than I was doing an even simpler job. Buwhaha...I'm so mean.

retro gamer 6

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
in o-town, florida
Brawl is definitely not as balanced as Melee. There isn't a single matchup in Melee that is as bad as Marth/Ness or DDD/MK.
so you're calling a match between fox and bowser in melee balanced? are you crazy?! fox owns in melee. its completely off balance. can't you even tell since its right in front of your face?


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
yes s(prin)kull(ce)'s yoshi is way too good. I've know him forever and when he picked yoshi me and hungry were laughing so hard, and we told him to switch, but he really proved us wrong. His yoshi has a serious nastyness factor.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
i can attest for s(prin)kull(ce)'s yoshi. that ish is nastee. he does so well againt me. def one of the top yoshi's in fl. i wanna say best.

Now I'm ashamed of myself :ohwell: Any idea next tourney he'll be at so i can destroy him? :laugh:


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Shut the **** up, first of all.

Lol, he's going to gigs most likely.

Weird how i defend him on the boards but get mad at him whenever he is playing.
Dude I was completely joking, lol. You're lol through me off on whether you were serious or not, ha but sry if I offended I hate it when I offend people.

Awesome, awesome.

Oh nice D3 vs MK btw, first kill was epic pwnage.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
so you're calling a match between fox and bowser in melee balanced? are you crazy?! fox owns in melee. its completely off balance. can't you even tell since its right in front of your face?
o get real. i'm talking about in most situations, not with pros like gimpyfish (although his bowser is badass). even a decent smasher wouldn't stand a chance against fox if he played with bowser.

You're an idiot.

Melee was the most balenced fighting game ever made.

In the first week Brawl already had it's friggen tier list.


Brawl has seriously brought the biggest n00bs/scrubs/morons ever to grace a VG controller.

Please die.

Also, stop throwing the word pro around you piece of meat.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2006
Northridge, CA
melee isnt balanced. fox dominated most tournaments marth took the next chunk. brawl is trash though. there is no reason to play anyone outside of snake/falco. DDD/MK isn't that bad of a match I agree with doodah.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Yeah, I know Lamby is a huge advocate for Melee as a balanced game, but it's simply not...

Brawl isn't, really, either....but we can't really tell how (un)balanced it will be yet.

There's not a good tier list yet...and anybody who has been in the Melee scene for a while knows that whatever list they might have right now will change dramatically before long.

In melee, there are impossible matches. I'm sorry, but it's true. Yes, you can link a video of any character beating any character, but it really doesn't change the fact that at any sort of higher level, the match is impossible. Bowser Sheik? Marth Kirby? Samus Kirby? sheik vs low tier? etc etc etc etc.

Like I said, I'm really not asking for a video on each of these matches, I know they exist. Just, in a realistic situation, it's impossible. I'm sorry....

Also, Fox Bowser is a winnable match for Bowser, actually.

Now, in Brawl, there are matches that seem pretty swayed one way, too.... DDD MK isn't impossible for DDD.... The worst matchup I can see at the moment is something like DK vs DDD...infinite cg ftw.
Ever since the last gigs, people have been complaining about MK...to all of them...yes, all of them, regardless of char....SHUT UP. I'm serious. MK is by no means impossible....I was keeping quiet lately due to my inexperience against MK, but lately, I've been playing both Otru and Rx...and I've come to the conclusion that Ike vs MK is mostly even...yes, close to a 50-50. If freaking IKE can pull the match off, everybody else should just stop talking. On top of that, quite a few characters do really well again MK, to the point of countering him, even...so you have no basis behind it.

I equate this stage of MK to a lesser Melee Sheik....easy-ish to use, good against a large number of characters, and doing really well in the early metagame.

I haven't seen a matchup in Brawl equatable to the hilariously bad matchups in melee....mainly stuff like kirby vs marth or Samus....that's just me, though.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo

You're an idiot.

Melee was the most balenced fighting game ever made.

In the first week Brawl already had it's friggen tier list.


Brawl has seriously brought the biggest n00bs/scrubs/morons ever to grace a VG controller.

Please die.

Also, stop throwing the word pro around you piece of meat.
Are you kidding me dude?
Melee was the most unbalanced peice of garbage i've ever played in my life.
That has to be the single most unbalanced fighting game I have ever played.
It was also the most fun, but the most unbalanced.

Fox is clearly better than every other character in the game. Why is he clearly better? Because he simply does every better than everyone else in the game.

Fox has one of the best recoveries in the game(in terms of distance).
His spam game is amazing(Run away and lasers? Wins matches all the time)
He is one of the fastest characters in the game.
He has infinites.
He racks up damage really fast.
He can combo extremly easily.
He has absolutely NO PROBLEM at all with killing.
He is one of the best characters in the game at ledge guarding.

I mean honestly. I can keep going. But im sure we all get the point here.
Fox is just simply better the majority of the game at everything.

Nice balance you have there Melee. :O

And thats not even getting started with Sheik and Marth.
Then you have characters like Roy who stands absolutely no chance against characters like Peach. Its a loss-loss situation no matter what. Then you have characters like Mewtwo and Bowser who have no chance against other characters who spam **** all day like Fox or Young Link. Every tried playing M2 and Bowser against a Spammy YL? Its an auto loss.

Yea. Cool balance there melee.

Brawl is a better with the balance seeing as how every character except Link has amazing recovery and most characters have awesome spam game. Awesome job at fixing the balance. lol. Its not totally balanced, but a fighting game can never be completely balanced. :|

If you want an example of a near balanced Fighting Game, take a look at Guilty Gear. Sure that game has tiers, but any character can beat any other character(Unlike Melee. DK vs YL? Fox vs Kirby? LOL). For example, Holy Order Sol is dead last on GG:Slash's tier list, yet some dude won EVO I think it was with Holy Order Sol. That is balance.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Fenrir VII;4449145 Also said:
Double Post.
No it is not.
All Fox has to do is run around the stage and spam lasers all day. Bowser can't do shit but take his time to run around the stage and try his best to catch fox while he is being shot with lasers.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Double Post.
No it is not.
All Fox has to do is run around the stage and spam lasers all day. Bowser can't do shit but take his time to run around the stage and try his best to catch fox while he is being shot with lasers.

Bowser can chase Fox and call jumps/run-aways, then he is one of the better chars at edgeguarding Fox...also, he beats a lot of Fox's approaches. If the Fox isn't very careful, Bowser can take the match from him. It's certainly not impossible... You weren't around to see Derigo's Bowser...and I'm sorry for that....it was amazing.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 22, 2007
Brandon, Florida
Yeah, I know Lamby is a huge advocate for Melee as a balanced game, but it's simply not...

Brawl isn't, really, either....but we can't really tell how (un)balanced it will be yet.

There's not a good tier list yet...and anybody who has been in the Melee scene for a while knows that whatever list they might have right now will change dramatically before long.

In melee, there are impossible matches. I'm sorry, but it's true. Yes, you can link a video of any character beating any character, but it really doesn't change the fact that at any sort of higher level, the match is impossible. Bowser Sheik? Marth Kirby? Samus Kirby? sheik vs low tier? etc etc etc etc.

Like I said, I'm really not asking for a video on each of these matches, I know they exist. Just, in a realistic situation, it's impossible. I'm sorry....

Also, Fox Bowser is a winnable match for Bowser, actually.

Now, in Brawl, there are matches that seem pretty swayed one way, too.... DDD MK isn't impossible for DDD.... The worst matchup I can see at the moment is something like DK vs DDD...infinite cg ftw.
Ever since the last gigs, people have been complaining about MK...to all of them...yes, all of them, regardless of char....SHUT UP. I'm serious. MK is by no means impossible....I was keeping quiet lately due to my inexperience against MK, but lately, I've been playing both Otru and Rx...and I've come to the conclusion that Ike vs MK is mostly even...yes, close to a 50-50. If freaking IKE can pull the match off, everybody else should just stop talking. On top of that, quite a few characters do really well again MK, to the point of countering him, even...so you have no basis behind it.

I equate this stage of MK to a lesser Melee Sheik....easy-ish to use, good against a large number of characters, and doing really well in the early metagame.

I haven't seen a matchup in Brawl equatable to the hilariously bad matchups in melee....mainly stuff like kirby vs marth or Samus....that's just me, though.

Wow, I know I don't post on here very often but I DO remember watching Fenrir get annihilated by otru during our pool matches. Annihilated as Ike actually, he did ok as fox I believe. BUt anyway, I'm not going to say that I hate MK or anything like that. I do have a lot of trouble against him (as a luigi player) and unfortunately I don't attend USF so I can't get any practice in. Do you guys ever get online!?!?!? I need MK practice! Ike practice too!!


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Bowser can chase Fox and call jumps/run-aways, then he is one of the better chars at edgeguarding Fox...also, he beats a lot of Fox's approaches. If the Fox isn't very careful, Bowser can take the match from him. It's certainly not impossible... You weren't around to see Derigo's Bowser...and I'm sorry for that....it was amazing.
I still don't see it man. :| The best bowser i've seen is Reflex. He does do well against edge guarding, but with good spacing, a Fox can indeed just run around the stage and spam lasers.
YL destroys bowser as well with his spam. Bowser can't do **** against it and YL is a lot slower than Fox.

Wow, I know I don't post on here very often but I DO remember watching Fenrir get annihilated by otru during our pool matches. Annihilated as Ike actually, he did ok as fox I believe. BUt anyway, I'm not going to say that I hate MK or anything like that. I do have a lot of trouble against him (as a luigi player) and unfortunately I don't attend USF so I can't get any practice in. Do you guys ever get online!?!?!? I need MK practice! Ike practice too!!
Ike is straight foward. No need to practice against this guy(or I could go as far as to say once you've played a few matches against a good version of a character, theres not much else to learn :|)

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Wow, I know I don't post on here very often but I DO remember watching Fenrir get annihilated by otru during our pool matches. Annihilated as Ike actually, he did ok as fox I believe.
Yeah, I initially believed that Ike was good against Meta, then I got wrecked at Gigs, so I started thinking it was impossible...Otru was the first serious MK I'd ever played...and he simply owned me. Since then, I've played quite a bit with Rx and Otru...and I'm going pretty even with them, actually..I don't mind the match so much now...at all.. MK isn't THAT gay...he really isn't. He's a bit hard if you don't know how to get around him, but just learn it. it's not bad.


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Melee is balanced.

And so is Brawl.

Warning: Skip this post if you often feel as though your time is being wasted by other people's posts. Or if you have nightmares.

The problem is with character development.

The more people there are who play a certain character, the more that character advances.

People also interpret the phrase "Tier List" many different ways, which all sound similar.

These are the interpretations I can think of:

Tier List Type 1- Lists the characters in terms of what they have to offer if they were played the best they could possibly be played. Can be thought of as the ultimate and final metagame.

Tier List Type 2- Lists the characters is terms of how they are placing in tournaments at the CURRENT metagame. Most tournaments in the country are being won by Fox Falco Marth Sheik and Peach, therefore they are the highest tiered.

Tier List Type 3- Lists the characters as how good randomnoob1213 thinks they are. These are the tier lists that get argued over all the time by unintelligent or unenlightened players.

Type 1 is based on prediction.
Type 2 is based on fact.
Type 3 is based on NOTHING!

I'm sure there are other interpretations of the tier list, these are what i believe to be the most common.

Also melee is balanced.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Melee is pretty **** balanced. Not every fighting game can be as immaculate as GG is reputed to be. I really want to play it sometime.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i dont think melee is balanced at all...brawl is closer to balance than melee

this doesnt mean that melee isnt more fun than brawl. just means its less balanced. nothing wrong with that

look at MvC2...probably the most unbalanced fighting game ever, but one of the best

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Melee balanced? Pichu much?

...I'll shut up now
Even pichu has it's ****, I'm a little rusty, but play mine sometime.

Brawl's meta game isn't evolved enough to be setting stuff in stone. Link used to be on top, and people thought ICs were useless.

But that said in melee if you are good enough you can really win any match up, that just isn't true for other fighters.
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