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Er, TheReflexWonder? He got top 8 at at both MLG and Tipped Off 11. The reason he doesn't go to majors or nationals much because he doesn't travel often out of his area. He's also ranked #1 on Georgia state PR. With that said, I do agree that Wario is a solid character, but I can imagine why he has such a small (albeit dedicated) playerbase considering his high learning curve and iffy high/top tier MUs.bc1910 : Yes Wario was really difficult to place for me honestly. Abadango used this character a lot, and had decent results with Pac-Man and Wario. I still think Wario is extremely viable, but under-utalised. That made it real hard for me to place him. There's never really been one strictly loyal Wario main who places high. I do think he has about as much potential as he had in Brawl tho!
@Feelicks : Is Palutena in this game!?Yeah, jokes aside... I literally forgot about her. But she might hold as much potential as Samus. Honestly, I really don't know that much about her, other than that no Customs screws her over completely. From reading this thread tho, she's probably Samus-tier.
For the record when it comes to Palutena, she's a bad character no way around it, but she still has neat tools (invincible bair and dash attack, decent combo throw in form of dthrow, solid aerials, mobility & jab cancel) and placings, even if her ones at high level are still lacking. Prince Ramen is even ranked #1 here in Central Florida PR, and he's a solo Palutena main.
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