I personally do not like

's design at all. I find him singularly joyless to play against, whether I'm winning or losing. It's like he doesn't have a neutral state at all, because his ground game is so good that just being in "neutral" is advantageous for him. This is of course compensated for by the fact that every time he is in disadvantage he is at risk of losing the stock. I find that when I play against a good Little Mac, most of the match feels like a thankless uphill battle which you are usually losing due to how much better his tools are than yours. Then when you kill them, it is invariably by tossing him offstage and then getting an anticlimactic and unsatisfying gimp that feels just as unfair as everything he did to you onstage. And KO punch is the sort of thing that should only come out of a Smash ball.
I personally would be much happier with his design if they took out his super armor and compensated by giving him proper recovery tools. Then he might be more consistent in competitive play. Best of all, he would actually have to play around his opponent's moves, rather than just barreling through them. Isn't that how it works in Punch Out, not to mention actual boxing? Also, please take away KO punch altogether. If you want to include a unique mechanic from Punch Out, I'll vote for his stamina meter instead.

, I think a part of the problem with his design execution is that he becomes so effective at camping when his aura builds up.