I don't know if this is actually the right place to discuss something like this but I wanted to give my 2 cents regarding the 2 stocks vs 3 stocks debate
3 Stocks being a logistical nightmare is just a rumor. If you look at 3 Stocks tournament they have no problems at all. 3 Stocks causes only a problem if the TOing is really bad or if they did a bad schedule. We have 100+ man tournaments, we do big round robin pools to 48 or 64 Man Bracket and still finish in one day (12 hours) with breaks between pools and brackets and with Top8 being on stream every single game.
While this is mostly true (for medium and moderately big tourneys) I feel like it's glossing over a few problems actually
for really small scenes where getting enough monitors and consoles is a real problem the difference in time is big and noticeable (from my experience at least), while this might not be relevant because the "real metagame" gets played at bigger tourneys, a 2 stock ruleset might still be needed in those circumstances
Also, for really big tourneys (like, EVO big) having a 3 stock ruleset implies the need to get more time allocated to that particular event, and this might not always be a feasible option
The viewer argument is non-sense because if you like this game and you have fun watching this game you should appreciate more stocks. If you don't like watching more then you probably don't care enough about the game and just want to finish it as soon as possible and those kind of people should not count into "viewer friendly".
Here I feel like you're projecting too much, I know a lot of people who really love the game but can't follow matches and the likes because they simply do not have the free time to do so, and this is just an example, there are other possible and valid motivations as to why someone might prefer matches to be shorter
disregarding their opinion and saying that tourneys should not cater to them sounds quite selfish to me
3 Stocks is a lot less consistent. One crazy read can decide a game in 2 Stocks and thus variance is promoted.
We once did Bo5 for Top8 (we usually only go Bo5 for WF LF and GF) and almost every set ended 3:0
I hear this argument a lot, and yes, obviously there's more possible variance in a 2 stock scenario
but is it really that significant (considering we don't play bo1)? does it really hinder the competitiveness that much?
to me this argument would require actual statistical evidence to be considered something important to be accounted for
so far, from what I've seen from Zero's TOTAL DOMINATION, the bigger "variance" does not look to be creating an enviroment where results are somewhat random (but again, even this is just anedoctal and not decisive evidence)
also, having longer sets means that players get more tired during the tourney (and this could affect their performance)
probably gets boosted by 2 stocks as well, because one limit cross slash at the right time and you win the game or at least half of it.
I can't really say, but for characters like Wario and LittleMac having more stocks is actually better because they get more chances to play their trumpcard, couldn't a similar reasoning apply here as well?
I personally do not care whether the game gets to be played in a 3 stock format or not, I like the game anyway, it's just that I feel like most arguments used to defend either position follow quite a faulty logic and do not provide REAL evidence
re: cloud grab game
(functional) grabs (aka almost every grab but pacman's, basically) cannot be "bad" in a general term because they are a tool that beats shield, whether you get huge reward out of it or just positional advantage they condition the opponent to do something other than sit in shield, and this is hugely important
they can be "bad" COMPARED to other grabs though, and this is why Cloud grab is "bad"