This could definitely be a part of it. It's a lot harder to be consistent with less stocks.
But 3 stock tournaments are a logistical nightmare. At least when there's 100s of entrants. Less viewer friendly as well.
3 Stocks being a logistical nightmare is just a rumor. If you look at 3 Stocks tournament they have no problems at all. 3 Stocks causes only a problem if the TOing is really bad or if they did a bad schedule. We have 100+ man tournaments, we do big round robin pools to 48 or 64 Man Bracket and still finish in one day (12 hours) with breaks between pools and brackets and with Top8 being on stream every single game.
The viewer argument is non-sense because if you like this game and you have fun watching this game you should appreciate more stocks. If you don't like watching more then you probably don't care enough about the game and just want to finish it as soon as possible and those kind of people should not count into "viewer friendly".
3 Stocks is a lot less consistent. One crazy read can decide a game in 2 Stocks and thus variance is promoted.
We once did Bo5 for Top8 (we usually only go Bo5 for WF LF and GF) and almost every set ended 3:0
probably gets boosted by 2 stocks as well, because one limit cross slash at the right time and you win the game or at least half of it.
Cloud seems to be the strongest character right now. I could imagine that he goes +2 with half of the cast, because of his ridiculous strengths. His recovery is not a problem because with limit active he has 5% more air speed than Yoshi while being able to cover him completely with aerials and thus he can almost always recover safely without even using his UpB. If you learn to DI non-lethal hits up you can almost always recover with your speed and DJ alone.
Cloud's stats with limit are insane. Combine that with a frame 4 jump squad, lagless aerials and huge hitboxes and I'd say Limit Cloud is by far the best character in this game.
Thats why I don't understand why people are throwing their Limit away when their opponent is at low% because 26% of one cross slash is easily archived by doing 2-3 upairs/nairs as well.
Personally this character ruins the game for me right now. Everytime I beat someone badly Game 1 they switch to Cloud and give me a hard time. Last weekend I lost Game 1 to a Cloud (even though he's maining a different character), then I went Cloud myself and 2 stocked his Cloud and then his main (DK). It was a really dumb feeling.
This pocket Cloud thing happens all the time and a character of this pure strength shouldn't be that easy to play