Controversial opinion time.

as a whole is about as dumb than pre-patch

, maybe even moreso, because pre-patch Luigi was never actually *that* good.
Everything a swordsman could ever need, on top of incredibly generous auto-cancels, which leads to being incredibly easy to play.
Nair and Dair combined protect him from almost all aerial challenges against most characters apart from a select few.
Limit is free as ****, no reason you shouldn't be getting this at least three times a game.
Recovery is mediocre but unless you get sent at an unfortunate angle you can often just double jump back to the stage/air dodge right into Up-B, which removes most of the risk.
Love and respect to all the Cloud mains in this thread, you all are hard workers and are innovating for an entirely new character. I don't mean to demean your effort. I think this character is legit bonkers.