Gigs used to take 50% of the pot, and awarded 45% to first and 5% to second. 3rd got something like a tshirt from the store. This was back in the second half of 05 and early 06. I wasn't too pleased about it at the time, but they were also the only tournament to even EXIST back then. So I guess we took what we got.
Not that I think it's a bad thing, it's just outside of the norm, especially compared to player run tournaments.
They switched at one point, to the current system (i think) of 50/15/5. At the time of the switch it was an improvement in giving back more to the players; I seem to remember commending them on the voluntary draw back of their take in. (Although I'm sure they've made more as attendence has been up above 16 smashers--the first tourney iirc.)
I also remember at one point (back when the payout was 45/5/shirt) it was discussed between switching to a door fee or not. In the end I think we decided not to just because we're all cheap dirtbags.
Even now, if you need to, look at it as a door fee of $4.50 and a tourney entry of $10.50.
Of course, the ideal tournament with regard to fees and payouts is no door fee with 100% of the pot being paid out. I'm pretty sure those in charge of gigabits realize this and they have made steps towards this ideal in the past. I realize it's impractical to think gigabits will ever fully achieve this ideal, since it is a business, but they have always been well aware of and respondant too the players wishes--even as far back as the first tourney when we convinced them to have 1v1 double elim instead of FFA.
Gigabits owners have always been the quickest to respond to the community's preferences and demands.
Speaking of, it's also kinda smash thing for when the pot gets big enough/enough attend to award prizes to more than just the top 3. I did it at LTEC2, and many other large(r) scale underground tournaments have done it as well.
Just thought i'd throw the idea out there... maybe something to think about for the next tournament.