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10-31 Chu Dat's Biweekly on Halloween: drama until next halloween... Falls Church VA


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I was probably sleeping on the couch when this happened

the set was extremely boring, hence why I didn't pay attention

This is basically an example of people being belligerent and stupid, this happens every day guys, its not any different here, you all should apologize and talk to each other about it as i've mentioned before

I did notice Chillin calling them the other brothers names on purpose though

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
This seems rather saddening. Chillin going off on Gimr over his playstyle. Just a game when it comes down to it...>_<

Insulting his beliefs is a low blow Chillin.


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I'm sorry Tant but being belligerent isn't a good excuse. Being belligerent really just makes people say what they WANT to say, it doesn't make them lose all control, unless they let it. If a cop came into the house Chillin would've straightened up and tried to act sober. I hate how people have this attitude(not necessarily you Tant) that because someone was drunk it basically excuses them for there actions and what they said while being drunk. It's bull crap and just not true. IT can also be said that if Chillin knew he acts that way when he gets drunk then he shouldn't of gotten drunk in the first place

@Seagull: please dont misquote me(I know you didnt try to :p )

I said he was asking questions so he could start poking fun at my beliefs. I didn't let him go that far because I didnt let the conversation continue. He was trying to go there but never actually did. So technically he didn't poke fun at my beliefs


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
okay gimr, ill give you what i said after the match was true, but as i've said i was drunk and pissed lol so it was kind of to be expected. you seemed to omit the part where i later on in the night i said i dont actually hate you as a person.

lmfao @ "pushing your buttons" earlier in the day, i was just messing around, i do that with almost everyone at tournaments and you and aposl took it a bit too seriously it seemed.

obviously i didnt apologize to your face because i was still upset about it. moreso than anything you brought back my hatred for brawl, and since i was drunk i just said i hated you too.

anyway i have no problem w/ you gimr, your bro is a little b*tch though. if you still have a problem w/ me i suppose its understandable, but i dont really care that much to be honest. i don't know why you said **** like i was trying to "poke fun at your beliefs", that's pretty much complete BS and i was honestly just asking about them out of curiosity, but you took the hostile route and assumed i was going to poke fun.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
@Seagull: please dont misquote me(I know you didnt try to :p )

I said he was asking questions so he could start poking fun at my beliefs. I didn't let him go that far because I didnt let the conversation continue. He was trying to go there but never actually did. So technically he didn't poke fun at my beliefs
Yeah. I was generally confused to begin with. :bee:


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
its funny because i legitimately felt bad later that night when i sobered up, but the way you and aposl are acting now (him being an internet thug, you exaggerating and assuming facts) clears my conscience a little bit. thanks!


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I wasn't saying belligerent is a good excuse, i'm saying it happens a lot and people should get used to it

anyways, this is really between gimr and chillin, dunno why this was even thrown into the results thread, I guess MD/VA really can't help themselves sometimes

see you all at bolts/inuis/c3


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
its funny because i legitimately felt bad later that night when i sobered up, but the way you and aposl are acting now (him being an internet thug, you exaggerating and assuming facts) clears my conscience a little bit. thanks!
Everything I said was true. And dont even pretend that you actually wanted to KNOW my beliefs. You and I both know where you were going with it.

How about you follow your own code of saying things in real life and actually apologize to my face the next time you see me.

what you said at Chu's wasn't an apology.

I'm done with this, goodnight guys.


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
ahahhaahahah ****ing popcorn all day lets goez you 2 are ****ing hillarious !!! loooooooooool

god **** seriously

but chillin was drunk auto excused ... :p


Smash Master
Dec 3, 2005
chillin doesn't wear tight jeans like the white boys, but he do get wasted like the white boys


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
Thumbs! We had fun, though. Me and Oath gayed you!

Just ignore this **** and have fun. I ignore MD/VA drama hour cuz it's the same. **** it.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
Dood, I don't care what you say, you like this game. Just avoid drama sluts and you'll be all right.

Deleted member

ur just an internet warrior
iirc azen came up with the term "internet thug". hilarious.

also, I have a better idea to chillin and gimr fighting. you guys should flame me for failing to kill sin with a fake sword. letting sin live is actually worse than anything the two of you could have said to each other.

edit: I just now saw that you've already used internet thug.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
have u ever heard of thumbs???
Lol i read a few of Thumb's post but this guy Shinku will be like

"Hey guys, lets go out to Mcdonalds...............brawl sucks"

I dont think i've seen a post from him that doesn't bash brawl.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
Everything I said was true. And dont even pretend that you actually wanted to KNOW my beliefs. You and I both know where you were going with it.
thats clearly an assumption. its true that if anything you said was arguable id argue it, but to say that my intention was to poke fun at your beliefs is complete BS. if anything, it sounds like you might have some problem with defending your beliefs? i wonder why that would be? i can make assumptions too if you want to.

How about you follow your own code of saying things in real life and actually apologize to my face the next time you see me.

what you said at Chu's wasn't an apology.
yeah, it wasnt really an apology. my first post in this thread was an apology, and thats pretty much all you're gonna get, especially since ive acknowledged that i was in the wrong and you're still being hostile as ****

like i said before, if you still have a problem w/ me, i dont really give a ****


Smash Master
Nov 25, 2006
RamenKing! (*´ω`)/ Falls Church, VA
okay, let me just say a few things. I'm not excusing what my brother typed, I just want you guys to know what actually happened before jumping to any conclusions.

for one, my bro was about to cuss Chillin out at the tourney but I stopped him because I wanted to handle my own business. You see, my brother had an obstacle in his way stopping him from saying what he wanted to say. Chillin didn't.

Secondly, Before Chillin got drunk or lost to me in tourney, hes was trying to push me and my brothers buttons. He was purposefully calling us not by our actual names. He also tried to bring my beliefs up multiple times so he could poke fun at them. I kept my cool and didn't let it get to me.

So here's what happened:

Me and Chillin played our set to see who would get into Losers Finals. He had been drinking.

I won the set, and recorded the matches I won. While the last match was recording Chillin turned the Wii off and walked into the VIP room.

Before Meep and I started Losers Finals Chillin came backin and started on Me. He said the following, almost exactly, and in a serious tone:

GIMR I really don't like you

I mean not just in the game

I don't like you as a person

seriously I ****ing hate you


Have I ever told you that to your face?


No, it's probably cause your a little *****, I 've never heard that before so you must've been saying it behind my back

Chillin: What!?


I said, No, it's probably cause your a little *****, I 've never heard that before so you must've been saying it behind my back

Chu then walks up to him and they walk out of the room.

During Losers finals Chillin kept coming in and out of the room complaining about my playstlyle and cheering Meep on LOUDLY. He was trying to mess with my head but it didn't work. I was just laughing to myself because he was making a fool of himself.

Now, what he said was inexcusable. Not because he hurt my feelings(because he didn't) but because it was wrong/evil, how ever you want to word it. My question is Why do people put up with it? Oh yeah, he never apologized to my face by the way. That would take real ca-hones.

anyways, my bro saw him telling people like Korn to stop complaining on the boards. My brother got pissed off because of the complete hypocrisy of what Chillin was saying and lashed out at him.

That's what happened
rofl... !!!!
I'm so glad I left early that day.. :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2008
Central Florida
It seems that Brawl must be an unfair competition...


1) We have animosity here as well.
2) We have people who are too good but, don't win!
3) We have confused people who will not except brawl for what it is.
4) We have to counter pick (most of the time)
5) We the high-level smashers consciously think about why horrible things are allowed in competition
6) We have to join the party if we wish to win
7) Or is brawl not as easy as we want it to be?

PS. Walnut (A mario main in a metaknight world)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Silver Spring, Md
Hm... GIMR sure makes a good argument, displaying how much of A-hole chillindude is and its obvious Tant is categorizing Chillin as one of those belligerent and stupid people. A person being drunk and high, entering in a competitive environment involving money, has to be the stupidest thing I saw that night.

Aside from Hat losing my $5 to him in a MM
and some "cool" guy leaving a sharp *** long sword laying around, so random smasher(S!n) could pick it up, get threaten , and charged at for holding a sword; leaving a deep bloody cut in my shoulder in the process and almost slicing my face. Holy crap what a ****ing moron

Anyway what I notice from some drunks especially when their high is they usually get angry after losing, refuse to accept that the winner is better than them in skill and will not acknowledge that they got *****, 3stocked, and killed at the end with the most epic move ever that will never be shown for obvious reasons. BTW I'm not taking sides. Just posting my thoughts on the event. =)
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