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10/18/2008 GIGABITS - A Fall Brawl


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Dguy: You probably don't remember me, but I played a friendly against you with Mario against your Samus. Good match, but I really wanted to face your Lucario. Maybe next time.
Ah, sorry. Just ask me if you want to play my Lucario and I don't have him picked.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2006
lol yah, its track record is god awful right now. Here's hoping the device surprises me by NOT surprising me the next time I need it. It's pronunciation is still hilarious though: "penSACKola" (pensacola), "OCKala" (ocala), "stadium doctor" (stadium dr). :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Good Luck with that Red Hal, its hard to win money especially with all the pros constantly fighting each other, hopefully you won't get a bracket where you have to fight Afro 1st and then like seibrik or someone 2 matches later cuz you will have some serious trouble.
Yeah, that might be troublesome. But I guess it won't bother me that much since I'm going to fight good people eventually and I either will or won't beat them when I play them the first time. If I can't beat Seibrik in the second round, then I won't beat him in the semis either.

So I guess I'd relish the chance to knock out a high ranking player rather than play them in the semis and be all nervous (like I was chill when I played you at PnT, but when I played Polmex in the semi's I choked up).

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Yeah, that might be troublesome. But I guess it won't bother me that much since I'm going to fight good people eventually and I either will or won't beat them when I play them the first time. If I can't beat Seibrik in the second round, then I won't beat him in the semis either.

So I guess I'd relish the chance to knock out a high ranking player rather than play them in the semis and be all nervous (like I was chill when I played you at PnT, but when I played Polmex in the semi's I choked up).
thats a good golden rule to live by, i used to do it alot myself till one day i magically became one of these "top players" people talk about.... its weird o_O


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol. everyone in ********* is a luigis mansion main. That IS our house, after all :laugh:

i recorded every single match that was on TV 5 all day on my VCR. It will take some time for me to get vids up because I have to rerecord every match onto my computer and then upload them on youtube, which takes forever by itself. I plan to do the finals for singles and doubles, then the two crew battles, then the d3 ditto money match, then random singles/doubles matches. That and I do have a full time job, so im not even home to do any of this until 6pm....so just know that im working on them.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2006

I had fun for the most parts.....Some people are full of themselves but yeah other
than that ...IT was pretty **** Great

Gmoney-Good to see you as always
HRNuts-Good match in the crew battles
GDX-Your diddy is to good.....I wanna a rematch >: ( lol
dedw8-Nice seeing you again. Your yoshi getting better...you should main him
Tallahassee Crew- GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rest I forgot ummm ..........................Mindgamez! :)

FIU and other crews hope yall can make it up to Tallahassee on NOV 1st

Bring your good clothes we might party after...>ITS FAMU homecoming


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
if i didnt mention before, FSU crew is a bunch of cool mofos. Awal and DBS are too good

Guess ill try to scrounge up some money to buy some new shoes or something. If i wore my regular shoes to a party/club id get laughed at. Hopefully we can win the tourney on the 1st and immediately go to the shoe store :laugh:

i dont think i was one of the ones that was full of myself. OR at least i hope i didnt come off that way. Everyone who regularly plays me knows im pretty much the exact opposite

you know ill try nick bernard riddle whipped **** nut

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Sorry for bailing on crew battles, wanted to get home >.<

ended up playing melee for about 4-5 hours that night and woke up sunday playing even more melee.

sorry but

**** brawl, melee mario is too fun


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
if i didnt mention before, FSU crew is a bunch of cool mofos. Awal and DBS are too good

Guess ill try to scrounge up some money to buy some new shoes or something. If i wore my regular shoes to a party/club id get laughed at. Hopefully we can win the tourney on the 1st and immediately go to the shoe store :laugh:

i dont think i was one of the ones that was full of myself. OR at least i hope i didnt come off that way. Everyone who regularly plays me knows im pretty much the exact opposite

you know ill try nick bernard riddle whipped **** nut

Hey they aren't the only good one's in the crew. MrFTW wrecked on saturday! XD
He almost beat Rox if he hadn't have tripped into a snake up-tilt, i almost cried when i saw that lulz. I would have done better if i hadn't been an idiot against madness, i had his kirby all three matches and i blew it at the end of two of them. Either way, i still had an awesome time!


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Hey they aren't the only good one's in the crew. MrFTW wrecked on saturday! XD
He almost beat Rox if he hadn't have tripped into a snake up-tilt, i almost cried when i saw that lulz. I would have done better if i hadn't been an idiot against madness, i had his kirby all three matches and i blew it at the end of two of them. Either way, i still had an awesome time!
oh no, im not saying those two are the only good ones. Im just saying they're too good cause i talked to those two the most

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
Huge shoutout to Gmoney for being a man.

Dude, we both got screwed for first round, then we both got over it and had to play again late in the tourney.... and we both *****.

Just basically, good stuff... I'm really glad you got me that second match, actually... I thought you deserved the win in those...just outplaying me there.

Just good stuff to you and your 2nd place.

I'll take my top seven finish with a "mediocre" character and be quite happy. : )


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Slit looks exactly like Isai with long hair.

He sounds exactly like him too.

Slit is pritty much a white Isai.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2006
Slit looks exactly like Isai with long hair.

He sounds exactly like him too.

Slit is pritty much a white Isai.

if i didnt mention before, FSU crew is a bunch of cool mofos. Awal and DBS are too good

Guess ill try to scrounge up some money to buy some new shoes or something. If i wore my regular shoes to a party/club id get laughed at. Hopefully we can win the tourney on the 1st and immediately go to the shoe store :laugh:

i dont think i was one of the ones that was full of myself. OR at least i hope i didnt come off that way. Everyone who regularly plays me knows im pretty much the exact opposite

you know ill try nick bernard riddle whipped **** nut

naw it wasnt you Yall crew is too cool

It reminds me of our crew lol O_o

But yeah Imma look into the partys

might cause some dough though.....cuz its always huge

if not idk lets drink!!!

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
:D We're destined to team, friend.

But not next gigs. December gigs? Lolz
my 7th place buddy playing a bad char. yesh!

I want to team with you, yes.

Unfortunately, my future Smash involvement is somewhat under consideration...

There's a chance the future of tournaments will have to be lacking a Fenrir...

I won't really give reasons, kinda personal. I still really like Brawl...so that's not it. Just...life goes on, kinda, eh?

Idk, we'll see what the future holds for me. I certainly would rather not give it up, but I may be forced into it.

ANYWAYS, disregarding all that, if I keep playing, I def want to team again.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Me and you next gigs fearless be ready
I'm SO ready.

my 7th place buddy playing a bad char. yesh!

I want to team with you, yes.

Unfortunately, my future Smash involvement is somewhat under consideration...

There's a chance the future of tournaments will have to be lacking a Fenrir...

I won't really give reasons, kinda personal. I still really like Brawl...so that's not it. Just...life goes on, kinda, eh?

Idk, we'll see what the future holds for me. I certainly would rather not give it up, but I may be forced into it.

ANYWAYS, disregarding all that, if I keep playing, I def want to team again.
Alright man, good luck with whatever happens.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
One thing is for sure after this tourney... Fenrir and I are true men (though Fenrir is more so). That was such a crazy way to play out a tourney. I looked at the bracket way late and was like, "I'm playing Fenrir... again? Crazy! :)" Our sets were so much fun and you really challenged me (this goes for everyone I played actually). I now know not to *** with that MK when Fenrir is about. XD Too good.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
Madness, you better watch out, im coming back for a rematch! :p

Keep an eye out for Tally crew at the next gigs!

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
01: hrnut (Marth, Snake, Olimar)
02: Gmoney (Wario, Metaknight)
03: equi (Wolf)
04: TommyG (Falco)
05: cdoc (Pit)
05: seibrik (DDD, Metaknight)
07: Fearless (Olimar)
07: Fenrir (Fox)
09: gdx (Diddy Kong)
09: Afro Thunder (Snake)
09: Dguy (Lucario)
09: chaz (Marth)
13: Sheer Madness (Kirby)
13: Izzy (GW)

I'm liking this lack of top tier in the top placings, anyone else?


let's establish some crews for next gigs right now


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008

Oh and action will still play but only because he super sucks at melee and chose to just get good at brawl
on two occassion

1: my name is NOT longer Action...that is SUCH A CURSED NAME THAT DOSEN'T HAVE ANY CONFIDENT ON FIGHTING...and other name reason johns. Yes I think is funny at times and I don't mind being call that...but that was just some random C. falcon player mkay? might as well pick my Gannon just like renth suggested and second main C. falcon... I miss my evil me. and the name of BFG 9000 in melee.

(will change my name on the board once more as "Straw hat" luffy at the end of the month.)

When I think of Luffy, he ALWAYS have confident on kicking peoples butts and protecting his nakama. I went to gig with alot of hell of confident because I going to prove to H-box that I am going to get better, and I did!...sort off (So said the people at the tourney, that my lucas got better). So nope! is going to be me kyon and h-box, and proably others whom are interested on tourneys.

2: yes, brawl is boring at times but I won't forget the intense game on melee, yes I do suck but get this...I haven't been to brawl gigs for over 2 months >.>. Now i'll give my dedicated time to melee like I used too. The prolbem is that the lougue dosen't play melee like it used too, Nick dosen't awser his phone when I leave messages, no one comes to my house cuz lil brother/mother johns. So I am stuck doing the zoro training. So if if I want to get better, I need to go out and melee someone almost 24 hours, that how scar probaly did it >_>. nuff said...

FIY: I need at least a month or two to build confident on melee now in order for me to get better...AND!!! a new controller.

to zoro: such anger i have now >_> I'll take it on you when we get the chance to play <3.

also: no more name johning, changing character from ANY WATO member...
or no speach combo this xmas :p.

So...is a guy with a straw hat that mains lucas and GnW. GnW name? Gear to Second.

"you can't beat a guy with a Straw Hat! is freaking luffy man." Seriusly, witch one of you guys said it :p? is like my new quote for me.

confident of winning on melee: 25%
on brawl: 82% and growing!

oh and...

GDX: let me get that video of me vs that lucario kid will ya? (is not Dguy, was some good lucario guy)

Gmoney: Your getting lazy :p
sensei: mario ditto me!
Hrnuts: I want to be added to the shield breaker list.
nick: awser the phone please >_>; so i can get mah melee thing in motion.
To Wato: Give me time to improve on melee again =P.

I though Cash Money was that guy with the jason mask...who was that guy? XD.


~Straw Hat~


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
Hey they aren't the only good one's in the crew. MrFTW wrecked on saturday! XD
He almost beat Rox if he hadn't have tripped into a snake up-tilt, i almost cried when i saw that lulz. I would have done better if i hadn't been an idiot against madness, i had his kirby all three matches and i blew it at the end of two of them. Either way, i still had an awesome time!
Soma = hater

I 3 stocked his mom 5 years ago


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2007
well, I lost to Equi and Izzy. So I guess I shouldn't feel that bad considering I use Sonic...
Shut up, you just need to get practice, i never want to hear that again. Your sonic is great, it just wasn't used to that level of competition.

Hai Im Fearless

Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, FL
Shut up, you just need to get practice, i never want to hear that again. Your sonic is great, it just wasn't used to that level of competition.
That was like the single most inspirational post ever.

Like in my head I was thinking about every basketball \ football coach movie ever made.


Smash Ace
Jul 9, 2007
Land of Clouds and Spikes
U were awesome b awal, but yeah get more practice and get better.
BTW luffy....or action.....or watever it is.....the one in the jason mask was bonesaw my doubles partner.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
or u could actually just do wat u keep saying and just, i duno, stick to melee only?

i mean, since u dont have fun with brawl :p
how about ill steal your money and laugh, and considering i havnt been to a brawl tourney in more than a month get off my d!ck


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
U were awesome b awal, but yeah get more practice and get better.
BTW luffy....or action.....or watever it is.....the one in the jason mask was bonesaw my doubles partner.
is luffy :p

ohhh!!! awsome XD. I should go with the FReady outfit to join him :p. ****, too late, probaly next halloween o.<.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
which we won't be able to make probably since we'll be on break in sfl :/
oh wow...that kinda sux...they shouldve had it the 22nd, it would make more sense to not have a tournament thanksgiving weekend. Oh well, they prolly had a legit reason for having gigs that day anyway. I guess the tourney Nov 1st will have to do...

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
01: hrnut (Marth, Snake, Olimar)
02: Gmoney (Wario, Metaknight)
03: equi (Wolf)
04: TommyG (Falco)
05: cdoc (Pit)
05: seibrik (DDD, Metaknight)
07: Fearless (Olimar)
07: Fenrir (Fox)
09: gdx (Diddy Kong)
09: Afro Thunder (Snake)
09: Dguy (Lucario)
09: chaz (Marth)
13: Sheer Madness (Kirby)
13: Izzy (GW)

I'm liking this lack of top tier in the top placings, anyone else?


let's establish some crews for next gigs right now
that is awesome actually, lets get crews ready cuz ********* is suppose to do a crew battle with FIU and we're lacking to say the least
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