Oh and action will still play but only because he super sucks at melee and chose to just get good at brawl
on two occassion
1: my name is NOT longer Action...that is SUCH A CURSED NAME THAT DOSEN'T HAVE ANY CONFIDENT ON FIGHTING...and other name reason johns. Yes I think is funny at times and I don't mind being call that...but that was just some random C. falcon player mkay? might as well pick my Gannon just like renth suggested and second main C. falcon... I miss my evil me. and the name of BFG 9000 in melee.
(will change my name on the board once more as "Straw hat" luffy at the end of the month.)
When I think of Luffy, he ALWAYS have confident on kicking peoples butts and protecting his nakama. I went to gig with alot of hell of confident because I going to prove to H-box that I am going to get better, and I did!...sort off (So said the people at the tourney, that my lucas got better). So nope! is going to be me kyon and h-box, and proably others whom are interested on tourneys.
2: yes, brawl is boring at times but I won't forget the intense game on melee, yes I do suck but get this...I haven't been to brawl gigs for over 2 months >.>. Now i'll give my dedicated time to melee like I used too. The prolbem is that the lougue dosen't play melee like it used too, Nick dosen't awser his phone when I leave messages, no one comes to my house cuz lil brother/mother johns. So I am stuck doing the zoro training. So if if I want to get better, I need to go out and melee someone almost 24 hours, that how scar probaly did it >_>. nuff said...
FIY: I need at least a month or two to build confident on melee now in order for me to get better...AND!!! a new controller.
to zoro: such anger i have now >_> I'll take it on you when we get the chance to play <3.
also: no more name johning, changing character from ANY WATO member...
or no speach combo this xmas

So...is a guy with a straw hat that mains lucas and GnW. GnW name? Gear to Second.
"you can't beat a guy with a Straw Hat! is freaking luffy man." Seriusly, witch one of you guys said it

? is like my new quote for me.
confident of winning on melee: 25%
on brawl: 82% and growing!
oh and...
GDX: let me get that video of me vs that lucario kid will ya? (is not Dguy, was some good lucario guy)
Gmoney: Your getting lazy

sensei: mario ditto me!
Hrnuts: I want to be added to the shield breaker list.
nick: awser the phone please >_>; so i can get mah melee thing in motion.
To Wato: Give me time to improve on melee again =P.
I though Cash Money was that guy with the jason mask...who was that guy? XD.
~Straw Hat~