Gigs was so good, i enjoyed the Falcon 4-way as well as all my matches, thanks for teaching me stuff chaz you're awesome, and i bet your glad that i thought u what i did about the wolf match, Gmoney is insane, Afro is too funny (Denny's was great) afro does the lambchops look which is freaking hilarious lol, Thanks Seibrik for the D3 advice u gave me and like i had said in the post the instant u lost to someone you were gonna switch and you did but i can't blame you GG, xYz was awesome for helping in crew battles, FIU is too good, we still gotta have our crew battle though, I enjoyed doing two crew battles with FSU, sorry but we don't make it easy GGs, tommy G we'll fight next time, Great Job on making such a great tourney run Equi, i enjoyed every match of the winners finals even when you chose to go Mk vs Marth GGs, I was so glad that in the finals i could actually go marth and not worry too much about the fight being uneven, i was also really happy that i didn't have to use metaknight at all during singles, it was all Marth, Snake, and Olimar (thanks Fearless) if i missed anyone i'm sorry i know that i wrote a block of text but i didn't feel like organizing it lol