Ice climbersCounter-picks:
Rainbow cruise, Lylat cruise, Frigate orpheon, pokemon stadium 1, and pokemon stadium 2
Bans: Delfino plaza, castle siege, and FD
All stages except ps1 and ps2 have good platforms that can help
Luigi avoid ICs grabs.
Each stage transforms and this can conflict with ICs trying to get a grab on Luigi. Also the stage transformations cancel all grabs so if you get caught in a cg it will get canceled.
Rainbow cruise: Chances are the Ic user is going to switch characters, but in the event that they don't. Approach carefully and don't do risky moves. Separate the ics with jab cancel to dsmash , Luigi cyclone, or aerials (preferably fairs). Once you separate the Ics go after Nana with bairs and get her off the stage. Also when you can get the ics in air and prevent them from getting on platforms since they suck at recovering on RC while it is moving.
Lylat cruise: This stage benefits
Luigi more than the Ics since the stage tilts a lot this conflicts with the ics' neutral b projectile because it won't travel as far and the stage tilt doesn't conflict with Luigi at all.
Frigate orpheon: Stage transformation is annoying for both Luigi and Ics, but in the event that both characters get caught under the stage WE have
THREE ways/jumps of recovering and ics only have two

. Also when Frigate is in the first transformation (when there is only one edge) separate the ics or bair them both into oblivion off the stage towards the right. Since there is no edge on the right of the stage ics will be forced to land on the platform that rises up and down you can get a free hit. Last thing if you have a stock lead and the timer is about to run out Scrooge them. An Edge jump then side b under the stage and recover on the other side.
Ps1 and ps2: Once again Stage transformation cancel grabs and the changes in the stage in ps2 can force the ics to fight instead of grab. The wind part of the stage can help if Luigi can get Ics in the air and at this moment abuse aerials. Also in the wind part the push from the wind helps for early up b kills. Although on Ps2 if it changes to the ice form then Luigi will be screwed because ics don't slide on ice and Luigi slidiness will get him caught in grabs and other attacks. All transformations for ps1 can be both bad and good for both
luigi and ics.
Delfino plaza: It’s the combination of FD and RC. Sure there are platforms to stay away from the ics, but most of stage transformations are flat and all it takes is one grab.
Final destination: Koro has it put best so look at his quote.
Castle siege: It’s pretty much a cage with no escape from Ics. The only beneficial part of the stage is the first one. The second part is bad for Luigi in that the statues will cut off his range for aerials and a smart ics will stay at the bottom or near the edge to cg
Luigi to death. The last part is a flat stage although it tilts it doesn't really help in stopping the ics from getting a grab.
Other info. Fire balls go through Blizzard
If you separate the ics and nana flops on the ground. Try to predict where she rolls and up b that harlot.
Jab to dsmash works only on hit box 1 and hit box 2 of jab 1.
I hope this info helps. :3 meow