No problem, Verm. It's the least I could do.
It's actually kinda sad that some of the people in that topic just sat there and pontificated over these tangential points when it had nothing to do with what you were saying in the slightest. I'll admit, I may not exactly be as prolific when it comes to utilizing such technical language, and I may not be properly learned in its application/theory, but I was learning about it. What I learned was thus:
Language is so much more than just a string of vowels, consonants and inflections; it's a broad dynamic, to the nth (probably infinitesimal) degree, of conveyance in regards to pretty much everything that makes us what we are. There's a million-million ways to describe all the manner of things, and through the usage of technical language, we can codify otherwise complex ideas into just a few words. It's enrichment of communication more than anything else, not a measuring stick to gauge intellect.
I dunno, that's what I gleaned from the topic at hand. *shrugs.* It's very interesting stuff regardless, Verm, and I definitely look forward to posts from you in the future. Here's to hoping people like SuperBowser, El Nino, Sucumbio, and Underdogs will reply to you in the future, tho', I don't think I could take another Frotaz. Lol.