With respect, Calebyte would likely be placing the same as I would (around 9th or 7th) if he came down to Atlanta and played tourneys here. The same would apply for any Mario peep that would come here (A2Z, possibly Flame if he ever got off the wifail teat, et al.). I would make Boss an exception to this, but he splits so much time with the Mario twins, I can't make out which one he likes more.
Kain, Isshy, & co. could do some work in the N. GA area. I know my Wolf is lacking in places, is wildly inconsistent. So your point is duly noted.
I know I could do better with my mains, and I know I am close to something else. But that is contingent on me basically removing two things from my play: Too much emotion and too many errors.
I have examples for days that I can show on my Youtube (GrandAdmiralShavy). I'll do that when I get my replays uploaded in a few days.