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  • done squirtle and charizard

    gotta jet now, but i'll get you the ivysaur one when i get back. remind me if i forget

    one more thing - it'd be shame for this gem of a quote to disappear... preserve it somehow?

    "To start, I've often use Flamethrower as an edge guarding technique. What happens is that you get to the edge when an opponent is recovering and use Flamethrower. This is not only a neat way of edge guarding, but if the opponent messes up, they are without a paddle, or in other words, out of the frying pan and into the fire. I'll call this technique Frying Pan to Fire in the name of the situation the opponent will find themselves in."
    Hey, if you can't lock anyone down in StL to house you, KC would be more than willing to help out. I'd personally get you if you flew into KCI and take you back to the airport on the 18th Tuesday if you let me know far enough in advance you're coming.

    I'm personally not going to Kahoka, but I know MJG and 4rce were talking about it, and I don't see a scenario where Fino doesn't go as well.

    Update: I definitely confirmed with MJG that he's going to Kahoka and he'd take you with him
    A few tid bits about the FKLC if you can get the positioning right it's quicker to ledgegrab with. I think it has a lot of potential mainly on the battlefield platforms. The positioning isn't hard to figure out, it's mainly done from the center of most stages give or take a few steps depending on how big the stage is. As for the grab releases I'm pretty sure the falcon kick doesn't work, but it could at low percents or something. We also have re-grab and up air for damage racking. That's normally why we like taking mk to FD, it's a "bad" neutral for him and gives us grab re-grabs without fear of messing it up on platforms, but at the same time we thrive on platforms mainly battlefield. Hyphen smashing is normally our kill move off our grab, but yeah it can get sdi'd. A good thing to use with your jab mix ups is jab > up b since most people will sit in their shield and wait to punish you, then you can grab them in theirs.
    We used to talk and set up online dittos and **** through this. http://xat.com/theunitedknees
    Haven't been on there in a while though. Yeah I'm thinking a lot his stuff will evolve into set ups kinda like that. During a lot of those I'll charge it a little bit just to throw them off or something. I've never really bothered with jab to knee though, I play against ike though, so that may be why(knee is super easy to powershield.) Some cool things I guess I would point out to kinda help I suppose would be edge guarding with up tilt, falcon kick ledge canceled stuff(situational but pretty useful on battlefield and YI). And Pivot grab oh my god pivot grab. I think his pivot grab has so much potential, it's a pretty good bait. Dash away most people will normally follow after falcon and then grab them. I noticed in one of your videos you have posted vs Kismet's metaknight, do you know about our grab release/re-grab options on metaknight?
    Maybe lol. It would probably help if we could find something of importance or interest to discuss. The falcon boards have never been very productive in discussion, then again I think only a handful that visit the boards actual use him in tournament play lol.
    yo luis, is there still a TA/PPL community floating around the internet somewhere? i just got back into the game, but it looks like tetrisattack.net is no more D=
    So how often are you using Falcon now dude? I wouldn't mind sharing some ideas and theories if you don't. I think it was lordhelmet and myself noticed that we now have a kill combo on metaknight with dair to back air at roughly 70%
    Wasn't sure if you missed this or was still thinking about it but

    "Hey Reflex, for the people riding with you to Apex you said it'd be around $200 gas. But is your carpool doing a hotel or do you plan on trying to set up housing with some people there? And if you were to do the hotel thing how much do you think I'd need to save for that? (This is IF I'm able to carpool with you, with your consent of course) "

    and ofc
    So I was thinking of how ironic it was that I'm driving through Alabama to go to Louisiana and you're probably driving through SC to get to NC and The Gold Mine tourney. Go kick some *** with that Cotton Candy Wario of yours, haha.
    Hey, if you end up being able to go to the NC tournament that arch is hosting and you're picking up Lounis and stuff, will you have enough room in your car for me?
    Hey reflex, you forgot to vote for where ROB is in your tier list.
    Could you just reply back to me on who you would like to place him ahead of (or none if last)
    This was the tourney I was talking about when I asked you on fb a while back lmao

    Congrats on the Job though
    He always gives me a a bug that eats my items. -_-

    Darkling though is super broken when he gives the dark contract. :laugh:

    Love Dokapon Kingdom
    I think I saw you comment on a video on Orion's wall, mind if I add you on fb?
    Hey reflex, I was wondering, your name is luis right? Is your second name Torres?
    Is the transporation thing for COT5 you were offing a while back still available or are you doing something else or what?
    Hey, what was the thing you were talking about for transportation to CoT5? I think I'm going to go to that.
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