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  • lylat for starter is good.
    our CP is FD.

    add bunnyma and me and Host.
    add this FC: 0817-3534-1453.
    on my cousins wii, delete this FC after we're done ^.^
    I can do it around 8 or later. I've played too much wifi for now and need a break for a few hours. :x
    But Samus does well on all neutrals. :(

    If you let me CP Frigate Orpheon, you're on.
    lmao im out of all the tournies i entered

    and i have no interest in some of these theme tournies in the OTL lol

    so it's gona be a while before i enter another one
    are you in the 1stock UGG tourney? or the dev tourney?
    wow that sucks-_-
    sorry to hear that
    well i was defeated fair and square in riku's tourney
    UGG's diddy was really something..
    been a while since i've been 2 stocked like that=/ lol

    atm,we cant brawl
    schools been keeping us both busy>.<

    don't you have school sir????

    Its gonna be a tough one though...
    ill try and be here tomorrow.
    Yes me too.Gamecube is the kind i am looking for is gamestop good for that?
    Lol, that was so fun Gigas! By the way, I changed the damage ratio to increase the excitement. I thought it was ok because SOMEONE turned on the smashballs. I also made the explosive boxes come up so that I could remotely detonate them with my C4. Wasn't 2.0 damage ratio FUN? I though it was cool.
    Ha ha at least mashour finaly came good games btw who is your main is it ike i main lucario duh but i hate battle field stop going there LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
    sorry my mom is being a b word and won't leave me alone so i gotta do a couple things first ok.
    meh lets play while we wait for him to come back add my fc i already added yours.
    Check that again. Because i have had to edit some of the things on the OP. That's why i said to check the OP frequently for any changes.
    Your match was decided on a coin flip.
    Sorry I missed you. SOCOM sounds fun, my brother used to be really into those online shooters. I think he still plays some. Also, if we ever face Solid and L8er in that connection again, here's the plan: You stand on one side of the stage as Samus, I'll stand as Lucario on the other. Rapid barrage of Aura Sphere and missles!!! /jk
    Is been a while huh, XD
    Well nothing new, exept college is really getting to me now...barely online playing brawl these, haven't train in my swords skills for who knows how long, thanks to bloody college...the only thing i been training is my punches, kicks, and dodges, also i have been working on streching so i can get a higher kick, it hurts trying to strech and keeping it in that possition for a while...sometimes i would practice on my sword skills but not much like i wanted to be...i blame college for everything X.X
    thanks for the tips again, i'll get right on it, i can't afford to lose my skills as a swordman you know XD

    PS: College is taking over the world!!! XD
    hey dude. sorry i was gone yesterday. hopefully i see you get on today so we can play our match. Get on at like 7:00 cantral and we'll play. again, im really sorry.
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