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  • Ah sorry, handball is a sport that's sorta a mix between basketball and soccer, it's pretty fun, despite the fact that I don't care for (and suck at) the two sports it derives from.

    I've always been skinny and don't have much muscle. But I'm actually not that weak. I used to run for the school awhile back too. Wasn't that good at it though. =P The only sport I'm actually somewhat good at is football, but I don't have the build to play it "officially."

    Good luck with your goals with losing weight!
    LOL, that does sound like suicide right there. I'm not in the greatest shape myself. After a super intense handball game my legs hurt for a few days. I rarely play as hard as I did those games though.
    Yikes, sounds intense. Or you could always run 5 miles and then do sword training! Best of luck!
    Hey there, what's going on? Taking some time off from brawl?
    lol, catch you later.
    LOL, well good then, glad to hear that you're progressing well. Anything for the ladies =D! I want to see your fsmash KO at 0%!
    Lol, she's doing good. I went into a pretty horrible slump recently, but I got out of it much better and w/ more pizazz. ;)
    well you probably wont hear much of anything from me for some time. i'm moving out of my house and back into my parent's house. still working on getting internet over there so i'll see ya next time a see ya bro.
    Ouch, that sucks. Must be pretty annoying, especially since it's in a region that you use so often. I almost never work out, but I do exercise. And my fingers are ripped.
    Whew, sounds like a good workout. LOL @ No Brawl. Relieves a lot of frustration, right? You should come to NY so we can play offline. =P jk
    It's just the way the bracket was organized. :p

    We're always really close. My first tourney, he knocked me out. Second time we met each other in tourney, I knocked him out. This is the third time. It's too close.

    You're still really good, I bet your mains just have ****ty matchup's with Olimar. I need to get ***** with Diddy sometime.

    Question; was I a good Olimar? I haven't used him in a while.
    Embarrassment? D:

    I probably would've lost with Diddy, I was too scared to use him. Great games.
    Thanks, I was SOOOOOO close to seeing you in the finals, me vs. bunnyma was way too close.

    Sure, my CP will be in my tags, neutrals only.
    Yep. I hear you. We have to have a hiatus. Most of the time, it isnt just a website. Most of us need a reason to take a break from it, while dealing with something personal. I should know. I came back a new person. Breaks really can do it for you, and most of it REALLY need it.

    *waits for Aksel to go on vacation*
    Well, that is very true. She lost her Mod status because of some silly old confidentiality rules with Site Staff. But you are very right. She needs some space because these people are ruthless and just wont leave her alone. I'm sure she will be back, but if she does, I dont want it to be the same as it was before. This is why I like to be somewhat discreet on this site, because most people will leech on you and try to pretend to be your friend.
    Wesker vs. Conker.................epic. We are chums now Gigas........but then again, we were always chums. :)
    Great games.

    You guys were doing EXTREMELY good.

    i was crapping my pants.

    lol i posted this in my profile.
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