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  • Awesome! Good job, it takes a decent amount of willpower to stay on a diet lol. Did you ever try the starvation experiment again?
    pretty much the same as before. i got internet agian and i'm getting a new computer so i thought i go around saying hi to everybody. other than that it's been pretty much the same.
    Ah man the White Fatalis is still at large... You need to level up enough to weild the iron sword. LOL @ Solid, sounds like he's having as much success as he had in Brawl. xD

    As for DDR, the games are practically all the same lol. Minus songs and some other small details. All of the old ones my family had are gone though and I felt like playing it again! I also love the computer DDR (free download, called stepmania I think, 3rd party).
    ROFL. That's too good (and predictable for that matter).

    With one of my giftcards I got a new DDR game. I was surprised that GameStop didn't try to sales pitch me something when I got it lol. Not sure what I'm going to get with the other one, nothing else stands out.

    There's this game that looks AMAZING, but it doesn't come out until June 30th (which happens to be my birthday lol). Definitely getting that. It's called "BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger" and is for the 360 (which I would get it for) and PS3.
    Ah, I feel you. It makes perfect sense, lol. I used to think that way a lot, but more with video games in general. Like how you can get slashed with a giant sword bigger than your life (ie: FFX final boss) and take it in stride. But then I stopped caring. :p

    GL with the swordsmanship though. :3
    LOL, well I'm searching for a new avatar and that's just one I put in there while I browse images. It's the tournament-style DDR setup. The bar in the back is held on to for support.
    Just so you know, it's not a permanent leave. FYI. And I've got a week-long break from my leave anyway. :3

    Don't worry, swords will always be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lookpointkill machines.
    Oh. Aww. I won't ask why you stopped but that's still saddening. D':

    But yeah, 5 should be good. :)
    LOL! Man, I'm gonna have to go out and buy a nightlight now. Broken flying tomato creatures using zombie summoning techniques... with creepy music playing in the background... I'M SCARED!!!! I was never into horror games, but my brother likes them. Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc. (RE is insanely scary) I used to be a super-wussy when I was a kid, like the Undead in the Legend of Zelda series freaked me out. I grew past my fears though. =P

    I see your point, that makes sense. I remember in Madden on the hardest difficulty: in addition to making the other team really good they made your team especially awful. Like the players on my team would drop passes thrown right to them, and any ball the cpu was close by they'd catch. That's just the example I remember off the top of my head. I agree, a lot of the old, simple games are the most fun. That's definitely a valid point you brought up too, although there are exceptions of course.
    LOL. Neato. I'd probably get really frustrated and throw the game at something fragile.

    On a side note, I'm thinking of getting a new avatar. Not sure.
    =/ Hope that back pain clears up, or at least that it's nothing serious. Coolio @ Battletoads. The first time I heard of that game was when I was looking at the ECRC 4: S.N.E.S. tournament thread. One of their side tournaments is a Battletoads speed run.
    Out of the frying pan and into the fire, eh? Be sure to equip your iron sword. Of course that's assuming you're at a high enough level to wield it.
    Dude, I was playing this RPG. I was level 91, the opponent 55 (out of 100). The first attack I do nearly KO's him. Then he uses an evasive technique, I miss the next attack. Then I attack and he uses a protect move. My attack fails. This happens like 10 times and a move that started with 20 uses at the end of the battle had 3 because of all the misses. UGH!
    glad you're doing fine,lol yea waiting for a match can get very annoying lol

    it's good to take a break from that now and then >.>
    as for me,i always need the practice so i tolerate it lol

    wow practicing the sword huh,don't come after me now lol D:

    wish ya the best man,until we meet on the battlefield again;)
    one day..:D
    LOL, WOW. That's dedication.

    I discovered a possible problem, it doesn't even come up on the search function on gamestop.com. I think the hardest part will be finding the game. On a side note, it got very respectable reviews too from what I can see.

    I'll look into it! LOL @ T rating, I don't get where they get those criterea from sometimes. I gotta get some sleep too, good night!
    That's pretty long. I don't know if I can devote that time to a RPG, hm... I'll have to see. If it's cheap enough, I can at least give it a shot. I'll check what GameStop wants for it right now. I'm kinda feeling like getting Dance Dance Revolution though, I haven't played it in forever and I'm getting the itch to play it again.

    lol On the note of spending a long time on games, I remember Pokemon... with all the versions combined, I must have spent WELL OVER 1000+ hours on it. Never was competitive with it though. =( I was young and didn't know there was a competitive community.
    LOL! Oh man, if you did that on the Wii browser, it must have taken FOREVER. Thanks for the time and info man. =) Sounds pretty fun and overall cool, but at the same time a game that you have to invest a lot of time into. My schedule may be getting hectic soon, so I'm not sure if I'm gonna have time. But I am searching for a new game because I found a gift card or two that I never used. HOW MUCH DAMAGE DOES THE GIFT CARD DO?! jk, But I'm serious that I found them. I always LOVE great music in-game, so that definitely appeals to me. And the whole concept behind it actually makes sense to me.
    LOL YIKES. Sounds like an interesting concept for an RPG, with the cards and all. If the game has levels, I'm sure enough of those will do the trick. Bosses that heal themselves usually drive me crazy too lol. <------ Very short response to your huge post. =P sorry
    Best of luck to you too. =)

    I just got done playing him, I won every match, and most of the time picked like random characters. I didn't go too hard on him, but he wasn't that bad, I've played worse.
    LOL, I just woke up from my nap, dragged myself to the computer, and checked to see if anyone was on SWF. Nothing much is going on here. I have to decide which college I'm going to before May 1st and study for my AP exams in the middle of May. But besides that senior year in high school is smooooth sailing. Someone from school wanted to face me in Brawl, so they're gonna come over here soon I think.
    Hey, Aks. How are you? Hope you are still around.

    I'm playing Valkyrie Profile for the DS. It is an amazing twist of a VP game. Instead of being a valkyrie and using the souls of dead warriors to assist you, you play a warrior who made a deal with Mistress Hel (basically Hades' wife).

    He was at the brink of death, and he wants to get revenge against Lenneth for taking away his father and sister. So Hel brought him to back life after he took a blow for his best friend. He is also given a feather which is used to power his allies in combat, but after the battle, they are killed. He lost his friend because of it, because he didnt exactly understand the deal. A sacrificial power basically. THis is all in the first moments of the game, so it isnt a spoil.

    It is a tactics game, mixed with VP elements, so it seems like Fire Emblem, but you type commands for attacks. Very good game. I'm shocked. I would prefer the original style, but this is decent for a DS. I'm using emulator, so i didnt pay a cent for it lol
    Hah! you could never be that bad buddy :)
    I understand that though :p I am just playing Samus for fun, it's so effing hard
    I haven't touched AIM in a very long time anyways. I'll try to idle on there when I'm on this PC. I'll be doing tournaments more often now, found a group of people who do them in my area finally. I may pop up in your area someday, haha.

    Ah, it's been rough for a while, but I found my way back with no problems. Sorry to not talking to you in so long. Do you still get on AIM? Tey said something about your PC asploding.

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