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  • Sounds good. Though even if there are people who play it, the hard part would be finding them. A social group is a good idea, but no one can really see it unless they browse the huge list of groups. Maybe a thread somewhere would work, not sure. Best of luck!
    finals, life, and possibly summer break/job searching fun times, xD ^^, also u should check up on cinder`s new communtiy site, it`s fun xD ^^. Anyways gl on teh swordtraining, I might work on my swordarm as well cause I`m bored lol xD
    I've never heard of those either haha. I'll check 'em out though. Wow, why did the censor block one of the main character's names. Ash i taka (should be connected)
    You know, I forgot about this movie for so long, despite how much I loved it. Now I think I'm gonna see it again. Here's the very general idea, but remember this is just plot. The themes, symbols, animation, etc. behind it are great and I can't really get into them w/o taking too much time and seeing it again.

    Setting: Old-style Japan

    Basically, this prince (A****aka) of a small village gets attacked by this giant boar (who turns out to be a corrupted "Forest God") and is infected with a disease that will eventually kill him. He decides to go West to find a cure for it, but in doing so he leaves his village for good, as is custom. So he travels, and one thing leads to another and he comes to this industrial town headed by Lady Eboshi. The town constantly destroys the surrounding forest, including the animals that dwell in it, for its industrial goals. But you learn through certain acts that Eboshi isn't your classic obviously evil villain. So anyway, the animals (headed by animal "Gods" and one "Nature God") attempt to strike back. Along with the pack of wolves is a girl named San. The wolf God (Moro) and San's "mother figure" is who is pictured here. I END THERE TO AVOID SPOILERS! There's a heck of a lot more than this, it's NOT just a war movie.

    In summary, the general idea is Man vs. Nature

    According to wikipedia, a special DVD set is being released soon. Not sure how accurate that is, the film is pretty old (1997 in Japan, 1999 in the U.S.) but was very underrated in my opinion, granted I don't follow the movie world at all so I can only make an educated guess from what I know. It did win lots of awards. I saw it on TV many years ago.

    Now that I search again w/o my school's filters, I see some other pictures from it that I like, I may choose one of those, not sure yet.
    Ah man, yeah I gotta tell you about it! It's been forever since I've seen it though, so I'm just going to have to search for synopsis-es and give you an overview based on those, with my own twist of course. Don't want plagiarism.
    ROFL, my avatar is none of those things. It's a wolf from one of my favorite movies: Princess Mononoke.

    @Borings: Sounds exciting. You referring to your new job?
    LOL. It's a conspiracy!

    Thanks! I'm gonna try to think of ideas for now, then I'll do it once I have time.
    Negative, I can't see it. I'm gonna make a new sig and avatar, possibly tonight, probably sometime later this week. Look forward to it in the next couple days!

    Also, Stafy comes out tomorrow!
    LOL, they couldn't handle the Gigas. Glad to hear you haven't gotten too rusty. I haven't played since those online team matches myself. And before that I barely played. Ah well, I've been into other things recently.
    Thanks for offer, but as I told Peachy in the group earlier, I'm stuck in a middle-of-nowhere town with no WiFi, and I won't be back in college (with WiFi) until August. =/

    Seriously though, thanks for the offer.
    Heh, that's a funny way to learn how to edit. Oh yeah, and the training is coming along pretty well. In Brawl+, I'm starting to pick up Samus and ZSS. I really like using a down-tilt cancelled dash with Samus. Allthe explosive power is really good for starting combos!
    Wow, you must be a pro at editing! I prolly couldn't use Photoshop for my life lol. Are you good at spriting? I suck at that too.
    Hey that's cool that you make your own avs. But do you make them from scratch, or edit other pics? The story behind my av is this: I was looking through a Nat. Geo. magazine, when I see this pic with a crow hanging upside down on a telephone pole, with two crows next to it staring down at it. So I decide to google the photographer(Hideta Nagai) so I find the pic. I find it, take it to MS Paint, add the word "FAILURE" anndddd... BOOM! I'se gots meself a custom av!

    Sorry for rambling on you right there, I must've sounded like a reminiscing old dude. Oh, and don't feel pressured to change your av just because of common opinion. If you like Shogun better than Mr. Hat, keep it!
    Wow Gigas, you really like changing your avatar, don't you?:)

    Oh, and I'm with Kawaiibunny, personally, I liked hat man better. But you know, who am I to say?
    I see. I was never big on the Metroid games, but I never really played one either, so I can't really say I don't like them. I've played SCIV online, but only a few matches with a friend.
    Never heard of Metroid: Other M. I'm also not caught up on the latest on TvC, but online play with a ladder would be sweet, granted it doesn't SUCK like previous games Nintendo has made with WiFi.

    SC is coming along great! It's really fun and complex. It's easy to button mash, but once you actually start playing for real, like using all your techniques and really thinking about the game, it's insane. I'm doing a mix of working on my main and just trying other characters/beating 1-player modes for fun.

    Edit after seeing your edit: LOL. The Gigas is strong with me... But seriously, I don't mind
    Coolio. That pay2play thing sounds really interesting, I'm curious to see how it turns out.
    @Workout goal: That must be quite the driveway lol. Speaking of workouts, at Six Flags yesterday I went to the arcade and played 12 straight DDR songs. My feet were still sore today.

    @MH3: Awesome!! That's what you were waiting for, right? Let's just hope Nintendo doesn't screw it up. "We don't want people to feel bad about being a lesser level than someone else, so we decided to just let everyone have the same in-game ability and items."
    HEY CONGRATS! Best of luck with the new challenges.

    LOL @ book title That's a goal I could set for myself too. xD I would totally read it
    Oh yeah, I won't be around all day tomorrow, until like 10PM. So I can't get any updates. =(
    LOL! I remember when I was talking to Solid on AIM yesterday:
    Solid: "So are you gonna get Tekken?"
    Me: "Not sure, haven't looked into it yet."
    Solid: "(Gigas) I HATE TEKKEN!"
    (Me to myself: ROFL)

    Yeah, Xianghua can get annoying at times... JUST KIDDING! Nah, she's amazing.
    LOL, at first I just button mashed, and I'm still tempted to do that sometimes. xD But if you go to the "move list" screen, each character has like 50+ combos, comprised of directional buttons, A (horizontal strike), B (vertical strike), G (guard), K (kick), holding and not holding and 'tapping'(very brief tap), and situational usage (i.e. crouching, getting up, etc.). Some are simultaneously pressing buttons, some are a flow of buttons, some are a combination of both, some are long, some are short. I'm gonna write them all on paper to help me remember. Then I can study it wherever I go, like school where I'm not doing anything else anyway. Memorizing all of them may not be practical though, I may just have to pick and choose the most important/useful/practical ones. Oh, and I use Xianghua.
    Yikes, that's a BIG difference between the two diets. Best of luck! You can do it! That logic makes sense. You're body "expects" less food, or is less "dependent" on it, so the urges to eat would be weaker. Meanwhile, I'm going to be memorizing all 50+ combos of my character in SCIV.

    PS: I don't drink coffee or tea either lol
    That we do, my friend. That we do. We're like an Ownage Beam and an Ownage Kick hitting at the same time.
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