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  • Will do @ the music

    A radical idea here, but if you want, we could play Brawl tomorrow if you guys would like to lol. Just for the fun of it. Haven't played WiFail in months and Brawl in general in forever (except against cpu's). I also have to beat down Solid in FE: SD sometime. HE WON'T BE ABLE TO HANDLE THE AURA!!! As for him not damaging you, he probably had some weak weapon like Falchion equipped. Should have used the iron sword.
    I'm getting SCIV later tonight or tomorrow. I can't wait! Should be interesting, and I have a good idea of who I'm gonna use too. How've things been?
    lol I have nooo idea on that one.

    Oh yeah, I still need to find a new avatar.

    Note: Stafy comes to the DS ON JUNE 8TH! Get ready for epicness.
    ROFL! Tell him I'll kick his butt in any game he chooses that I've played before. =P Smash, FE, whatever

    From what I can tell on the TvC game, it won't come out for a long time, sometime later in 2009. It's an import, and ign.com doesn't even have the boxart yet. Though I've vaguely heard about people in the MD/VA Smash community playing that. That may be the Japanese version, not sure.

    Lol, good to hear you have an awesome sword...whao, try not to kill yourself like that though cause that would really suck so much...dying by just trying to weild the blade is unheard of XD
    WAZZUUP! Did you have that bout with Solid yet? lol

    I have the Jp version. it's fun but the other vs games are better. Any game with megaman is good lol. Btw, it doesn't have online :(

    Dang, sorry for the really late response.

    Yikes, that sounds tough right there. I can't imagine if it was metal lol. I think you said before that would weigh around 45lbs. That's some pretty crazy stuff right there. Be careful where you swing it!
    The introduction was really interesting; it showed how this warrior got a new great sword and dragon-plated armor. The game play reminds me of another MMO, but so far, it looks fun.
    Monster Hero Freedom Unite was released as a demo on Playstation Network; gonna download it and play it right now. ^^
    Woooooooow, that sounds intense right there, pretty darn epic. Be sure to keep me updated on the building and training of the massive sword! Jeez, it's way taller than me lol. Plus with my lack of muscle, it could probably crush me no problem haha. So I'd probably have to focus around the light evasive approach. Best of luck!
    I'm usually there but AFK :(

    LOL! Extreme mode took me forever to complete XD I must have finished it like... 5 times now though. I stopped playing MGPO+ cause I have MGS4. I remember when I was crazy over those ninja guys XD When I found Old Snake I almost dropped my psp (I was playing in class ._.) I might give tha game another try lol

    Sweet, well it's up to you of course! I'm sure you'll pick out something great. Awesome @ Solid getting FE: SD. He's long overdue for a butt kicking. =P
    ROFL @ some of those names and the iron sword. I'm still surprised/upset our "Phantoms of Dawn" didn't work out lol. Hm... I'll get back to you more with an opinion after my nap! I've never wielded a true sword, but 20 pounds-ish sounds intense. Also, you may want to go with a name that has sentimental value.
    Can't complain, finishing up my last essay of high school. But I have a short attention span so I like surfing the web while I do homework!
    it`s a fun and lulzy game xD ^^, awesome about ur swordplay (like if isn`t awesome already xD ^^) I`m doing well, and had fun due to it being my birthday xD ^^
    It's true, you never know who someone really is until the honeymoon is over, so to speak.

    Very well said with the sword passage, I have to say I mirror many of those sentiments.
    LOL, well in a fight I'd rather have a gun than a sword, although I think swords are cooler. Hope things work out. =D
    Yeah man! I definitely plan on living it up! I'm not sure where I'm going to college yet. It's either Cornell University or the University of Florida. Cornell has the best biology and veterinary programs in the country, and bio is my major and I may pursue veterinary science. That's in NY, where I live now, like 4 hours away from my house. It's kinda in the middle of nowhere though lol, but the campus is huge and very beautiful, albeit FREEZING. BUT my family is moving to Florida, so I would be REALLY far from home. If I went to UF I would be able to come home on weekends or if I ever wanted to for whatever reason. UF also has a very good biology program, a veterinary college, and I got into their honors program too. I also believe that UF has a much better social life, with the weather and just the general atmosphere. After all, while I want to be successful, I don't want to be stuck in a dark cold room studying my life away! I wanna get out, hang with friends, continue being a gamer, etc. I'm sure Cornell has lots of social opportunities, but it's not the same. Also, the people there can be really stuck up and elitist I've heard lol. How's life going with you?
    Ooo custom characters are always cool. Keeps the game going.

    Yoshimitsu is broken. All that teleportation
    Haha cool, but isn't there a Soul Calibur 4 for PS3? Or is it a PSP version of it? I have to say, Ivy has been my girl since SC2.
    Better get working on that then! Man, now that I think of it, I haven't played Brawl in FOREVER. Luckily I took my last big exam in my high school career today, so now I'M FREE! Except I have one more month of school, but we don't do anything.

    COOL @ new sword technique. Now learn Dolphin Slash! Thrust yourself into the air about 3 times your height!
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