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  • Olimar makes me sad. =(

    MK is better to take him, but I was Lucario. Plus, the SD at the end REALLY didn't help lol.
    Sure, though I usually like to just go wild in teams, plans may work better. =D The thing about plans, is that they can be tough to consistantly implement, but we sure can give it a shot!

    I'm trying to think of our best character combo, but I'm not sure. I don't think we ever got to do MK + Snake.

    I liked our performance though, we kicked butt. I'm feeling a little better about this now.
    Sounds pretty awesome. I didn't even notice we were doing that though. xD

    Those were fun, good games. I think it's safe to say my MK is my teams character. Lucario isn't bad, but I can't space the way I do in singles. Plus he forward b'd when I wanted upb. >=(!
    oh, ok thanks.
    im gonna talk to chaco to see if i can get a sub in.
    Yeah it's not unwinnable easily, I agree with that.
    Close combat is easily pits. and ranged is us. Abuse her SH Homing missiles you can fire off two of those while pit can fire 1 arrow and be right about to shoot another one when the second missile hits. sp spam game is ours. I laughed at the sheilded Zair as well :) it's like Mario's cape though if you time it right it's a beast.

    EDIT: thanks :) my pit is almsot equal to my Samus, I jsut switch out if it's a tough match-up *Cough* Falco *Cough*
    Thoroughly discovered taht Pit is pretty good agaisnt samus jsut keep constant pressure on. if you knwo smaus' moveset it's like 60-40 for pit I'd say. Your opinions?

    p.s. sorry for leaving man my ex is talking to me and sheeit so I gotsta listen and it's no fun :(
    Kk Sounds good. my Samus Vs your pit might be a bit more fair but at the end of it we can compare results :) it'lll actually be a good Match-up guide Kewl ^^

    I'm hosting Btw, might give us a better connection due to your faulty weather.
    Mmm I can do it whenever, now would be best, Eh it's jsut a feel for the match-up if it's supper laggy we'll call it quits but lets try for 3 games before we quit okay?

    Your Samus is on a way different level than my pit is so this could be pretty ****
    Dude we need a few your samus vs. my pit so we can try and decide what the matchup should be. :D this is going to be a Sheeit show :(
    Yeah, Dair lasts for 15 frames (Quarter of a second) and outprioritizes near everything. Strange move.

    Anyways sure, just message me anytime in the afternoon and we'll play.
    Gigas, I found a new samus get a better suit replay. If you play as Samus in Giant Heavy Metal Stamina Brawl and set the damage ratio to 0.5, Samus will not even flinch at any attack except for grabs. That is why Samus should have the Giant Heavy Metal suit in Metroid Prime 3.
    Offline Brawl. Maybe. Online Brawl, which is a seperate game, doesn't even get a ranking. It's just too bad to grade. WHY DO I KEEP PLAYING ON IT?!?! It's about as fair as playing on this:
    My Samus tries to shoot a missle and it backfires.

    Whenever she tries to broil, she always burns her visor and she gets 3rd degree burns on her eyes.

    Needless to say, I'm not using :samus: anytime soon. :mad:
    Yeeeaaah, that was annoying. You were pretty much attacking a sandbag. But I'm not surprised, and I'd go on a WiFi hate rant, but I've done enough of those. Whether I win or you win, it pretty much comes down to the ****ing connection. So geeey.
    I only really use Peach, Diddy and Wolf competitively. xD

    I tried Samus, once.
    Hm... well my whole "offline training" didn't go as well as I planned, or more accurately it didn't happen. The person I was supposed to train with had a lot of college work to do. =( So if you're up to it, surely. I'm guessing the chances of a team match are slim to none at this time, eh?
    Bahaha, no, I was answering the phone.

    I found it funny when I was edgeguarding your Ike with Wolf's blaster. :p
    Crap, just missed you lol. I should be able to join your Basic Brawl game. Stupid Nintendo WiFi.
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