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  • Oh man, I am sooooo sorry! I left AIM open and went away for a while. Crap, I sincerely apologize, that was completely my fault. And just when we had a match. =(
    Okay then! Yeah, good sequals are hard to come by, but they're out there. You still busy tonight?
    I didn't plan on getting it, but thanks for the heads up. WOW @ save points. That's REALLY stupid. I wouldn't play it just for that. For each sit down you have to devote a whole chunk of time. Plus, it doesn't even sound very exciting. I got upset with FE: PoR's lack of save points in the maps, but this sounds a heck of a lot worse. As for good/great games for the Wii (No one I know has the PS3 and my siblings have the 360 but I've never played it), I think Super Mario Galaxy, LoZ: TP, and Brawl, are all up there. Super Paper Mario was fun, and so was FE: RD. From what I can recall, 360 has Bioshock, SF4, Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2, Left 4 Dead, among others. PS3 is a waste. NO good/great (at least console specific) games and an insanely high price tag.
    LOL, ouch. Hate it when a game you buy really stinks. =/ That's why I usually stick to the safe games. Good point: Rarely waste money. Bad point: Won't find that "diamond in the rough." I tried going retro and played some of the old Mario games that I happened to have around. I'm just not in the mood for them though.
    hey dude. we have to play in round 1 of Riku00's tournament but im at my grandparents today so not today. lol :) just message me when you can play.
    Lol it's hard to play as samus any other way. ther's physical and spam. you do both rather well. your spam game is Soo annoying! I would have shot two missiles at you too but I couldn't short hop :( I'd do a full jump or not jump at all. but yeah they were good
    Yeah dude that was overly Laggy. your still waaay better than me haha. Keep it up though I noticed some times I'd actually be able to rack up damage on you.
    wow dude, you've gotten so much better. and it seems I've gotten worse :| that match on lylat was brutal
    I Knew...you make me look stupid..lol Just kidding

    Yes it is a strange specie of creature...it looks like a monkey but its not >.>

    It also carrys a weird Gun, Some say its the last thing you get to see.
    You have......you just dont remember...
    Sometimes he appears in the form of a girl..

    If you'd tell me to guess i'd say Mojo Jojo :laugh:

    Just make sure you make it to the Top, I Have high expectations w/ my partner ^.^

    I'll be in the way.

    I assume he mains Snakee.
    *Adds to "Just for the record" files*

    Ok, dont worry, i think youre getting top 8.

    As for doubles, im gonna put an entrants list and see what i can make of it. ;)
    Yeah, tournaments are now what determines who is the best, though if you've ever took part in a tournament online or offline, you soon find out that it's not the most accurate way to determine who is better than who. I just don't find any ditto match to prove who is more skilled, because if I was able to beat a certain Samus main, it wouldn't necessarily mean I would be able to beat someone else whom that Samus main could beat. So yeah. I'm trying to become the best Samus main in NorCal. :) That means I'll have to perform better than Hive.
    ok im sorry about the f-smash my mom called me and i went one hander oh solid is very good i befriending him!
    By "first time," I don't mean the first match that we had today, by the way. I was disappointed about the fact that I had you at +200% twice, though, and had not yet KO'ed you. Ugh. You're on my FC list, though, because your Samus is pretty good. Same with Xyro77. It's just you two Samus mains on my list.
    I know I don't suck. I'm just at this intermediate level of skill, and I really want to improve. I'm not saying that ditto matches prove anything, though. The first time we brawled, though, you were making me panic. The way you used your Bombs was very interesting. I guess I just need to learn to use my attacks more properly instead of just always trying to f-smash you. I get punished for that.
    If you want to keep the name anonymous, you're more than welcome to. I'll just write, "Anonymous" for the person who was playing whatever character.
    well it has mixed results when it comes to brawl lol.
    either way i need to relax or something. i get frustrated too easily...
    lol G&W is 2pro
    what i ment by buttons was when i play fast, i mess up, it's happens like every 10 seconds.

    hey! i know what'll help!
    i need to get high lol
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