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sammy p
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  • lol:chuckle: alright so what do you got in mind? And have you asked omni and uber about the sig yet?
    Or if you dont like that idea sammy what we can do is just pick a picture of our mains over the internet, somehow put them in a good position, and above them would be our names followed by a symbol or something....... or we could screw the symbol if you want. I know that my idea is just too......... complicated to work.... or get someone to make it
    Yah, I'm free all afternoon today after 6 pm (my time, so like 5 pm Eastern time). Just send me a PM/VM and I'll be ready to go.
    I kinda thought that too but what we can do is make it ourselves(I kinda know how to make one but mine came out crudly made) All you would need to do is just do alot of rendering and sticking it in the sig. But it would need to be a big one. Big enough where it fits and it visible. The size would more or less be the size of stinkos digi sig. We could also(personally) ask someone we know to make one for us
    **** that message took me like twenty minutes to write lol. Im gonna see if tommorrow I get to a comp and fake doing homework when Im really hunting for pictures :chuckle:

    Now something I cant come up with is remember:

    l.l l.l_______ l.l l.l? now since in the middle there will be that big gap for our group name(again if any) what background will there be I was thinking a mixture of black and white symbolizing where dimensions divide. I just cant wait for uber and omnis answer. I just know itll be yes. **** you you just got me hyped in the middle of the night and I wont be able to sleep now:mad: lol :laugh:
    I was also thinking of mains. We each pick any picture from the internet and wed pot them in. Then we would do this: l(omnicron)l(you)_____l(me)l(uber)

    l=our pics ____= our group name(if were making one up if that is)

    For the background I was thinking of this:

    l.l(omni) l.l(you) _______ l.l(me)l.l(uber)

    l l=our own section .=our pics

    what that means is that in our section we could pick a picture from the internet of our stages that we main. For example right behind my section would be yoshis island ex. lyoshis.islandl get my groove? and on top of our characters would be our names in text we each choose. Think malik gonna accept that?
    Dude that is one epic idea sorry I couldnt brawl more I had to go out. Now what would you have as an idea for the sig?
    loll nm dude i'm really psyched though since theres an 80% chance ill be at pound 4. You going?
    It's a holiday for muslims called Eid, I can take one day off of school, we have an important test tomorrow so I will take the day off on tuesday.
    Which is a shame because I had P.E., we were doing bowling :(
    I got money, Im going to it all tommorow, and I've never seen a movie for years, so I want to change that.
    Oh, and I'm going to bed soon since it's already midnight...after I finish my homework
    That was for the irony. Obviosly, FOOL!:mad:
    *kicks* hit your RL friends or I'm going too...urg...stomp on you, yeah that's what I'll do!
    You deserved it >.>
    You weren't loyal enough.
    Now moving on, remember to slap your friends for me :)
    Ya, ya, but I guess it just depends on what they like,if they like platformers, party games and casual stuff or FPSs and stuff like that, or the PS3 which is amazing! some of the time, not mah cup of tea though...some PS3 games are too expensive as well.
    (mainly, I know there are other genres)

    But there is never a reason to bash peoples opinions, unless they don't like Mario. THEN THEY'RE FREAKS :mad:
    That shouldn't be a problem.

    I've figured out a zero-to-chain-grab-to-KO technique with Mario!

    If it misses, it deals 30% right out of the box.

    My Yoshi destroys big guns too.
    Well, to be fair, I've never played X-box, I don't think it sucks but I heard it was mainly FPS so I won't buy it, maybe your friends are like that? I won't bash it, but you know what I mean.
    I would get it if I have the chance but there soo many games I want right now...it's too much :urg:
    I might spend my £120 on PS3, DS and Wii games alone :p
    It's ok, I don't think your friends are stupid,just...misinformed, next time they it slap them :p
    It should knock some sense into them, all this gens consoles IMO are alright, but Mario decides the outcome obviously :p

    P.S I'm not a wii fanboy, I do like it more than the rest, but I don't hate the others, I'm just a Mario fanboy :p
    I know, everyone is, they just haven't come to terms with it yet.
    Mario rox everyones soxs.

    I like yours too 'cause I can see mario in it, and other not-so-important people who don't matter as much.
    But mainly Mario

    wait a bit more sammy. Im studying for a test tommorrow but Im almost done studying
    Hey sammy....
    Oh yea,I forgot you sent me a Pm about the tourney thing...I forget to check my pms hehe..>_>
    But it seems you got your tourney going fine :)
    I could never beat Gruntilda at the end of Banjo-Kazooie...I find it hard and I keep on dying... :(

    I also have Banjo-Tooie but I've never actually played it, how is it? Also, I heard the one on the 360 didn't sell a lot and it did average? IMO Rare has gone downhill after being sold by Nintendo to Microsoft.
    Lol sorry for the 10 day late response xD but Ive been really busy with school work whats up with you
    yeah i was lurkin' a bit in the meet'n greet forum and saw that you are very active there^^
    i like people who welcome the newbies^^
    and yeah and than i saw your name more and more around the board,and read what you post and i thought why not sending a friendrquest lol^^
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