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sammy p
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  • Hey sam have you noticed its been a month since Ive been pranked and it still hasnt worn off?
    Awwwwwwwwww.................. You missed me.......... :(........................ I'm gonna have to log out soon and won't be able to get back on until Friday................. :(................. But (if I can find you and my internet connection gets through) I'll play you on WiFi on either today, Wednesday, or Thursday (IF I don't have to much work.............:(...........)! Hope to see you later! *Crosses fingers that we will meet Friday :bee:!)
    wait, that's his screen name? i did not pay attention to it. huh. noobs like that sign up for this site, will be eaten alive.
    lolyeah. My friend is selling it to me for just 300 dollars. And that includes the game, controllers, and all the video games she has. Appearently she is dissappointed with the wii. She thought she would see better games than she thought. I told her what about brawl? She says she hates the smash series... BURN HER!!! Anyways we can now brawl anytime during the week:chuckle: but one quick question about wi fi though. Do you need to have internet in your own place or can you use a signal from someone elses internet without getting in trouble? On the bright side Ill be the owner of a 360 and a wii =D. Now I just lack the ps3.
    Ya, coloured names are too cool. And the SS is doing pretty well, though its been a little quiet lately.

    K see ya around, Sammy. ;)
    :p You can get a blue name for making your own tourney I think. You'd look awesome with a blue name.

    Ya I'm trying to second G&W. I got a teacher from the Smash School too (but he was taken off the list). I haven't faced many real opponents with my G&W yet, so I don't know how good I am as of yet, but I'm playing poorly IMO.....
    Yeah they were.

    I think Omnicron got ticked near the end from losing to my Mario and Yoshi. LOL

    Kirby Hammer to the rescue!
    That was an AWESOME come from behind win at Hyrule Sam!

    I though it was just going to be between Omnicron and I there.
    lol I was wondering who they were and yes I wasnt going all out. The match at delphino..... well my friend was changing in her room and I was stuck with the wii mote outside her door so she guided me........... thats why I was just jumping. Id like to brawl with you more now because I just finished my homework if youd like.... **** it man stupid homework :chuckle:.... well actually give me a few minutes that I have some things to take care of since Im on a computer right now... I have to do somethings I cant do on my phone. You know take advantage of the time now
    It's ok. Just be careful not to elaborate too much on your/another's personal life over the internet.

    (Which is the reason I hate facebook and twitter)
    On average, you used 6 arrows per minute. And you used even more in the Toon Link and final battles.
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