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sammy p
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  • That sudden death had you at the higher percent. ;)

    I'll help you along the way! =D
    You won one game, after attacking me while I was offline. ;)

    Still, fun stuff.
    I was a little sad I lost that one game. :(

    Learn your characters! :p Your Pit needs a massive overhaul because it was downright terrible. Learn to space, work with your arrows, and recover properly. Or better yet, use MK. xD Kidding, btw.

    Your Luigi needs work. A lot of it. Don't roll.
    lol I fianlly beat mine this weekend :chuckle: before I joined I considered him my rival. We would always play and when my friends got eliminated we were always the last ones. He always beat me, we were always on our last stock. Then last weekend he came and we fought and I pwned him badly with luigi:chuckle: He was actually easier than you and omni. I pwned him twice with luigis shoruyikan(thats how its spelled right?) since I got him in luigis bubble
    Oh sammy Id appreciate a favor. could you apply for me? I feel too lazy to look for my friend code. If you do my colors are green and yellow
    No worries. Ive been wanting to get competitive for sometime. I just asumed every tourney had a prize so I didnt join plus I wasnt aware you DIDNT HAVE TO GO ANYWHERE:mad:
    Depends when is it and whats the prize? If its money then no my parents will never agree but if its a simple name change or custom title then maybe. This is ONLINE right? I dont need to attend anything?
    No I dont play dungeons. But I guess stratego is something like that. Only two of my friends know about this site. But they dont care since they know Im a gameaholic and that I have this obsession with smash XD. Actually theyve seen me fight you several times. Theyre like wow youre good since you beat my ***(though it really comes close really). If anyone else knew they would never let me live it down and Id literally be the school geek... or dork.... or nerd, whatever. And I mentioned it once when a friend and I werr discussing smash but like more of hey do you like smashbros and what not? Anyways did uber and omni say anything?
    No they are never gonna stop. I just love those game :laugh: actually I already gots my gen two list. Im making it when this one is done. When gen two comes Ill be saving celebi all over the place, I just finished watching pokemon 4ever and celebi is so epic. Hey got a question. Do you consider us geeks? I mean we are.... nerdy enough to join this website. Any friend knew Id be getting made fun of for all of eternity XD.
    we got....
    baltimore ravens. Who are SO legit.
    Oh yeah and orioles. But they suck :p
    Lolol I don't know about that...we have the chesapeake bay. What more do you need!!!
    well anyways just in case I cant give you the pic later....

    If you request the sig just tell em that just to put the g&w Kirby alright?
    I need to remember you're from IL more often... :ohwell:

    In Atlanta, we don't get breaks--well, there's one two weeks from now, but that's only for two days.
    yeah haha I wouldn't expect an Illinois-er to drive to MD, even though it is the coolest state in the world lol :p
    *sits down as well*

    *suddenly hears waiting music from FAMILY FEUD play*

    Where did that song come from?
    you're in the same boat as me. I live 20 minutes away from the tourny (which is either melee only or brawl and melee. not sure.) but I have doubts about going there since my parents would freak out if I ask haha. I'm still thinking of ways to get there :p
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