Hey Pierce! I have a feeling you don't know me, but I've been reading a good deal of your posts and stuff.
I really like your thoughts that you had with that big post you made in the MK ban thread. I agree with you that MK can really ruin things in the mid-level of play even though here in Oregon it isn't *that* bad since most of the good players here are smart enough to get around MK and outplay the person using him. Yeah I know OR isn't a powerhouse state by any means but since that's where I go to tournaments around the state, that's what I've observed lol.
As deterimental as MK can be in the mid-level of play, I ultimately voted no ban because he isn't a "broken" character. He has obviously proven to be able to be beaten in high levels of play, which ultimately tips the scales in the anti-ban's favor. I'm a big MTG player, and whenever we ban cards in MTG, it's only done when there's absolutely no other choice. In other words, it happens once in a blue moon.
It's not all good though, considering the mid-level of play is the lifeline of the game. People quit there, and eventually you get poor tournament turnout leading to the death of the game. Personally though I wish people could just stop whining and learn how to beat MK in their matchup.
So yeah, that was my 2 cents on that stuff. I love reading your posts! It's quite clear you're an incredibly adept and knowledgeable person at Smash.