Sorry I didn't respond right away, I had to go away for the weekend XD.
De nada ^__^. (<-- is "Thank You" in Spanish ^__^)
OMG Okay, you win X__________X. I can't think up a longer sentence XDDDD. *ends ridiculousness*
Sorry that I haven't been able to find time

. My Weekend suddenly got very busy XD.
lol XD. I like to stay in the Sky, and embrace the light and knowledge of the heavens. When I come down to the Earth, I'm dumbfounded by how dumb some people are.
Glad I could recommend an anime for you ^__^.
I don't really mind how long an anime is, as long as it's a good anime. But if it's terribly long, then yeah, I don't think I'll watch it for long XD.
I've heard a lot of stuff about the lines being messed up.
I think the only voice actor that did well was the voice for Lelouch in Code Geass... He actually did the part well ^__^. But yeah, some VA's are X__X.
I actually like any language more than English XD. I think it's a dumb language that has no flare at all XD. I like Spanish and Japanese more than English ^__^.
Wait, you can understand the Japanese puns @__@? Is it because the subtitle the meaning of the puns for you?
I totally agree that the openings should be kept in Japanese. When they try to convert it to English, they can't keep up with the tempo XD.
Dubs have gotten a lot of hate, haven't they? Do you guys have fights with the fans of dubbed anime sometimes?
Well, Kateikyoushi Hitman is still an ongoing anime, so it's not even finished yet XD. But I hope you enjoy it if you ever do start to watch it ^__^.
High tier? lol, am I really a high tier person XD?
Kirby = the one who always cheers me up when I'm down ^__^.
They actually are, lol XD. I'm surprised the 1000 character limit hasn't trolled us yet XD.