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  • Don't mention it =3
    Who said was the only hidden thing :evil:
    *looks at the cake* :falco:...piece a cake ;__;
    and yesh YESH :bison: ,and thats a matter of opinion xD lol they're both great though ;)
    Well, Im already adult Link..don't know how far I am after that im really Im at the Forest Temple too I think o.o
    "Friend" in Spanish is "Amigo" or "Amiga". But I think that's French.... Actually, I don't know what language it came from XD. I'm going to look it up in my Spanish dictionary :D!
    *looks up "Parce"*

    It's okay, I've been a bit busy too XD. OoT!? OMG!!!!! I LOVED that game!!!! It's one of my favorite Legend of Zelda games ^__^. So many child memories from it ^__^. Did you get it for Virtual Console? Or do you have the Original?

    Yeah, it's super Epic music ^__^. It's too bad that that kind of music is the minority nowadays :c.

    We tried that but those pesky MK's shot us down >__>. (lol JK XD. We're trying to better the Pit boards, but it's been a slow process =/)

    I know right? Kirby's just so cute and happy and nice, HOW CAN ANYONE HATE HIMS :mad088:!?!?!?!?!?

    No, I didn't really have trouble with the train transformation. I have a pretty steady hand so I didn't have too much trouble. So you stood up to stop it from shaking? I should try that sometime, thanks for the tip ^__^.

    No, the Pit vs. Fox Match Up is even. I just don't like Fox at all XD.

    NOES!!! Kirby would be gone if you did that D:!

    It would be so cool to be fluent in Japanese. You would actually be able to enjoy the songs fully instead of looking for the lyrics online ^__^. Well, good luck learning Japanese ^__^!

    For my serious wish..... Hmmm....... I would make myself good at drawing. I love anime, and I hope to be able to draw in anime style one day ^__^. I'm practicing but I'm still far from having good pictures XD.
    OoT is my #2 game of all time. I like MM too, but just not as much. I would go VC since you don't have to put up with memory loss shenanigans.
    My MM rom freezes at the same point repeatedly, meaning I can't get past "The Day Of" (the minigame competition level) so I'll never know if I can beat that boss now or not.
    Ahaha! Believe it or not, my "soldiviner" Youtube account was very recent to keep up with the rest of my accounts that involve "Sol Diviner". The account I had for the longest time was "darthkarppa". "Karppa" was my first alias since my Melee days. I went with "Sol Diviner" for about 2 years give-or-take (save for Youtube, of course). I don't know if it still exists, but I had an account by the name of "karppa" on bemanistyle back when I was obsessed with StepMania. I'm thinking of going back to see if my account's still active.

    Also, I own Cave Story via Wii Ware, and it is a very good and fun game. X3
    Gracias, muchas gracias ^__^!

    Umm... Well, I don't know what "parce" means, so I guess better than me XD.

    Sure ^__^. Hope you enjoy them ^__^.

    It's still boring >__>. But meh, parties are all about bounce music nowadays so, whatever XD.

    WOW. I really liked it. It was really EPIC :D! It's hard to find music like that nowadays. Mostly you just find that kind of music in video games. But it's a really good song, thanks for showing it to me ^__^.

    The smash community (except for the Pit boards) doesn't agree with me, though XD.

    Kirby laughing at me D: How... How sad :'( (LOL JK XD)
    Kirby's a really nice guy. He's cute too XD. I just can't understand how some people hate him D:
    I'll finish it soon, though. I was pretty far when I had stopped playing, so maybe this Thanksgiving break I can finish it ^__^!

    If you had Haruhi's power than you could do anything you wanted to do XD. If I had Haruhi's power, I would have Fox disappear :D. What would you do?
    good to hear your feeling better. =)
    lol yeah its pretty big guess :laugh:.
    I will <3 enjoy ALL my deserts =3
    *watches you leave*
    heheheHahaha *eats a hidden browny*
    It'd prob be better to just play the awesome games lol. Also im not so sure if the animes stick to the original storylines them,the Disgaea one seemed like it did, but I haven't seen Tales of Symphonia one. so can't say
    k, have fun talk ya later ;3
    no worrys,aww sorry to hear that )=
    are you feeling better? =C
    Yeah I'll probably be home most of the day on Thanksgiving...but with my entire family (grandparents,uncles,aunts,cousins.) with a large feast and deserts :awesome:
    And yeah they sorta have a anime feel to them (ironically both actually got a anime for them lol).Their both great games/game series (Tales of Symponia = part of the Tales of series)
    For the original 64 or the wiiware (64 ftw) one. I resently starting playing OoT again abit, How far are you on it? x3
    Unfortunately, there are no tabs for the Wii browser. =___=

    And yesh, Magic Eye is the 2D to 3D image thing. I haven't done it in a while, so I may be a little rusty, but I enjoy doing them anyway. :D
    Aww, the image requires Adobe Flash, which the Wii browser doesn't support. D:

    The good news is that I should have a laptop by sometime this weekend. :3

    Speaking of optical illusions, ever tried Magic Eye pictures? I love those. Actually, I love all optical illusions. X3
    This "toast craze" sounds interesting. I want in. XD

    As for the sammywich thing, the weirdest I remembered making included the following (on rye bread):

    - Peanut butter
    - Grape jelly
    - Turkey breast
    - Swiss cheese
    - Mayonaise
    - Hot sauce
    - Mustard
    - Balogna

    Surprisingly, I thought it was pretty good. :laugh:
    It's alright ^__^.

    Yes, I do ^__^. I'm getting pretty fluent ^__^.

    I LOVED the Brawl taunts videos XD. Speaking of which, I found a few others that were SOOO LULZY XDDD!!!! Here they are :3:

    Bouncing can be fun for a little while. But doing it at every single party is a bit boring >__>. Needs moar slow dancin :088:. And no, I don't know about Apocalypta. I'll listen to the video, though.
    *tries to click vid*
    Ummm.......... The link doesn't work D:

    Yeah, but still, Pit should be high tier regardless XD.

    Kirby = Jealous because he has been so busy that he hasn't been able to play D: (but congrats anyways ^__^).

    AND OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A HARUHI SUZUMIYA KIRBY AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ^__^.
    Ahaha! Don't feel bad, as I'll have to recycle colors too. XD

    Also, I love toast. I eat it whenever I feel like snacking on something. I don't care what kind of bread it is either. X3

    Similarly, I love eating sammywiches. The best thing about them, is that you can put whatever you want in it. X3
    Ahahahaha! I like butter and cinnamonamon (yes, I extended the word XD) sugar. I also have been known for putting honey, maple syrup, and even almond butter on toast. XD
    I wanted to see if you would remember yourself lol sawrey =( and okai :noness:
    My avi is of Flonne from Disgaea and my Profile pic is Collete from Tales of Symponia <3
    Ahaha! Yes, you're right about Ingo. XD

    And yes, a toast to the characters that may be absent from Skyward Sword. *raises piece of toast* :laugh:
    Ahaha! I'm actually gonna miss Ingo: I always felt sympathetic for the poor guy. X3

    Also, I'm just choosing colors at random. XD
    Yeah, if the ancestor resembles Ganon, then that would be cool. XD

    Also, I don't know about the cast. The only confirmed character is Link, though there may very well be a Zelda as well. Who knows? :3
    Unfortunately, they have not confirmed a release date for the game. I still look forward to it.

    I hope Ganondorf is in this game. If not, then maybe an ancestor of his, like a great-great-grandfather. :3
    Ahaha! Yesh, my page is oh-so colorful, and now so is yours! XD

    I'm hoping that Skyward Sword becomes as epic and as innovative as, say, Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. Visual and story-wise, Twilight Princess was great, but the game was way too easy, and it was really hard to die. Like, you had to work really hard to get a Game Over. XD

    I'm glad Miyamoto is on the conductor's stand for Skyward Sword, not to mention he apparently has gotten the team behind Ocarina of Time to work on it. If that's true, then I am oh-so hyped! X3
    Indeed. Majora's Mask is a longer and more difficult game than Ocarina of Time. Don't be fooled by the fact that there are only 4 dungeons: each dungeon is very well crafted and thought out. Also, if you were to rush the game - knowing exactly what to do - it'd still be a longer game than Ocarina of Time by give or take an hour or so. XD
    I've played Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, the latter of which I have via the Virtual Console. Honestly, I love them both... though, admittedly, I like Majora's Mask more due to the length and challenge.

    The only Zelda games I've yet to play are:

    The Wind Waker
    Phantom Hourglass
    Spirit Tracks
    Twilight Princess
    Four Swords/Adventures

    That's about it. I have seen my friend play through Wind Waker and Twilight Princess at least, but I'd like to play through them myself one day. ^ω^
    I noticed. XD

    As for the sickness, don't feel too bad: I think I'm catching a bit of a bug myself. Accursed winter. *sniffle* X__x
    I could do push-ups and sit-ups, but with a gym, at least I can actually go out and do something. I sure as hell need it. XD

    Yes, Massachusetts can get a lot of snow, and personally, I detest it. It makes driving a nightmare (not that I drive), walking gets annoying, especially if snow gets in your shoes and melts, wetting and freezing your feet/socks. Honestly, it's just annoying to me. XD

    Alrighty, take care. Hope you feel better. G'night. :3
    No, I have no job and collect SSI due to a personality disorder. That's why I can more or less afford to surf SWF all day. It's not healthy though. I plan on getting out more and joining a gym come next month. My gripe is that winter will suck with all the snow and such. XD
    Alrighty! I'm normally almost always home doing nothing but surf SWF (sad, really, but that'll change soon enough. XD), so you know where to find me. XD

    Also, "curse you, Sakurai"! XD
    I'm positive it was the lag. Don't feel bad: I couldn't do anything on reaction myself, to be honest. T-T

    I did find it funny that the lag started going away on the banned stages. Like, what the hell?! XD

    Anywho, I had fun anyway. We should play again soon. :D
    Sure thing. marthsword blew me off last night when I was in a Brawling mood, so a Brawl session now ought to be a great way to fix that. XD

    Let's hope for minimal lag. X__x
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