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  • Lol, I may be out of commission for a looong time. I can't be in crowded rooms or I pass out. Tournies are crowded sausage fests with blaring televisions. xD
    Yeah, GG. You won, no contest. I got most my stuff down, I just get stubborn at close range and try to kick some *** even when there's a warlock punch coming my way. I'll be on Wifi, too sick to be at tournies.
    Aww. Poor MM. And poor you :(.

    Anime wise, I'm not obsessive over it but I'm certainly not adverse to it. There's a lot of anime out there I'm not particularly into but there's been some I've rather enjoyed aswell.

    You're not into Tales of __ games are you?

    EDIT: I'm going to have to replay MM now. Lets hope I can beat that robot guy who appears just after Marina's death this time.

    EDIT 2: While I'm happier with the game this time round, I now know why my memories of it weren't fond. It's definitely a good game but it really is awkward for most of the time.
    Coolness. Well, it's been fun, but I'm starting to get sleepy. Ganonbearding can get so exhausting, ahaha! Until then, have a good night. ^ω^
    Those were the most fun matches - let alone Ganondorf Dittos - I've had thus far. The KOs we've netted, and the combos we've pulled were so combo video-worthy... and manly! XD

    Pity the lag was rather bothersome, but I had fun nonetheless. Also, win or lose, I've saved replays of matches I thought had great moments (though I forgot to save that last match. >.>). X3

    We should so play again the next chance we get. >ω<
    He's a good Brawler, no doubt, but because my connection with him is red, there's way too much lag for me to play as comfortably as I would otherwise. So personally, I can't exactly measure his level with my own unless our connection is green and nigh lag-free, or I somehow play him offline. Regardless, he somehow manages himself rather well with all of that lag. >.>
    The animes I like are those with a realistic art style (Black Lagoon, Ghost in the Shell) or those with a unique art style (FLCL). That said, my favorite animes include:

    - Black Lagoon
    - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex/2nd Gig
    - Cowboy Bebop
    - Serial Experiments Lain
    - FLCL
    - Bottle Fairy
    - Sailor Moon/S/Super S
    - Golden Boy
    - Dokuro-Chan
    - Powerpuff Girls Z

    That's all I can think of. I'm sure there are others I like, but the ones listed are the ones that immediately come to mind. X3
    I don't believe I used my R.O.B. at all in our Brawls, but yeah, he's definitely my main.

    Also, yes, I like anime. :D
    Ahaha! Fair enough! We can Brawl tomorrow... wait... I remembered, the game club I attend is tomorrow and my R.O.B. mentor's supposed to give me lessons tomorrow too. x__X

    1. Your the only person who Vm's me daily, <3
    2. A full page of a conversation between me and you, GG
    Well at least you got to play someone

    I wouldve but my parent said no.

    Then that would be his Light side then.(time paradox)

    Don't worry about it Ive done that tons of times.^_^
    Link has a Dark Side.>_>


    I'll have to ask my parental unit first if he says yes then we can play.
    Thanks Im eating(starving)

    That would be good but then I would be on Links bad side.

    He has a sword.>_>
    Lol suits! Was that purposely a pun?

    Yeah, I just used paint. It's not hard to resize things, it's drawing the border around the pic thats the hard part. If you look carefully, you can see white on the left side of the hat.

    I like your shugo chara pic! Have you watched more?

    ..........it......... will.........hurt.

    I'm Toon all the way but it can't hurt knowing how Ganon works.

    I'll play you when I get Good.xP

    Hmmm... cookies you say?
    But what about cake?
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