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Nelo Vergil
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  • and Get me arse kicked, I havent played in ages, and I lost my memory card for the gamecube, but yeah, I think i would stand a better chance in melee because my main doesnt blow chunks.
    Loool, yeapp they are pretty much those things, whenever you get one, your going to start hating going downtown :\
    I got a girlfrend, work 4 days a week, 8 hours a day, play too much CoD MW2 now, every now and then I jump on brawl, if you want we can have a go now? :p
    too bloody far away lol, not enough time man, I can't be on a compy for long periods of time anymore, kinda have to grow up :p
    Arrow control has been the bane of my existence ever since I picked up Pit (which, officially, was a few hours ago). I can't do anything with them. I should peek at the Pit boards and see if there is anything there about it.

    Thanks for the advice. Now I'm off to bed. C'ya Zero :)
    Every time I got close to winning, you pulled some crazy s*** from out of nowhere and wrecked me T.T GGs. I'll get you next time.
    I was wanting to head off to sleep in a few, but I guess I can squeeze in a few matches.
    That'd be decent. I still wouldn't keep up with it though.
    But I bet out of those Notable brawl mains, people would still try to claim the top spot and the arguing would continue.
    I've never kept up with that thread. I always thought it was a waste of time.
    lol...the entire concept behind that thread is a joke anyways. people should just stop taking it so seriously and it'll be all good

    do you use msn btw? i still wanna try wi-fi with you some time =P
    ike vs pt sounds good, just to settle the score. it still sits at 1-1, yeah?

    that's really cool - i'm sure you'll make it. sounds like you're really motivated atm ^^
    **** man, that's pretty awesome. how hard is it to get into something like that? sounds pretty intense ;D

    also, you have no chance of winning as long as i'm there ;D
    Grass gets a victory, so you burn it down... >_>
    How cruel.

    EDIT: Oh wait, you're an Ike main. No sympathy and whatnot...
    Sweet. It should be fun for you guys.
    I hope it works out for you both.
    You're in HOR, but not on my freinds list...
    That ain't happenin'!
    (Please accept? I'll accept that grass pwns rock.)
    not bad man... just got up after sleeping for 10 hours, and it's been a while since i've been able to do that, so i'm feeling pretty good ^^
    Hey, that's awesome. Now don't you go and give up on it.
    I still need to figure things out.
    Meh, I'm doing alright. I have to get ready for something so I won't be on for much longer.
    I noticed you wanna try to join my tourney. . . .

    Well There is no room for new team to be formed, so why not join one of the current teams. . . shadowfirex100 is a really fun person to have in a group. Why not join his team?

    You would have to ask him to join though
    I've never heard of CPS files. You shouldn't have to worry about PAC files. They're only used for things like single player modes like SSE
    I actually suck at glidetossing. I used to be really good when I first started, but then I took a break for about 2 and a half weeks around March I believe and my glidetossing game went downhill. To this day I can barely glide toss upwards, which sucks because I used to do it almost flawlessly.
    Such is life.

    I wonder if Diddy will become a new main....
    Peach is getting old.
    I really like Azua and we're on good terms and such, but we're not close.
    150x150 would be cool, but not enough to warrant asking for it.

    I'm semi-content with the size we have now. I'll deal.

    Also, I'm picking up Diddy. But chances are I'll stop using him like I do with the rest of the characters I begin using......
    He's really fun though.
    Don't you have Brandon's number? I was at his house yesterday. He's probably just taking a short break from smashboards.
    Oh, this isn't your final name? I look forward to seeing your new one.
    Also, I wish the avi sizes were bigger.
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