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Nelo Vergil
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  • I'll consider it. It wouldn't hurt to stop by the midwest forum every now and then. Smash can't be my #1 priority atm. *though I wish it was* Gotta study for school and college crap. Also, happy holidays to you *merry christmas*
    Going anywhere for it?
    I have, yet I can't find one either due to school or some other family things coming up. I've tried playing w/ friends but they're either terrible or use items. It's a wonderful world.
    GGs, Your Ike's jab canceling raised my blood pressure. The only thing worse than wi-fi zelda is zelda dittos...*cringes*

    And no reason, I got sick of fighting noobs in the New Users' area. "LOLOLOL ur zeldas gawd tier. She shold BB S-tier"
    Some things happened to me when I was 6 years old. I don't know if I should say it on a VM or not, but I think it's pretty obvious.
    Alright...just give me a minute or two. I keep getting disconnected randomly. I'm about to reset my router. This shouldn't take too long.
    Everyone assumes I'm a female when they see my avatar. But it's just the the girl in my avatar, Sanaki, is kind of like an idol of mine. I don't know how to explain it...I guess I'm a super fan of her's or something.

    I'm usually an insomniac during vacation time, where I don't have to worry about school and such.

    Alright then, Skype it is. My ID is psiclaus...I don't know if you have Skype or not, but I'm just telling you know. XD;

    I'm guessing you main Ike? He's also a main of mine, along with Toon Link, Falco, Marth, Link, Lucas, Ness, Zelda and Diddy Kong.
    Don't apologize. I was lucky enough to encounter this page while I was lurking the forums. I was just brawling and looking at some music hack threads. I've been wanting to add custom music into my game, since I already have custom textures and stages, I decided why not music? But it seems far too complex, so it can wait. Again, I talk to much...hopefully you won't be getting more than 2 paragraphs of VMs from me.

    If you're not yet tired, care to brawl?
    I guess my typing style has mellowed out. I used to be a very serious person...I took everything very seriously. But I've loosened up a bit, though I can't tell if that's good or bad. Perhaps I shouldn't use emotes yet? XD; I enjoy being mature much more than I do goofing off, but I'm doing a little more of both now. My, how people change.

    I've had trouble sleeping for the past few days...maybe it's because I'm anxious for Christmas? Ah, I don't know.

    Speaking of chat programs, I do have Skype. Maybe I could add you, if you have it as well. I tend to be shy when I talk to someone on the mic, but after a few conversations I get talkative...maybe too much. And I also tend to have a very girly voice. I don't know if that'll be a problem. XD; Ah well, I don't like talking much, since I can't talk as well as I type.

    I guess I should give you my real name...
    It's Wesley...yeah, I know...stupid name. XD;
    I don't like my name at all...it just doesn't seem to fit my personality, you know? Though, I don't know what I should be called. I've always loved the name Hector...you could call me that, or you could just stick to Sanaki.

    Oh goddess, I type to much. Hopefully you're still around by the time I finish this.
    Lol. Yes, I am a rather busy person. I was studying for my final exams, which went pretty well, actually. I'm glad I went studying and not brawling, hehe. I could tell you what happened to me in November, but then you'd be getting a novel. ^^;
    I'll just summarize it:
    My mom found out I was bisexual( yeah, I am. ) And ever since then, she's been acting really cocky towards me. And not just her, but my whole family as well. I was depressed and suicidal all that month. But luckily, I said I would be "willing to change" as in, I'm pretending. XD; So now I have to be "straight" for a whole other...4 years. It'll be easy, though. I'll just have to look at only one gender instead of the other. ^^;

    Today's the 22nd, but I won't be online on the 24-25th, as I'm going to my uncle's house on those dates. But hey, I still have another...day and a half. I'll be online all day today, since I'm going to be looking at some more brawling documents and such. I might as well start posting in the open discussion forum, my favourite, and submitting some of my art.

    Well, I hope to see you soon, and if not, then have a Merry Christmas. ^_^
    TIme to get started with the Perfect world tourney. Going to send you a pm soon telling you of my thoughts about what we should do.
    Hey, he said he'd call me after he was done(I contacted him at around 4:30), I think it's taking a lot longer than I expected. At this rate, we won't have much smashing to do, well, considering the Driving time, and then when we get there(I want to make sure to be well rested this time around).
    haha there are plenty yeah, I would play tourniments if canmore had them, or somelpace closer, but 4-5 hour drives do not sound fun :p
    Hey, you free for a Brawl? Sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm super bored. Blame the crappy weather XD

    ONE DAY. XD one day I promise. You do live in Edmonton, we'll just hang out sometime when I'm back there.
    You're going to play melee? yaaaaaaaay. <3 I'm not sure if I can go down though, I'm pretty sure im gonna be stuck here in red deer.
    I dunno, young/link or ganondorf like my name suggests, although I signed up here I think when melee was still the last one released, although in brawl i think I play best as falco???
    in melee or brawl? and I dont care if its online, its not like you would walk or bus the 15 blocks it takes to get here.
    "I dont train on wifi, you need a lagless environment to learn, who do you main anyway?
    " Your wrong about that bit there^, you can lern plenty of things on Wi-fi, learning to me is gathering knowledge, then later on your own time you may act upon that knowledge :p I've become many times better due to knowing how others play their chars man :p

    eh I'll try to, can't promise anything, if you see me on smashboards hit me up, at least 50% of the time I will be willing to brawl with you :p
    Hahahaha if you want practice powershielding lemme know, I'll camp so hard that you'll be forced to powershield, approaching won't be an option :p
    And thanks, so are you :p
    Hahaha I was playing for fun :p, although I find it funny how you did not die, even at 110%, kind of stupid lol. GG's though, they was fun :p

    eh I can keep up with victor, and Spin-dash/Alphicans as long as he doens't go Falcoo
    Hahah Thanks, but most top tiers destroy samus, it's too hard facing people around my skill level,let alone people better :p. we'll see though, if you want me in your OT, jus forward me the link and I will join, but if I can't play the match in time forfeit me
    If yeah wanna fight/teach me tonight, i am up for it! although toms gonna have to get of punch out :rolleyes:
    lool lemme finish this match?? there is like 1 min left :) and you host unless the connections turns out crapy
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