Well, it takes place in the year 746, in the continent of Shinora(not the official name, just a temporary one). Hector, A.K.A Zero, is an orphan looking for his parents. He has no memory of his past at all. By his past, I mean about his real parents or anything before he was 9 years old. Anything before that is a big blur. Anyways, Hector is a fine swordsman. He trained under the name of the greatest swordmaster in his country(not yet named). One day the country of(not yet named) attacks the country in which Hector lives in. The military sends all of the men off to fight. And since Hector's teacher is the greatest swordsman in his country, he had nothing to worry about. During the war, the country goes into poverty and criminal rates go up, high. Hector leaves the country in search of his real parents. He takes his blade, medicine, the little money he had, and the headband he received from his master.
In the story, Hector gets attacked by the opposing country's military soldiers and gets involved in the war. He thinks that the answers he needs are located in the opposing country, so he sneaks into said country.
Not a good story yet. I still have a lot to do. I need to study geography for the continent, and government, since this is a monarchy...kind of. And I need names for the countries and their towns. I already drew the continent, now I have to label the countries, how many countries there will be, names of cities, mountain ranges, coasts, rivers, etc. I'm trying to make the geography and government seem as real as possible.