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Nelo Vergil
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  • Crap. I was brawling and lost track of time T.T

    I'll be here the rest of the night, so if everyone comes then we could play the match.
    or tekken lols, I love all of them, most likely blazblue. soul calibur, stuff. anyways I`m going to sleep, ttyl or tomorrow o-o
    ic, I did and I`ll wait, anyways my eyes are staying to get too twitchy, not good. I barely go on these forums mostly blazbluemStreet fighter, or soul calibur. xD, wat to pick out of these o-o
    been talking to the others in this new chat room, I might talk to heartz, I suck at staying in touch lols o-o xD
    (late response ftw) eh, it's all good, everyone needs their down time, now where that down time is is where it counts :O
    I'd like to take this time to tell you that your new name makes it sound like you have the ****tiest sword ever made. =).
    hello how are you? and forget about what i said about quitting this site. well i got your msg just go and read it and i'll try to be on more. sorry for the late reply .
    Some real world issues...this whole month has been hard on me, but it's over now. I don't think I'll be able to get online today, since I have a school project to work on.

    Ness is quite good. I made him my new main since I just love using him now. All I have to do is keep practicing with him. Perhaps EearthBound360 and I can brawl one day, hopefully tomorrow.

    Oh, and I'd like to brawl with you too, tomorrow as well, or whenever you're free.
    Well, I've decided to main as Ness now. People say that my Ness is quite good, which surprises me. I'm currently looking at the Ness discussion forum. I would like to improve my Ness even further.
    Nice job man, that's great news :D.

    Ike's jab isn't terribly hard to SDI out of with practice; your opponent must've adjusted and started DI'ing away and jumping to escape the combos. But yeah, if you know how to do it properly it's not that hard to escape it.
    I only planned to keep it for a couple weeks. It feels good to have DTP as my username again.
    Oh my, I had forgotten to get on...I apologize.
    As for the tournament, I lost in the first round. But I do not stress over it, as having lost helped me realise my cons. Now I can work hard at getting better.
    Yeah I'm gonna play Brandon this Friday apparently. Should be alright.
    Yeah, playing offline two days in a row, and then playing online the next day is torture. I know how it is.
    Oh and that thing I did with Link on the Whale on Pictochat was insane! lololol
    I don't even know what I did. I was tempted to sd just so I could replay that part
    Also, that may be true, but it varies from person to person.
    I don't bond through playing brawl as much as other people would :ohwell:
    oh wow, I completely missed the message that said you'll host. Sorry, I'm getting online now.
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