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Nelo Vergil
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  • It was heads. :(

    In the interest of fairness, I made it 2-1 for my win.

    Also, if the lag continues to preside in future matches in my grand prix (especially with me), let me know and I'll work a solution out that is fair to both sides.

    Good playing with you. Finish off the rest of your matches tomorrow, and I'll show the results sometime tonight.
    Meh, iunno.

    Offline is about as fun as online to me tbh. Yeah offline is a bit more fun, but not enough to make brawl more fun in general. But that's just me.
    lol thanks

    And yep, I'm not sure why. I have been playing it for almost 2 years non-stop though. That could have something to do with it lol

    Wanna play some friendlies in like 15 mins?
    I wanna try Falco and MK lol

    Oh and Olimar
    Now hosting...and the first two are practice sessions to see if the lag is unbearable, then we'll go straight to the tourney matches...
    awesome, 5TH? I knew ike wasn`t just like "lol kick off the stage and he`s dead" xD. Yesh I`m going to use every charcter, but I`m going use noel for nao, I did well my first time playing the game hehe xD
    Give me a minute to eat my Breyer's (and drown my sorrows that the Pats are getting torn out the frame :() and set up my Wii.

    To test the lag, is it okay if we play three practice matches?

    I'll CP SV and ban Battlefield, and I will start off with FD.
    WTF?!??!??!!? Adam, how iu been? I miss talking to everyone on here, I`ve been way to busy for senior year and my bro recently became a blazblue junkie haha, how`s life been?
    Good games. Yeah, I saw that Ike non-jab cancel, lol.
    My aura sphere/momentum change didn't work sometimes off-stage, so I had a hard time recovering afterward (lucky wall-cling on Picto).

    Want to play some friendlies? :)
    Wiinet, eh? :p
    Ban Battlefield and CP Pictochat.

    Let's play Final Destination. Good luck. :)
    Your references are Brandon basically. I will try and make sure you're not on the list (yet). Sorry man, I know it means a lot to you, but wouldn't you feel better about it if you actually earned it?
    The thing is, that should be vacant then. Although you're pretty good, there are no notable players to fill in that spot. There are people for the other vacant spots but he didn't fill them in for that reason.
    I can't support you without knowing the other ike and how he plays. I don't side with people just because I know them :\.
    ROB is a pain though. I hate fighting ROB's =/

    Then again, I hate fighting more than half the cast
    Fraser got 4th?

    Hmm.............he must've improved.
    How many people showed up?
    For a second I was like "Who is this guy?" lol

    Congratz. Did you go all bowser?
    Lul, Ike. Anyways, that's better than what I could do, lol. >_>

    Be patient, Addy! :mad088:

    Cool beans. Was it low tier or regular? o.o
    I'm so proud. ;-;

    Well, I had it, then it kinda went away, but I have my nights where I can't sleep for ****. :urg:

    And what are you still doing awake, mister? :mad088:
    It's nice. :)

    I'll still call you Addy though. <3

    Erm, okay, I suppose. Can't sleep. :urg:

    And you? =o
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