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  • Um, actually, I live in NorCal, or that's where Fresno is said to be located, since it's really in the center of California.

    Nooo. D:

    I seriously despise Marth online. Like, seriously. JIGGZ has less trouble than Marth online. I really dont care what anyone says, Marth is affected the most by Wifi. >__<

    And Marth in general on wifi = Me breaking something in aggrivation due to the fact that I fsmash instead of SH Fair over 9000% of the tiem. >___<

    All I'd be doibng is spamming Dancing Blade, and that doesnt work against jiggs.
    Lol. I try not to play marth online because it ****s with me offline. I can do Mario and Wolf and Jiggz dittos. :3
    lol, k.

    There's no way for us to have a safe approach on Marth. We just have to poke a b-air in or something... then just combo the sh** out of him.

    One reason I like up-tilt so much is that at almost any % n-air can combo into it. Better yet, do a b-air or soft fair into an autocanceled up-air THEN up-tilt. The fact that it comes out so fast makes these things possible. It also has reasonable priority (I block Pit's F-smash with it :p)
    Ha, ya know, the works.

    Homework, Work, Work done at home, etc. Also my internet failed, so that too. But, I've gotten better since we last battled.
    Look, you can choose to believe me, given that I've tested a ton of up-tilt combos and looked into Jiggs+ approaches and followups etc... or not. Whatever.
    1. auto-canceled up-air to up-tilt.
    2. Dash dance to dash canceled up-tilt
    3. B-air to up-tilt

    etc. There's no reason to slow it down. Its a bad idea. D-tilt sucks and will continue to suck.
    Jiggs movement speed is crucial to her game and changing it would be extremely detrimental.

    F the d-tilt. The up-tilt is much more important and its speed allows it to be used effectively out of a dash cancel. IT MUST NOT BE CHANGED!
    I'd like a picture of regular Peach (not baby Peach) riding a green Yoshi. :) it would be really cool if she had her crown off and yoshi was wearing it hehe
    I got somewhere between top 8 and top 16 (there were about 70 all told playing Brawl), though I have to admit that a lot of my progress was based on a fluke.

    Also, I might just be a tiny bit delayed on the texture. I have to do a major cleanup operation on my hard drives. I haven't forgotten, though.
    I'll give it a try. I have some video editing to do at the moment, but give me a day or so, tops.
    So just a red band going around her head with nothing trailing out? I think I can manage that.
    It probably doesn't. D-tilt still sucks. The Marth matchup is somewhat even only because of how incredibly one-sided it is at a given time. At mid-range Marth is ****, but he has trouble comboing Jiggs cause of how light she is. Given a single opening though, you can just end Marth (autocanceled up-air to rest is pretty sick). Marth still has the advantage (probably 60:40)
    Yeah, you're basically the reason I've stuck around. You and Alex. I'm just gonna work on the stickies for a while and see what happens with the boards. Make some threads boy!
    The Jiggs forum is failing. The addition of jacka**ery as displayed in the MK thread (lol no good MKs in NYC = fail statement) and my thread are seriously making me consider pulling an Alex.

    I've benefited from that forum almost solely due to advice from Bowyer, finding people to play, Alex's guide and work, and my own work. I've almost stopped caring about sharing my findings simply because there's nothing in it for me and people don't seem to care. I need a reason to stay and not just finish (most of) the AT thread and update my stickies.

    I'm basically at the point where about half of my work isn't getting posted because I have other things to do. Why should I stay? I need a reason.
    I did, in fact. It didn't work. I have no IDEA what's wrong with it, and it's frustrating beyond belief. Meanwhile, my Dazzle isn't recording properly, either.
    There are several. What it amounts to is that ASH is throwing off error after error when I run step2_create, and the thing either fails to load any of my textures or simply crashes outright. It's frustrating as hell.
    Actually, my program is malfunctioning completely, and I'm not sure why. Meanwhile, I asked Alex to do one simple conversion so I could isolate the prblem, and he didn't do that. AND he hasn't updated the tournament thread.

    I'm beginning to suspect he might not be the most reliable person in the world... :ohwell:
    I do, too. And now for the grand unveiling. I hope this is what you're looking for...

    Normal standing.

    Eyes half-lidded.

    Being attacked.

    I hope that this is what you're looking for. You can download the file here.
    Just to let you know, it's looking pretty good so far. I just want to shrink the eyes a little bit, but I should have the screenshots and files for you soon.
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