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  • I'm just way bad at covering myself. I can never shield when I need to, so I get punished way more than I should.

    Cool stuff.
    Those games were way fun man. Thanks for the Peach practice, you do everything right. Good stuff man, you ***** my Ness plenty of times.
    Yeah, Fair spacing's mainly what I need. Thanks for the practice, man.
    I never did see any johns in those last few posts. :)

    And I get more than enough matchup experience, every Peach just plays wayyy different. It's not like Game and Watch where's they're all the same.
    I was just curious, since I really didn't want to talk about Peach. :)
    I hate her so much.
    I never CP, I'm just comfortable on neutrals. Although 60% in 4 seconds on Pictochat was as gay as it gets.

    Haha, no thanks. xD I had to leave because it's pretty late as it is. 11:45, here. And I have this Peach curse. I've never beat a Peach in a set, yet.
    No problem. :D And I must say, your Jiggs is pretty amazing. You're just wayyy good with that Bair. I'm at least satisfied I won about 4 games. Although you have the gayest CP's, I hate Delfino as Mario. Although I lol'd when I 0-8% death'd your Puff. And I saved that Dreamland match where I just jabbed you to death. 2:59. xD
    Thanks for the compliment. I just picked him up like two hours before we fought, lol.

    Don't grab release me...
    I'm basically taking a hiatus from smashboards, I will still periodically update the Jigglyplus guide (did so today). I'm going to return in a week, but I need to take a break from the internet in general, its too much of a time sink and I'd rather just spend my time getting better and... not being a hermit

    As it is I know so many combos in B+, and I've been mastering their execution (with DI now since I have a training partner!). I don't feel a huge need to share them either. Yoshi has way more going for him than you'd think btw... Anyway, I've gotten about all I can out of smashboards , I know all the tricks, the research, read all the guides. Now I have to, you know, actually master the game.

    I'll keep in touch with you. Play me tonight? After 10pm eastern, since I get out of work then.
    Both. Mario and Ness equally, if one of them is becoming too predictable.

    Then, Wario, Jigglypuff, Kirby, and DK, I guess.
    Okay, try to learn the timing for every character in the game, and do them fast enough so your opponent can't escape and apply it into a competetive game.
    I need your FC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! code... Thanks for agreeing and can't wait to play sometime with you ! =)
    I want to dance with you =) brawl+ that is! West Coast; where you at?

    0387-8439-8094; yup so I'm looking, asking people if they want to go at it like GHNeko and such.

    Ooh I see your friends with Festizzio. Fine Pikachu that boy has =) !!!

    Thanks again Metatitan!
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