Hey man, that was awesome. Just give me a sec and i'll type a very long post...
Okay, so for starters, those were pretty good games even with the lag. We both messed up pretty bad a couple times and that's definitely not the best either of us can do but it's still a good indication of our skills. At the beginning, my main against yours destroyed me but as I began to adapt it turned out we were pretty evenly matched. Fundly enough, you're the second good lucario main i've faced. The first... Is someone i'd very much like to meet in RL but it was online, like yourself, only this was anonymous, with anyone. I had a period of time where i'd go on as lucas and he'd be there, looking bored out of his wits as the battle raged on around him with players and CPU's, yet he would do nothing. then suddenly, a game or two after I got on and it would be us duking it out on smashville at night-time. he was very good with his jabs like you and was just generally very tough to beat. Anyway, when we got CPU's or other players (that meant us harm, the ones that didn't, we'd just practice tricks with and fun/silly stuff with an occasional serious battle chucked in there), this Lucario and i would band together and defeat the CPU's. i was the killpower but he'd heal me. he was content with second but I always felt we shared it. He was a really cool Lucario main and I wish I could have gotten his friend code... No doubt i'll see him in smash 4. :D
Now, I digress. For reference, I used Lucas obviously cause he's my main but the others... Ness has always been a close secondary/main in Brawl and there's a story behind that, of which I can tell if you want to hear. Anyway, I have always loved yoshi to bits even if I can't play him amazingly so he's kind of a tertiary 9funny cause i've never visited the yoshi boards, should do that sometime), MK I played only because I occasionally use him, that first death on YI was pretty horrific and didn't showcase my kind of ok MK at ALL and wolf was chucked in there cause I decided to go random.
Sorry my brother didn't come in and Brawl but i'm sure you'll meet him at a future boost. I'm looking forward to seeing you there and having a proper game because I think you, Jamwa and myself are about the same in terms of skill and we could all advance together.
OH, that reminds me, if you want a rival, take Jamwa I suggest or perhaps Dre or RJV. Invisi has been my rival since my first tournament so we're close in that regard but it'd be cool to have multiple rivals. Maybe i'll become dre's rival too and Jamwa and you and i will all be comrades. :3
Nah, Invisi's epic as well and is also a comrade but we verse each other to test each other. i don't even know what i'm going on about anymore in fact, lets just say Dre, Invisi, RJV, Jamwa, you and I are all comrades. :D
Now as for the games, there were some epic moments. I never knew you could break out of Lucario's side B, for instance. The other thing that was awesome was when you PK thundered me off the edge, in front of you and then PKT2 and got me up like 50-60%. That was nuts. :D