Well, here's some useful things to know about:
1. Attacks like Blanka Ball and Tatsu can be countered with a LP/LK if you time it right. I assume this can apply to Spiral Arrow as well. As for Spiral Arrow itself, it's a relatively unsafe move since if you block it, you have enough time to do a counter attack. However, LK Spiral Arrow is supposed to be safe on block in SSF4 so keep that in mind.
2. If they try to some kind of reversal like Cannon Spike, be expecting it, but don't expect it to occur at higher levels of play. Anyway, for now, you just down block the attack and let them launch themselves in the air. This is where you can punish with something like an Ultra.
3. Boxer has a number of ways to combo into his Ultra too, if I recall correctly, but remember that not all characters have brain dead setups like Rufus. Viper's takes some practice for example and Fuerte has none outside of a Focus Attack.
4. Combos take time so don't feel discouraged. Think of fighting games as a sport and it's a lot easier to deal with.
5. Punishing comes with time. Take notice of what your opponent does and exploit. If I'm going to take you to Splash Mountain with El Fuerte, counter it with a Focus Attack.
6. Sticks are hard to switch to, but I will definitely say it's worth it so keep it up.
And yes, this bad gateway crap is killing me and I hope to see on XBL this summer.