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Dr Peepee
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  • I dont really remember. I was inactive on the boards for like 2 years and I came back and everything sucked..

    so anyway, how about those platform wavelands.
    CT used to have a spam thread. They made it social and I lost more that half my post count.

    just watched some guini vs shiz. you're right. i didn't really realize it until you said it, but ganons dthrow chaingrab is basically escapable with back DI (we really have to be borderline frame perfect to regrab), but if you DI behind on an uthrow, it gives a free bair. at least a higher percents. probably a ftilt a medium percent, and a downward ftilt at lower percents.

    interesting...without my cube, i'll probably go back to studying vids and taking notes. can't do too much more here in wilmington...
    sounds good.

    the thing is hard. linguini has done it to where he does one regrab, which messes with the DI of the falco, and then for some reason it helps him with the techchase, but i think it'd really change that whole matchup if someone really just...did it. and used it.

    sorry for messin around in your thread. i just finally got the idea to look at what other characters think of the ganon matchup. it's part of my ascension to the next level. hope you didn't mind
    I just recently returned from my break from smash (finished finals thank God) and I saw that you won RoM 3 a national tourney... all I can say is this: I told you so. I knew you were going to do it eventually and I just wanna say good job dude.
    man your thread is so good. watching you kk and m2k talk in specifics about matchups is pretty inspiring lol. it motivates me to get at WC
    also, ill def aim you later

    ive been meaning to talk to you about some stuff

    but im trying to hold off becuase i want to figure certain things out on my own

    been putting in work and the results are getting there, slowly, but the improvement is there

    too tired to talk any longer though

    I used those friendlies as an example of why friendlies shouldn't be used as an example.

    Unless you're saying those friendlies can be used as an example. @_@
    Yo I still got the hat. I just forgot it that day. :(

    I'm bringing it to Christmas, though.
    haha yah i just saw you post like 1 min after i asked that @.@

    just staying out of the nc threads

    pretty smart imo

    your advice thread is more interesting atm anyway

    you and m2k was interesting, not necessarily because of the info that was provided from both sides, but the insight into the way you guys think about options...

    havent read you and kk shiek falco discussion yet but that is what im about to do...

    hope it exceeds expectation...

    and save any relevant aim convos cause im interested ;)

    you coming to ashboro this weekend?
    Thanks to that victory at ROM3, you are now my top 5 favourite players, next to: Ken, Isai, Armada and Mango. Trust me, you are that good.
    So you interested! Perfect. If you want to know the music I have in mind, take a look on FB. The second vid I shared is what I want.

    But what about you?
    I've got the TYPE of music in mind.

    Get to me if you interested or not. I don't want to sit here with these juices flowin before I know I can work on it.
    I want to do something.

    Would you mind PM'n me links to your favorite (best combos) matches of yourself at ROM?
    Just saw you beat M2K good **** man. Bringing Falco back on top! Im trying to get to Pound 5 you owe me matches from Apex!
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