well orion was a metaknight from new jersy who was extremely well known for timing people out. He then moved to europe because the education was significantly less expensive. The europeans play significantly more aggressively than Americans.
after staying there for a while he eventually started playing more aggressively(which he enjoys). while visiting his family over break he entered a tournament and didn't actually do worse than he normally did ( I believe he cited not knowing the metaknight match up as well as he used to).
I believe he arrived at the conclusion its significantly easier to learn how to camp in brawl than play aggressively.
Because they are harder to learn, people including myself don't really adopt ALL of the metagame advancements european marths have done. I'd recomend watching the videos of that tournament to see what I mean.
and I don't think powershield canceling will do much, you'd have to predict an attack, and then immediately cancel it to an attack. As this would require a read I don't think it will make brawl any more campy.
in fact I think I'd see it being used to punish someone who throws out an attack in desperation while being pressured near the ledge or landing