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Dr Peepee
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  • he played falco for the first 20 matches or so

    then switched to fox after one really bad match

    played fox for the next 15 or so, then went jiggs

    i was sheik the whole time

    actually i didnt quit vs his jiggs at first

    i beat it twice with shiek then asked him if he was gonna change chars..

    when he said no i went mario and lost over and over until i quit

    i think the reason he went jiggs was to prove a point

    he was upset and the bthrow gimps at 0% and other ******ry that sheik does

    he was just trying to make me feel some of that, im pretty sure
    rohan won 2 matches out of over 30

    most were 2-3 stocks

    then he went jiggs and started pound camping around in the air

    so i quit

    i think im bout to teach my bro some stuff i learned this weekend...

    maybe later tonight...

    if not

    Hey Dr. Peepee, is there a way that I can get a tournament I'm hosting listed on the top of the page under Upcoming and Big Tournaments in the Atlantic South Tournament Listings forum? The link to the thread is http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=293078. We are hoping for a good turnout being the last Florida Melee tournament before Pound 5 . We have a lot of players already confirmed.

    Could you help me out?
    Yes you can.

    Just for the lulz. Post like you're in a lulsorandom mood.
    also, skip to :50 of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx2vhj2I29U

    and i definitely meant to turnaround grab. this is only the beginning.

    also, i think i played pretty well overall that match. still made a few bad "friendly" decisions (like every down b ever LOL), and some tech skill issues between stocks, but i really think i'm getting better overall. that cg on fox is so dang fun.
    orion was ranked 4th in new jersey and won at least 1 tourney that I know of

    when he first moved to europe he lost to mr R in Gfs (after winning WFs)

    I have no idea what happened in between(about 6 months) but at a Brawl national (or national size rather) he placed second.

    I believe ally also placed second at a european national in the summer.

    however if you don't the camping in brawl I wouldn't recommend trying to force it. Even if you don't other people will camp.

    I have to go to sleep now, if you want to talk to me later I'd recommend aim:Soren9934
    well orion was a metaknight from new jersy who was extremely well known for timing people out. He then moved to europe because the education was significantly less expensive. The europeans play significantly more aggressively than Americans.


    after staying there for a while he eventually started playing more aggressively(which he enjoys). while visiting his family over break he entered a tournament and didn't actually do worse than he normally did ( I believe he cited not knowing the metaknight match up as well as he used to).

    I believe he arrived at the conclusion its significantly easier to learn how to camp in brawl than play aggressively.

    Because they are harder to learn, people including myself don't really adopt ALL of the metagame advancements european marths have done. I'd recomend watching the videos of that tournament to see what I mean.

    and I don't think powershield canceling will do much, you'd have to predict an attack, and then immediately cancel it to an attack. As this would require a read I don't think it will make brawl any more campy.

    in fact I think I'd see it being used to punish someone who throws out an attack in desperation while being pressured near the ledge or landing
    if people actually stole the exact playstyles of european marths then I would take that as a yes. It would be. But people pass them over and don't spot the subtle nuances of the style(like the plethora of offensive reads). Personally I would play like mike until I got momentum and then switch or its what I eventually plan to implement

    I believe orion stated that he thinks aggression is definetly possible now that he moved to europe. His current playstyle suggests it too.

    I think its more of a camping is easier but not actually better, however as marth I feel his matches generally finish within 4 minutes and I have never seen or heard of marth going to time.

    Although in all honesty I feel like if marths developed their game more we would actually go even with metaknight within a years time.

    while most people don't share my optimism ( I know kadaj does though) I feel like the MU is 45-55 rather than 4-6 or of the like. I just think marth would be an irrefutable top tier character if more people mained him.

    although this post was probably a little too long I'm positive if you had good practice frequently you could be a top 10 player. If you feel like it why not enter pound 5 brawl if you are going?
    oic, I can understand you not wanting to play brawl as everyone will have their own game preferences.

    although I personally would love it if you entered again because I'm sure you would expand the marth metagame LOL( who I use as a comainish....side?)
    ok so im going to sleep now...

    stayed up right until the 8am mass

    my phone is charging

    ill text you when i get up
    I'm actually using songs I'm listening to/like a lot currently but I noticed as I wrote that one that it's perfect for you.
    I'm coming home
    I'm coming home
    Tell the world I'm coming home.
    Let the rain, wash away all the pain from yesterday.
    I know my Kingdom awaits, and they've forgiven my mistakes.
    I'm coming home
    I'm coming home
    Tell the world...I'm coming home.
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