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Dr Peepee
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  • yeah, but, I thought being a little comedic is what makes us different.

    Oh well. Think on it, yo.
    Well, what do you think would sound good for you?

    I was gonna do what was done for the Armada and M2K quote pics they've done.
    Where's that professional pic o' you, son?

    Hows about I do this in the picture - "I've got 99 lasers, but I've missed ain't one." Well?
    Well, I can't get over that mentality or something. I suppose the question at this moment is what do I really want.

    And at this moment, I just want to have a steady job. For people to be proud of me. To be proud of myself.

    And yet I can't find any ambition to do anything. I sit on this computer all day. I make such slow progress on a trailer. I can't get inspired. I'm mentally and physically deteriorating here, in my bedroom. Yet I don't care enough to do something about it.
    idc, xenosaga is the best game ever again because u don't have jim to fall back on anymore 8D
    well if ur gonna pull that card, someone can't be "right" about an opinion so he was never right about anything.
    i've seen many girls in my life kevin and jims said that many of them are hot. you're gonna have to be more specific if you want me to believe you x.x
    all day to post whatever I wanted? what does that even mean

    and when has jim ever been right about anything? tell me 1 time.

    u never let me finish.

    the happiness I/you felt during these fictional/real events are a mere fraction (the denominator of which is a mystery to you) of the happiness i felt upon finishing xenosaga

    so really

    you've gotta play it to get it
    aight well Im bringing my swords of revealing light deck so let me know if you change your mind
    Thanks but what's some advice for breaking bad habits cus i have a lot i'm aware of but it's just reaction to do things i know that won't work ><
    Dr.Peepee! Oh lawd I miss you so much bro! You've come such a LONG way since I met you a few years ago, I'm SO proud of you! How is everything going my man?
    if I even am the best ROB, it pretty much means nothing lol

    and idc enough to try and do that lol. ill just apply whenever they have signups like I always do =p
    i think im the only person on the website that has it. everyone with more posts than me has a custom title lol
    Thanks alot.

    And BTW - I made a thread on you in the AS. Totally make a comment and encourage some compliments. :awesome:
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